House Speaker Nancy Pelosi joins 'The Last Word.' Lawrence O'Donnell examines the political stories of the day. Watch weeknights at 10 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
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Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: May 20 | MSNBC
Could unhinged Trump and his cronies be the catalyst that finally brings an end to the hubris of the 1% that rules our country and bring the power and the focus back to the people where it should be? Remember: A government of the people, by the people, for the people. Not a government of multinationals, by lobbies, for wealthy friends of our wealthy leaders.
Right on..but we gotta do more about it than just hope 4it
@justgivemethetruth STEP AWAY FROM THE MIRROR FOOL.
@Sleeping Village THANK YOU FOR THE LAUGH. I’ll save this one for my English Language class ‘laugh of the day.’ I love the ”like us adults can” that’s pretty witty for a ten year old.
@Varekai Ascendant
Get lost troll, no one wants you here … or anywhere else loser.
@I Am Watching Trump enticed the ‘poorly educated’ into believing that he was their ‘saviour’ and the poorly educated believed every single Lie, and they still do 18,000 Lies later. I believe Trumps best line was
”there is no better word than Stupid’ It describes his followers perfectly.
Republicans like to complain about socialism until they got that Stimulus check. I don’t see any of them giving back that socialist money. And if Congress hadn’t have fought so hard none of the tax payers would have gotten any only the big companies and rich people.
@E DJ E I haven’t seen the Democrats this upset since we took their slaves away
@E DJ E so it doesn’t matter to you that they spent over 40 million dollars on a Russian collusion if anyone wants the Russians to win it’s probably you voting for socialism and communism
When you cashed your check did you notice that Trump’s name was on it?
The Republicans freed the slaves stop voting for slave owners
I like the picture you are using of a black woman Jackie Smith you’re probably some snobby little fat kid mooching off your parents
I voted for BIDEN, my absentee ballot is in the mail
bye Trump!
June 2nd can’t come soon enough!
@Mike Mckibbon Trump has done so many awful terrible things with this power! He has set the future back 30 years! Trump has turned a Republic into a Oligarchy
Say what, I fairly sure you have not voted for president quite yet. Maybe if it was September.
@Nicole Cordova yes I believe that cause I get messages from all over the world that ask What’s up I say No body knows But there are still a lot of americans here that didnot vote for him in the first place
So will I
Biden likes kids to rub his hairy legs! Stacy Abrams was humiliated by Biden on Lawrence “stop the Hammering ” fake news show!!
God bless United States of America.
@Terncote , thank you.
@Tom Graves Don’t thank me…
Better get whatever God you’re praying to lately to intervene, because the rest of the world has GIVEN UP ON YOU!
America – can’t you see the world is watching you – HORRIFIED! Oh wait, after testing nuclear weapons on your own people (Marshall Isl), abandoning Kurds and Ukranians to die, throwing paper towels at Puerto Rico, shooting black men in the street, allowing your bridges & dams to fail. Toxic water. Children dying alone in cages. I guess we can’t expect much from an apartheid country.
god is a concept in your head, he has nothing to do with the United States, we need people to use the brain they were born with NOW!
The Americas were stolen from the Native peoples by the Catholics and Christians and their fake god!
Trump: Please, please give me a second term or I’ll be indicted for obstruction

@longroad ahead – Mueller is a liar, a scoundrel, and a disgrace to American jurisprudence. Anyway … I think you meant “indict” not “convict”. Mueller never said that he would have indicted Trump if it wasn’t for the now-famous OLC memo. Please get that through your head.
@maya L You are a bold face liar. If you actually watched the interview and read the report you would know, beyond a doubt, that everything I said is 100% correct. The dishonesty of you people is repulsive. I am done with you.
Biggus Dickus Correct!
@David Willis – Point to where Mueller said Trump will be charged with crimes when he leaves office. Point to the page of the Mueller report where it says that “Russia helped the Trump campaign and the Trump campaign welcomed that help”. You do realize that is the very definition of collusion, don’t you? The charge that Mueller said he found no evidence for? You sir, are a liar. Or delusional.
Just don’t give loser Trump any air time
@Keion Chase Biden was pressured to commit to choosing a woman. He made that commitment and will not reverse it. I just hope he picks either Susan Rice or Hillary Clinton. If something happens to Joe we need the VP to actually be qualified to run the country.

@Keion Chase Bernie said that if he won the nomination he would pick a woman as well. Don’t think Bernie wants to be seen as a hypocrite.
@David Willis

@Judith Smith And bring back the tradition of tarring and feathering!
Absolutely! Love you Nancy! If America capsizes doing anything but taking care of civil workers and the american people we fail at even the most liberal definitions of humanity. Whats good for the american people is good for America. #PPEnotBodybag
Hope to be as sane and awake as she is at her age. But then again, I hope I even turn 35
She is a joke! Must be embarrassing to be a Democrat!
It would be healthy and better if the congress can legally put Trump on a straight jacket, drag him to the best mental institution in the country and have him….scanned, x rayed, checked for any mental abnormalities..
He is 73 going on 6 years old.
@Gene Viève Benjamin Button….but only his brain.
His xrays will be blank for a brain scan!!! Also chest xray for heart!!!!
2020-America leads the world in C/V19 deaths..
2016-“ were going to win so much your going to get sick of winning “ Trump
americans got sick (not of winning) and died,because of trump.Golfing when it was still time to act and mitigate the virus
And americans are now dying of so much winning.
Oh America is GREAT at being No. 1….but, America – can’t you see the world is watching you – HORRIFIED! Oh wait, after testing nuclear weapons on your own people (Marshall Isl), abandoning Kurds and Ukranians to die, throwing paper towels at Puerto Rico, shooting black men in the street, allowing your bridges & dams to fail. Toxic water. Children dying alone in cages. I guess we can’t expect much from an apartheid country.
We’re certainly getting SICK!!
Listening To Nancy Pelosi talking about bargaining with the Senate is extraordinary as it is deeply depressing. What has it come to when you have the Head of the House of Representatives talking as if asking for basic rights is an uphill battle. What kind of country has the United States of America become, that this dire situation of division, strife and rank incompetence has come to pass? As Head of State, Trump is by far the worst, hands-off president ever. So much for Truman saying “the buck stops here”…
Brilliantly put Marc Milton-Talbot.
Sigh its not just the president that has the what’s in it for me perspective…….its the way Americans are these days ..people don’t pay attention anymore until it hits them…don’t ask don’t tell until it affects you….our leaders are reflecting what so many of us have become…sad sad sad…America you have reaped what is sown…you allowed this corrupt system….you didn’t educate yourself did not pay attention…and most still don’t….sad how America has fallen it will never be great again you all care for yourself most just like your lesders
I agree. If Trump is not voted out and also forced to go if he loses legally, then America has pretty much destroyed itself. Imagine four more years of this man and if he manages to have both the house and the senate he will indeed be the “supreme leader” – that is what he is seeking – and then you can kiss your freedom goodbye for decades to come as it will become impossible to challenge him and his breed.
@Remimi2017 della Torre-Torriani Biden likes kids to rub his hairy legs! Stacy Abrams was humiliated by Biden!!
Trump looks good for 2020.
Nancy Pelosi is running the country Constitutionally correct!! I love this people fighter!
She runs the House of Representatives, not the country.
Pelosi and Waters are the face of the democratic party! They want open borders and sanctuary cities and free abortions!! Classy. California is a joke with these dems!!
STOP HELPING CORPERATE AMERICA!! Help the tax payers. It’s our MONEY’
Amen to that, Smilez!
The rich pay less in taxes then me who make less then 30,000
America – can’t you see the world is watching you – HORRIFIED! Oh wait, after testing nuclear weapons on your own people (Marshall Isl), abandoning Kurds and Ukranians to die, throwing paper towels at Puerto Rico, shooting black men in the street, allowing your bridges & dams to fail. Toxic water. Children dying alone in cages. I guess we can’t expect much from an apartheid country.
I can see it now,like a three year old screaming and kicking on the floor ,I don’t want vote by mail,I can’t rig the election and I will lose to Biden,and I’m going to prison,I’m sorry I was joking
I was being sarcastic!
We need help for our citizens. Trump blocks all needed help in this crisis. End the evildoers in the WH ASAP. Keep fighting Nancy!! We will get lots of help after Biden is president.
Thank you Dems! trump and Mitch has to go…their Thugs will follow!

OOps. Looks like Donnie just ticked off another huge group of people. Not smart enough to give the bonus, even if he didn’t really want to. The wheels are falling off.
Can doni be that stupid to screw the First Responders that he so loves?
Classy lady….usa should be proud……….
I am very proud of Nancy Pelosi!

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.”
Well, doing nothing is something Trumpsky knows about.
America – can’t you see the world is watching you – HORRIFIED! Oh wait, after testing nuclear weapons on your own people (Marshall Isl), abandoning Kurds and Ukranians to die, throwing paper towels at Puerto Rico, shooting black men in the street, allowing your bridges & dams to fail. Toxic water. Children dying alone in cages. I guess we can’t expect much from an apartheid country.
What do you suggest they do?
@Beatrice Asarte Vote this man out and send News Corp Broke!
@Beatrice Asarte Vote BLUE down the ticket will do for a start.
Yes, Nancy is our voice of reason
People like me from outside the USA started out laughing at Trump the clown. Now we are watching in horror.
sorry from philadelphia pa
Clown?? Trump will get re elected because the dems are a split party between the radical left and the looney left! And who cares what the world thinks??