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Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: March 18 | MSNBC
Get rid off filibuster Now
I wish I had Platinium Health Insurance like the corrupt Politicians do. Instead of my Bronze.
@David Hale Government health care is amazingly wonderful; you’ve been brainwashed!
I only get the Tin Plan, I don’t get no respect
@Brad & Farrah Gerwing same here with our government run healthcare, a lot of Americans have been brainwashed into believing universal healthcare is bad.
@David Hale Complete rubbish! Take a look outside of the US and see government-run healthcare work for the people – ALL the people. You just need to concentrate on getting better without a single thought of what your insurance will or will not cover, whatever your ailment might be, from a sore throat to cancer. Top-notch healthcare whether you’re a rich tycoon or a pauper or even homeless. You’ve been fed too much corporate propaganda. It’s in the best interest of the insurance companies that people continue to think the way you do. You’re fighting for THEIR interest rather than your own.
David Hale Governments don’t run health care, there are medical professionals who do the job because that’s what they are trained to do. It is paid for by us, we are the Government, the politicians are our servants, at least that’s how a Democracy is suppose to operate. . We have every choice within our health care system. If you don’t then your system is useless.
Love Zerlina new show The Choice.
No GOP voted for your $1400 checks .
The GOP only represents 40 % of the population which are red states, 60% of the population are in blue states.
The GOP are insane.
@R Sihl drawing the obvious responses now are you? …..and we move on….
The GOP in fact represents LESS than 40% of the U.S. population. The true percentage is obfuscated by GQP voter suppression and other disenfranchisement. If all U.S. nationals were in fact able to vote freely, and their votes counted, you would quickly see the GQP go the way of the dustbin, where it belongs
@bluepixie25 Whigs are not heard of lately. Trump’s comb-over is not a wig but he may’ve emulated the Whig’s demise.
Negative…. Majority of Americans from both sides put democrats in office. You generic concept is outdated.
@Nose Candie
You forgot Republicans do suppress the voting system, people were fed up with Trump and the GOP, some Republicans voters want a change.
Kompromat is all over Lindsey
I PRAY TO GOD that Lindsey Graham is on that investigation list for calling the GA Secretary of State! She needs to go down with Trump since she lives to destroy democracy with him.
I will never vote for a Gop never ever
You and me both!
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YouTube and other entities block trolls all the time. My question is why does Congress put up with trolls like Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell and Jim Jordan and Ted Cruz and that racist Johnson guy and Josh Hawley and many others. Why are many of them on important committees and some of them even heading important committees. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the government is not fractured but it is completely broken.
WHY IS DAVID NUNES STILL CO CHAIRMAN OF THE ** INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE? He communicates with a known Russian spy/enemy!!
@Parlez64 because he is a rich white guy now I’m white but definitely below the poverty line but unfortunately people keep voting in rich people hoping to share the wealth which they never do.
None of the men you mentioned are heading committees. Democrats head all committees in both House and Senate. Republicans are at a loss. They have no platforms and rather than help their states their only interests lie in trying to get their power back in.
@Vini Johnson hey Vinny Johnson you are definitely not the microwave.
When our congress has 143 Senators or house members willing to overthrow an election, that’s fractured. I frankly do not understand how these states can in good conscience elect these people to represent them. My state has one of those Senators the 143 and I am are beyond embarrassed by it.
Thank goodness sanity is back. Evil cannot be allowed to become the new normal. Make positivity the new normal, it’s a choice, afterall!
@David Hale You really need to do your research. No one here is going to do that for you. Maybe mommy can help.
@David Hale: If you are being devious with your publishing here you should admit it.
It was Past President Trump who put children in cages. Now, it’s about rooms and
having a bed in a converted large building. When Americans in Central and South
American countries are creating the poverty and police oppression, while waving
the flag in the their faces, it’s only natural to want to come to the country that has
more wealth as a matter of survival. Too bad most of that is a Hollywood mirage.
@Elizabeth Eng: Past President Trump talked about immigrants as a racist would,
more about appealing to racist Americans than any real policy he created. If you notice,
there is no border wall with Mexico, what would have been his defining border action.
President Biden has to deal with the failures and neglect of the Trump administration.

this is ridiculous: I can file taxes to IRs via mail, but can not vote via mail
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They don’t have any policies to offer so the only way they win is by cheating! So sad to see the country that dictates democracy to everyone else turning into the most undemocratic country in the west.
Voting Matters!!!

Voting is a right .. of all americans
Lindsey is a corrupt fool
“Mitch McConnell is the apex predator of U.S. politics”
— Howard Fineman
I would disagree. McConnell is a mud catfish.
@J A Keller And what a put-down to mud catfish! Good analogy though.
I could’ve said he was a Basidiomycota, but those organisms too actually manage to serve a purpose. McConnell is an example of a ‘person’ whose only purpose seems to be taking up undeserved oxygen.
Handful of people? You could almost see a hint of a smile when he said it because he knows he’s lying and blowing smoke up your skirt and thinks he’s getting away with it, pretending he’s taking some kind of moral high road by wanting to be “positive” and “move forward”. He has absolutely no real defense so it’s much more convenient to him to want to sweep it under the carpet. Wicked Weasel
Amen! Thank you Sen. Warnock.
GOP Politicans have a nasty habit of blocking and working against the American people. Their awful antics never change.
Apparently that’s the only plan they have.
@Mo Fo eaw2qqqwqqq se 0
@Mo Fo Trump cannot walk down stairs. Biden kicked Trump in the gutter. Your point?
Are you high?
Those banana Republicans are exactly what’s wrong in America , they are so obsessed with greed that they don’t even pretend to care about the people !
Winning is everything for the GOP and they are willing to sacrifice the democracy to achieve it.
Republican racism is like COVID: just because they don’t admit it, doesn’t mean it’s not there.
Well said!!!

It’s not well said.. unfortunately racism is still out there. But you can’t just put it on republicans. Any time I hear someone say that White people are systematically racist drives me crazy. And it makes me a target! But that’s fine right?? Cause I’m white?? Open your eyes for just 3 seconds,step back and look around you with open minded and tell me what you see! I respect your opinion but I disagree. Not that some republicans are racist but that they are the only racist
Sorry Lindsey, clutching the pearls is not considered speech.
Nor is sipping mint juleps on the veranda.
I hope they do what needs to be done to prevent Repugs from achieving their voter suppression plan.
Lindsey Graham is everything that can be evil in a politician.
He is evil.
Such a bag of wind or maybe a balloon that was just released to fly til out of air pressure, & ridiculous.
His day is coming
Miss Lindsey for president .