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Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: August 31 | MSNBC
*”We won with poorly educated, I love the poorly educated!”*
– Trump, 2016
Trump supporters: i dun no wut dat means but make america grate agen 2020!!!1!
@Rob E
Actually there is no vaccine yet and when Trump tries to buy the UK vaccine prior to the election he’s wasting his time because even if there was one he wouldn’t be allowed to jump the queue.
@Sara Pulford no vaccine against stupidity is what we don’t have….. wouldn’t it be nice.
Gwendolyn Williams …he’s working it.
@John Balnis Dad -Russian troll. You’re not even good at it comrade….
John Balnis Dad are you a dumb azz gullible Trump supporter ??? Hmmmm
of course you are.
RIP Chadwick Boseman. A life well lived.
@thom wessels he wasn’t a terrorist he was an actor. A young beautiful soul.
@Bre Jean Sorry, never saw him, never even heard of him. CHEERS!
@thom wessels so you don’t even know who he is and you automatically go straight to dehumanizing him and make him out to be this big bad scary monster. Got it. You know you can delete your comment if you really sorry about putting it there. Let’s see what kind of man you are, a monster that dehumanizes others and leaves it there, or a decent human the correct his mistakes. I want to believe you’re that decent human and you’ll do the right thing.
Have a good night.
thom wessels Maybe you should just keep your mouth shut! Or in this case keep your fingers off the keys. More people have heard of this accomplished decent young man than you or your worthless opinions.
Herd immunity forget that
Let’s herd up all of the GOP and drive them out
They’re actually self-herding. We just need to point out the cliff.
They can volunteer themselves for that herd immunity experience. Leave me out of it.
Straight to Russia…the country they are loyal to and love so much. The GOP are traitors.
@howie – The GOP are an example of Herd Impunity. Time to vote every last one of them out.
@The last farewell -…and send many of them to prison.
“People in the dark shadows are controlling the streets.”
– Asylum Patient 45
@Izreal Zeus lol, I actually have some Pallavicini on my mothers side! If you’re European, chances are you have Pallavicini ancestry too. There’s no evil cabal. Just a bunch of ambitious, well educated, fertile Italians.
Great comment!!!! From London
@david holder Thanks, David. We all need to do what we can to counter the dishonest hate and fear mongering rhetoric heard by trump and his Republican propaganda machine.
FYI — I don’t know of any way to copy YouTube comments on the mobile app but you can copy them via a desktop browser like Chrome, Edge, etc.
@P Muller thank you
@Izreal Zeus are you jealous. You just told me something I did not know LMFAO. Are sad and pathetic and weak
Boseman was a real hero. Everybody carry a piece of him with you in your heart.
And to the “blue” ballot box
We do, especially as a result of so many of us knowing something of who he was due to the film Black Panther.
We loved him in NZ too. Aroha (love) to all the people grieving in America.
I just thought to watch black Panther tonite
and reflect on the continued struggles of the black man…..
Thank you for this beautiful tribute to #ChadwickBoseman

Very inspiring young man he will be missed greatly
RIP, gone to soon.
This has been one messed up year.
Such a loss! He will be missed RIP!
N we’re still stuck w beyonce
@L H and what’s wrong with that hater?
Remember back in the spring when t’rump said 200,000 deaths would be a horrible thing.
Of all of the promises he’s broken….this is the one he made good on.
@Kim Coates
just like he is trying to suppress mail in voting in order to win the election in November .
@El Tigre Yes, he cheats at everything in his life. I’m enjoying watching all the pushback against him. He can actually win re-election. We can’t be complacent. We ALL have to VOTE
like our lives depend on it & take 10 people with us! BIDEN
2020 !
Trump’s estimates of Covid-19 death tolls have changed over the last 6 months: miraculously disappear, 60,000, maybe 100, 000 and now unlimited. The herd immunity is his next shot: which means at this death rate of 3%, we’ll end up with about 4,000,000 deaths to reach the herd immunity. Do you wanna be part of this mess? I guess not!
I remember him saying that if the death-toll ended being below 100 000, then the administration had done “a very good job” – and adding that the death-toll probably would end-up being “significantly lower than 100 000”.
I guess that means Trump hasn’t done a very good job then…
As Trump travel to states. He brings Covid with him. He wants to play his part in spreading the disease via herd immunity
Dangerous Don’s Death-Defying Voting Agenda & Trumovirus 19
Message to Red Voters. No Masks Needed, Vote in Person (Vote now DIE later)
Message to Blue Voters. Stay Safe & Vote by Mail. Cuz We Ain’t Gonna Count Your Ballot!
If he Wins, He’ll leave us ALL Dead & Dying. .FLUSH THE TURD Nov 3rd
It just amazing to me to see how far the right will go to win they have just about violated every law in the book if it had been a civilian they would have been arrested
Dangerous Don’s Death-Defying Voting Agenda & Trumovirus 19
Message to Red Voters. No Masks Needed, Vote in Person (Vote now DIE later)
Message to Blue Voters. Stay Safe & Vote by Mail. Cuz We Ain’t Gonna Count Your Ballot!
If he Wins, He’ll leave us ALL Dead & Dying. .FLUSH THE TURD Nov 3rd
There’s an “infestation” of dangerous conflicts of interest in trump’s administration.
For example, the trump administration just lifted a ban on the sales of gun silencers to private buyers overseas. The ban was intended to protect American troops from deadly ambushes, and it was lifted due to persistent lobbying by a Trump White House lawyer who used to work for a firearms sales group.
Now that Trump has lifted the ban, firearms companies will make an extra $250 million/year in sales overseas … at the risk of American troops’ lives.
Trump has also chosen to do nothing about those Russian bounties paid to the Taliban. And at the behest of Putin and Erdogan, Trump abruptly pulled troops out of Syria, forcing them to abandon our Kurdish allies who were fighting ISIS, and instead, rented them out to Saudi Arabia (thanks to Jared Kushner’s influence).
These are just a few of the many betrayals of our troops by trump, and no amount of what-aboutism can excuse the harm that he’s causing. None.
True Colors.
@Terri Freeman he drained the swamp and created a sewer. He’s the largest turd in it.
Herd Immunity is simply survival of the fittest!!!! US, is really going to expose the vulnerable to be contaminated
Dangerous Don’s Death-Defying Voting Agenda & Trumovirus 19
Message to Red Voters. No Masks Needed, Vote in Person (Vote now DIE later)
Message to Blue Voters. Stay Safe & Vote by Mail. Cuz We Ain’t Gonna Count Your Ballot!
If he Wins, He’ll leave us ALL Dead & Dying. .FLUSH THE TURD Nov 3rd
Eugenics was favoured by the Nazis too. The philosophy of Eugenics was behind the Holocaust.
Herd immunity will not work. This virus is too dangerous people that have been infected by it do not have antibodies and they can get re-infected by this virus. I can’t wait to see what happens once it mutates. A mutated strain will be worse than what we’re dealing with now. Hopefully they will be able to get antibodies out of the mutations
What a beautiful human being Chadwick Boseman was
Rest in Power lovely lovely man
Beautiful inside and out.
Sally F He was a fine handsome man but his inner beauty was always present!!
RIP Chadwick Boseman: We lost you TOO soon!

“The struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose” .. Chadwick Boseman …
I miss him
I am a blessed 61yr old grandmother and mother, and to all you younger generations, it is a fact that each and every of the most valued lessons I have learned in my life, were the ones that were my biggest struggles, heartbreak and losses. Stay strong young ones for you are obviously faced with the most critical issues in my time. Bless you and please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Chadwick Boseman Beautiful Human being with a heart of Gold and Love for Man kind with a smile that is Straight Sunshine!
Trump never won a fair fight in his life. All of his so-called accomplishments have been achieved through cheating, bullying, and/or lying.
@Trish6704 :I understand what you state about Trump’s connection to Russia, Russians, or even Putin. However, from simple Hornbook law, you might consider this as to just what Mueller and the congress were thinking with Mueller’s report that:
Proof beyond a reasonable doubt does not involve proof to an absolute certainty. It is not proof beyond any doubt, nor is it an imaginary or frivolous doubt.
More is required than proof that the accused is probably guilty. A jury which concludes only that the accused is
probably guilty must acquit.
The last farewell – That’s not “heavy lifting”. It’s bilateral bigoted bloviating from a bifurcated blowhard who proves just one thing: some folks aren’t yet mature enough for a keyboard.
jones – When you two are done buggering each other, and complementing it with reach-arounds, please log off and stop cluttering our YT feeds with your triggered TDS-fueled rants. Thx!
@Matt Foley and you? only watch FAKE News? sorry Fox News? his bail out for the casinos came from daddy, the money he received from birth came from daddy and he didn’t report all thereby committing FRAUD, he failed with the airline, failed in football, failed as a president because his personal interest came first and continue to come first. WE are supposed to be his priority and we are NOT. HE FAILED
Eyeris625 – Of course he failed! Of course all you typed is true & substantiated! Otherwise, how could you drag your bitter TDS-riddled body out of bed each morning?
The WORLD has lost a Truly Great Man!!

RIP Chadwick Boseman
I pray that we keep the House and gain the Senate then impeach him again should he manages to cheat his way back into the White House.
We’re going to take it all.
Yes and then throw his sorry a…… out for good.
We can only remove him if he’s broken the law … Oh wait…
You’re not alone in your prayers. It is said where two or more gather in prayer it shall be granted. Let’s keep praying. God is greater than Satan Drumpf.
Ahree..i keep telling everyone not to worry if he cheats his way in again bc I believe that he WILL be impeached asap..but yes..dems HAVE to take Senate for that to happen n keep the house..
Laws??!! He snubs Congress and breaks LAWS daily!!! It feels that way with all the scandals!!! Throw the book at all of them!!!
A few books!!!!
Right now Vladimir Putin is thinking, “I never dreamed it would be this easy!”
He probably can’t believe his luck.
Putin said he could destroy America without launching a single nuke.
His gift