Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: November 23 | MSNBC

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Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: November 23 | MSNBC


  1. I will enjoy watching Trump become irrelevant. I really hope they deactivate his Twitter on the 20th.

    *Silence the Orange Child!*

    1. Trump is just the lump on the meat. The presence of a lump (tumour) portends that cancerous cells are prevalent in the body.
      Removing the lump does not eradicate the cancerous cells inflicting the body.

    2. @Blue 101 your fear smells good to me lol. Fake name no profile picture. Yep! Thanks for proving my point 😂

  2. BIDEN/HARRIS 2021. I can’t wait to watch them inaugurated into the white house. Finally our future looks so bright for our country.

    1. @Preston Ramseyer
      the people have a right know which Eastern European government controlled financial institution leverages DrUMPf’s loyalties and brand.

    2. I hope he has a big inauguration crowd as OBAMA had that would definitely stick in TRUMPS throat and that would definitely give BIDEN another win over TRUMP

  3. Trump canceled his thanksgiving trip to Mar A Lago because he’s afraid of being locked out of the White House and he needs the Turkey to pardon him…🙄

  4. The Biden’s shouldn’t set foot in the viral sewer after inauguration until the place was thoroughly disinfected and sage smudged, just for good measure.

  5. Lawrence O’Donnell, do not say that Trump has lied to us before, say, Trump has lied to us since he has been in office, that would be a more accurate statement.

    1. Grifters, a cabinet full of grifters. Acting Cabinet members too.The long dark night is coming to an end Jan 20, 2021.

  6. Mr. elect President Biden America in big trouble we really need you we can’t wait till we see you in the White House that’s where you belong not like other one you are the hope of this country to bring us back together as a nation God bless you and God bless the United States of America we are nations of law we need people like you to keep those bad one in check have a great Thanksgiving you and your whole family my whole family support you we can’t wait to see you in the office that’s the best day this country going to see

  7. Can’t be more relieved to hear News about Biden/Harris leadership and strategic picks of his cabinet personal than listening to Trumps idiotic rants of himself!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Biden/Harris will never see the inside of the white house….. Election Fraud is disqualifying and the Supreme Court will make the prudent judgement…

    2. @Robert E Jennings Jr Bwahahahaha! Dream on! Only the republican side did everything they could to steal this election from the American people! The list is outrageously long! We did none of those things and thankfully trump is history!

    1. Thank you. It has been a struggle going through the last four years. It’s an emotional relief Trump is history.

    2. Weeeelll, that all depends on whether you think that North is up and South is down. The Universe doesn’t care. And as another NZer I agree with your right to assert that ;-))

    3. AB Fan…. thanks for the understanding and compassion that lies behind you words. It’s been a long haul… and we’re not the first country that has had to weather a bad period with a hideous individual in an office of leadership. But we’re coming through it, and we’ll be back, and better than ever.

  8. From Australia.
    Decency and competency are already becoming evident as President Elect Biden begins to assemble an administration that will work for all Americans.

    1. We are coming out of a dark 4 years from the world. Be patient with us. Lots of clean up to do and criminal behavior to be prosecuted. Light of day is coming after a very, very long night.

    2. @Speak only facts ,AMEN TRUMP and His team was a HORRIBLE and destructive Tornado!!!. I’m feels exhausted very extresful

  9. I will enjoy watching Trump become irrelevant. I really hope they deactivate his Twitter on the 20th.

    Silence the Orange Child!

  10. I’m so glad they put the actual last word BACK into these segments. It is the whole reason to watch his program.

    1. He’s a stone grifter and always has been.. not to mention a malignant narcissist whose only skill is taking the naive down with him.

    2. We should be concerned what he’s actually doing while distracting us with suits and such for milking.
      What about these firings and replacements. Gutting the agencies to make them function for him.
      Oh and destroying evidence of his operations. Can’t he be stopped? Come on! Enough is enough.

  11. It is wonderful to hear Biden and his team speak to America in coherent and clear sentences. I’m feeling hopeful again.

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