Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: July 6 | MSNBC

Lawrence O'Donnell examines the political stories of the day. Watch weeknights at 10 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
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Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: July 6 | MSNBC

Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: July 6 | MSNBC


  1. Trump does and says horrible things to distract people from the horrible things he says and does… not a well thought out plan so perfect for him.

  2. the national intelligence agencies have found no credible evidence that Trump can drink water or walk normally down a ramp.

    1. Don B
      Not fair…………YOU try walking down a ramp wearing lifts and a corset while balancing a dead bleached raccoon on your head! 😂😂😂😂👍

    2. He can’t use an umbrella, either.
      (He’s not very good at forging Sharpie lines on a map of the path of a hurricane, too).

  3. Lawrence O’Donnell is one of my favourite MSNBC reporters. He’s not afraid to speak truth to tRumps corruption & I like how he hates and despises DJtRump.

    1. @fonzie cool How did you get to this alternate reality? What is the drug that induces this madness into you people?

    2. @fonzie cool O’Donnell is a narcissist cook. What has come true about Trump that O’Donnell has put out? Right nothing!

  4. One good thing about Trump. His devisivness has exposed the underbelly of our country in its most extreme form. Few people really knew how corrupt our society really is…until Trump, who plays the “devil” at every turn. He makes no attempts to do the right thing. Every time, without fail, he is tenacious at evil. His reign has been enabled by Republicans. So the ground was ripe for Trump’s vile seed. Conservatives watered and fertilized the choking weed that is Trump.

    1. Bravo, very well said, thank you. Yes, perhaps this is what we needed to really make for changes that have always been in need of change. Yet, we could have done it with Bernie but the people can’t seem to handle it so straight on. It’s taken devious and crooked and immoral Trump to shake things up for good.

    2. I agree, this is bringing all the racists, mindless crazies and misfits out for all of us to see. These vile folks have been hiding and getting away with bad, evil, hurtful stuff for far too long and it time to put them where they belong, at the bottom of our society. From tRump on down.

    3. @birdlynn hubbard I report him. Hopefully if enough people do, he will be stopped. He was gone for awhile – maybe was in jail?

  5. anti-racism is not achieved by white-a-sizing other races; rather it is
    more akin to Star Trek’s IDIC “Infinite Diversity in Infinite
    Combinations” recognizing their cultural identities and individual
    personalities–if we were all the same-how boring it would be!!

    1. Fake Page Troll as usual. It’s exposing that Racism and Injustice never left America. I ‘d rather be bored without it. 👆🏻🚨

  6. let’s face it, trump supporters aren’t exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer… all you really have to do to get their attention, is jingle your car keys… and when they already WANT to believe trump is their lord and saviour, it doesn’t take much to convince them to move on to ‘happier’ topics… my kitten has a longer attention span.

  7. I’m just so relieved that those beloved mega MAGA churches have gotten millions of our tax dollars in PPP forgivable loans. Priorities right? 😒

  8. What is wrong with all of the the Republicans and the judges who were all supposed to be helping us the United States of America what part confusing everybody is everyone on the cake is everyone working for Russia what is going on this man. Is crazy and if you don’t know that something is wrong with you geez please everyone wake up

    1. Seriously, the look they had on their face during Trump’s campaigning for President, I knew something wasn’t right. They all looked possessed.

    1. JMPI PRO Great decision! I left a while ago and happy to be far away from trumpanzee and his sickening despicable deplorable behavior! Very surprised that the entire GOO, except Romney, wanted to keep this filthy disgusting parasite gnat brain criminal! Wishing you all the best

    2. Yeh, sad to see it becoming this hateful land, but not really. We have too much good rooted in our country and the people too. We will not let Trump take hold of our country another four years.

    3. I would move in a minute, but my family is more important to me, plus 8 grandchildren. I’m so disgusted!!

  9. The tragedy here is that this is truly a horrific story that in and of itself warrants T’s removal from office, yet wait another week or so and we will hardly remember it as we will have moved on to other ‘unbelievable’ stories. It is maddening.

    1. @Shepsu Tera Netchebmaa You actually deny the facts and the truth. You MUST be a tRump Cult member. Thanks for outing yourself.

    2. He’s trying but I don’t think it will work. There are still too many people who live in the reality-based community.

    3. Donny and Kim did change a couple of love letters and they had that meet and greet photo shoot at the boarder. Though at the second meeting they had a bit of tizzy fit , fallout .He could invite Fat Boy over for a round golf or two. Kim probably would tell stories about how he starves his population for the good of the country Such is the folly of love.

    4. Real intent is to turn you lot into putins russia he becomes filthy rich and you will be filthy poor Get rid of barr asap

  10. I just have one advice for the Sioux Nation white man speaks with a forked tongue always has beware my friend

  11. It’s obvious w every action the man trump has no clue what the UNITED of United States means. He has driven a wedge through this great countries heart. Its baffling his supporters don’t see his bs.

    1. They’re bs. Republicans are the dumbest voters in America. You can tell them anything and they’ll believe it. I bet, if I ran for Office my numbers would be Tremendous. ~ Trump ~

    2. It’s denial. tRump supporters don’t want to see that. Heck, I, sometimes, want to deny that this’s isn’t happening!

  12. “White” and “Latino” people are all Caucasian. Why keep trying to differentiate them based on the language that they may speak? Viruses don’t check to see the language a person speaks before infecting them. Speak of the living conditions rather than some bigoted racist division.

    1. Everything dirty and ugly. Cheating is his goal and purpose and his winning. Such a vile man-child.

  13. Americans, don’t get complacent. We’re in a battle for the Soul of America’s Democracy. GO Vote. 🗳💙

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