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Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: May 11 | MSNBC
The u.s deaths rate on coronavirus speaks for itself, their will be a second wave of coronavirus pandemic.
@tecums3h The armed protesters in Michigan, Wiss, Ill, Pa, were paid to show up.
actually, theres a lot of evidence that shows the numbers have been inflated by labeling anyone with corona or even suspected of corona, as COVID death, even if that’s not what they died from. Dr Ezike the direcector of the department of public health and safety “If you were in hospice and had already been given a few weeks to live, and then you also were found to have COVID, that would be counted as a COVID death. It means technically even if you died of a CLEAR ALTERNATE CAUSE, but you had COVID at the same time, it’s still listed as a COVID death. So, everyone who’s listed as a COVID death DOESN’T MEAN THAT THAT WAS THE CAUSE OF DEATH, but they had COVID at the time of the death.” Dr. Ezike outlined.
@Polly Ticks If Fauci alluded to even a slightest “possibility” it shouldn’t be taken lightly. He’s trying to be subtle answering the question in a way that the doctors and career people in the government are paying attention. Dr. Fauci has served long enough to understand what you would call a “craft”. Spycraft, diplomatic craft, cultural craft, etc. This interview Dr. Fauci is giving is not for people like you and me. It’s for the few individuals that are listening for him to say something. When he says it these people have been given a message to be prepared.
The best way I can explain this is that you can answer a question by not saying anything and say everything that needs to be heard.
@GoT fan 2320 They were which is even scarier. To the point of being caricatures, like WWE.
Truth Hurts Actually it’s the opposite. NY has compared deaths in a “normal” year at the same time and found that non CV19 deaths are up over 5000 and suspect that alot were caused by CV19 but reported as something else
@Jack Stefan I am advocating for all Americans citizens to have healthcare. It wouldn’t be free.
I am advocating for our government to reimburse some of the tax money tax payers paid so that they can survive financially until the end of this pandemic.
“Obamagate – you know…Black man bad.” Treasonous Trump is looking so desperate now. #CoronaGate
bobmatzke He is seeing that his lies are not being accepted. His dreams are just that. Dreams.
Really, that’s what you think? lmao Great, I get to be the one to burst your delusion bubble, you missed the documents Schiff was FORCED to release of his questioning of Obamas DOJ officials and THEIR DIRECT QUOTES, here enjoy!
@Truth Hurts They wont…zombies can’t see truth. It’s the brainwashing, too bad.
@556user you’re right, cognitive dissonance is a choice
@Truth Hurts mummmmmmm hummmmmmmm innnnnaaaa
“I inherited empty shelves!”
“Mr president, you’ve been in office for 3.5 years.”
“What a nasty comment.”
@Polly Ticks And before you get to obstruction let me burst your bubble on that also, if that were true, it would’ve been on the articles of impeachment instead of the fabricated “obstruction of congress”, so obstruction is also false
@Truth Hurts I’m calling you stupid and semantic. Here are the facts once again that prove you know nothing about law or how documents are written legally.
@Truth Hurts *Russia if you are listening I hope you find Hillary’s emails.*
Now you’re going to accuse Chump’s own words as fake news. Every argument with a Chump bobo honker is the same. I’ve heard what you’re going to say already. The congress found Chump guilty and they successfully by majority impeached him over it, it was a majority senate that exonerated him. Gee, I wonder why. If you think Chump isn’t guilty of anything you are duped to the max.
john emeigh
My favorite recycled russian GOLUBOI
Run along Chubakov my little russian boybitch
Schumer has it right and Fauci is correct in saying it will get worst. Lack of leadership has the boat sailing in the wrong direction.
Carriemchardy Carrie I think the boat has become a party boat with a very drunk crew. Sad.
Trump: every0ne who wants a test will get a test
MAN: I didn’t get a test.
TRUMP: You didn’t want it enough.
@joe carlson I agree that Bernie was the person to go against Trump, and that Biden has serious mental issues, but please don’t lower your language to Trump’s standards. Bernie followers are better than that.
@joe carlson No such thing.
Marisa Dalla Valle Alright mam sorry . And yeah berney was genuine. He was the guy.
@joe carlson Stay safe!
Accidental Lyrics Want a test? Put hand on forehead. Feel a little warm? Good, you’ve been tested.
2 people under Obama for Ebola vs. 80,000 + for COVID19 dead under trump in the United States…
Ebola, swine flue, Zika virus, Sars were all in the obama era. What was done then that is not being done now??
The people who were possible carriers from outside of the US back in Feb were not quarantined before they returned to their home. Had that happened we would no have had the deaths we have now because the spread would have been contained.
80,000 + ?
@Mary Elizabeth YES. 80000 + AND COUNTING!!!
82,340 and counting
@Mary Elizabeth 80,820 according to the CDC!!!!!
Remember that old saying “be careful what you wish for….” I bet Trump doesn’t.
another old saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”
K A R M A!!
If Obama was such bad President how come American people voted 8 years of presidency.
@Polly Ticks First and foremost the members of the British Commonwealth are sovereign and are made up of *former* remember of British Empire.
Second President Obama was born in in Hawaii only 17 shore of Hawaii second anniversary as US State
If that is the case do you think Trump was a good President after ha leaves office in January of 2025?
Because they were cond with his lies
@Gerald Grenier Sorry Kenya was an occupied country. Brits called it a commonwealth. This has nothing to do with the faked birth certificate and my correct titling of BC’s before and after independence. A country is not sovereign when it is occupied, it’s under the country of a foreign nation. The US became a sovereign nation when it won it’s independence from England just like Kenya did 200 years later. Sovereign means complete power and control, Kenya was not sovereign under British rule.
Definition – noun, plural sov·er·eign·ties.
the quality or state of being sovereign, or of *having supreme power or authority*.
the status, dominion, power, or authority of a sovereign; royal rank or position; royalty.
supreme and *independent power or authority in government as possessed or claimed by a state or community.
rightful status, independence*, or prerogative.
a sovereign or independent state, community, or political unit.
Emsley Wyatt
@Democrat Skyscreamer Could be that Carla wants to live a bit longer than what the republicans/greedy corporations have planned for her.
Same for me but working from home. I’m blessed
@Democrat Skyscreamer She might be a “Sheep”, but she will be alive! Can you GUARANTEE the same for yourself? I seriously doubt it! You are just as scared as the TRUMPETEER, but you are still blustering HOPING and I do mean HOPING, that he will get elected in November.
IT is after all your life! Do with it as you wish!
For Myself? I will do what I have to do to ensure my safety, not listening to idiots is foremost in my brain.
Unfortunately, I HAVE TO WORK outside my house.
@Democrat Skyscreamer Y’all string anybody up today boy?
You always know when Trump is lying ( besides the fact that his lips are moving ) when he starts looking around for someone to blame! Pay attention, he does it over and over. And the last time we had people blindly following someone like this was in the late 1930s and early 1940s. We know how well THAT turned out …
Everyone should demand for Congress to pass bills that include UBI, rent and mortgage freeze, hazard pay, sick leave, sick pay and cancel student debt. The American people need a bail out just like corporations.
Why dont YOU CALL your REP,CONGRESSMAN,GOV,SENATOR instead of wanting some to do the wotk for you
“Your boss needs to hear the truth”?
His boss is Putin. Putin knows the truth already…
Mai Mariarti just for you to know Putin is now in quarantine
The sad thing is that Trump will continue to blame Obama for his own failures and his base will believe him.
Trump had crashed prior to COVID19 and now he is burning! Dump Trump in 2020!
Come on I’m sick and tired of all this crap sick and tired ,get rid of Trump get rid of him
He will be gone before Biden puts his hand on the Bible at his inauguration.
I think trump is sick of it.
trump: “The virus is under control.”
Corona: “I’m in yo house, MFer.
@john emeigh ..better be careful before corona visit your lungs BuckO..and she’d love your already filthy smoke filled dirty brown lungs.
@in your house mfker
@Martin Lewis ?? so weird.
@john emeigh ..I know BuckO
Emsley Wyatt
Trump didn’t ‘drop the baton’
He left the relay race
He wandered off the track and looked for a mike to lie into
If we were actually at war and lost over 81,000 troops in three months everyone would be calling for dodo’s head for lying and doing nothing for 70 days, but instead the stupid are willing to sacrifice themselves and others for a haircut. Truly sad. So much winning!
A mindset helps in creating a culture and as for American culture?
There’s no words I can conjer up to explain what we are as a Nation anymore.
There’s allot said about our greatness for this, how great that, and yet what The GOP is doing with Meat worker’s.
The stranger immigrant, and people of color, our government.
can’t sue an employer if he violates your constitutional rights?
allowing Russia to mess in our elections.Trumpism and Trumpsters, Trumputzis and Trumpetz too. America for me is more of a feeling I can’t find the Noble word’s for America anymore.
America has become More of a feeling I guess, because I can’t back Those big and lofty sentiments about her right now.
Too much Trumpism and BS overflowing right now. But I do know this, to find America starts with Dumping Trump’s sorry Ash that’s for sure.
When a thug runs the country this is what happens: 37 Million Jobless, 85K Dead, 1.5M Infected
Sam Rocky – and those figures are underestimated because of the trump government fudge, in time the shocking truth will be revealed, that will be a guaranteed fact.