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Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: March 16 | MSNBC
Updates are good!
Why doesn’t America look at other Countries success in Police and Law Enforcement. Check out what Germany has done!!!!
@Robert Dickerson
I never said

@Robert Dickerson
Who said…..
…wait for it….
Marcee got “punked” in another

thread, and she’s learned a lesson..
@Good Vibes Thank you Good Vibes for pointing out to Umgonna kickbooty their ignorance!! That person is blowing up the comments with crap that makes no sense
I’m old school so I believe if you have anything worthwhile to say, be intelligent, articulate and make a point!!!!
@Marcee Christensen me, too – unfortunately, all too often making sense is sorely missing in these comment sections, and let’s not even speak of “intelligence”

The speaker has left the chambers. January 6.
Gimme a break I need 11,000 votes. Jan 2.
In the US there’s always a risk that you can be shot for a traffic infringement… pretty strange for a modern democratic country.
Its Called – DWB – Driving While Black! not usually a fear of a white motorist….
Take those same priorities to your senate and congress republicains . That’s where it starts
In Germany, our police men and women undergo (at least) 3 years of training. DE-escalation is a BIG part of the education..
Of course, we – the population – don’t have guns, but still, there is NO comparison in deaths by police force between the US and Germany (1/4th of the US population):
USA 2015-2019: between 962-999 people killed by police per year
Germany 2000-2019: between 3 (2003) and 14 (2017, 2019) people killed by police per year.
1999 was a really bad year by German standards – 19 people killed.
Says it all..
I watched a PBS documentary on the Police and Philosophy in Germany. Absolutely fantastic. I feel the US should look into this and follow the concepts of the Police policies in Germany
The only country in the world that sends police out after 6 months training its a joke look at office countries and their records, 2.3 years training real training not just how to accept bribes
Wow, behind a badge.
The white fugitive who killed eight people in Georgia wasn’t shot down via traffic stop.
Police ARE civilians. They are NOT (for the most part) “officers” – unless NCOs or lieutenants, captains, etc..
First they need to raise the IQ level to above 50.
Extremism within the police and military ranks maybe why US troops are still stationed in Germany?
Are they writing travel logs? Since WWII? Elvis was stationed there 60 years ago.
How much has the US spent on the 60 year extremist training holiday since GI Blues?
what I want to know is, WHEN ARE THEY GONA START PROSECUTING DONALD TRUMP? What is the holdup? They should have been ready to go on January 20th.
An innocent citizen should never be expected to assume the risks that an officer agreed to take.
“To Protect and Serve” has become a joke, a very bad joke.
The title provides no information. Please include the subject matter.
American policing is so 1800′ s.
Begorah! O’Donnell is a fine broth of a boy!
Hey Lawrence we are coming for you and the payback you will receive for your traitorous behavior will be overwhelming