The prime minister briefs Canadians on the governments COVID-19 response, including CERB repayments, 2020 tax debt relief, vaccine shipments and new border restrictions.
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If whistle blowers were able to do their due diligence Trudeau would face more back lash.
Like with Omar Khadr, Turdeau used 4 agencies to try and track the whistle blower
Ya he would be voted another term
How come that juice bag says one thing in English and then says another thing in French must think we were not bilingual. And everything he saying should’ve been done like it last year what a fool
Sounds like work place harassment by Trudeau with Raybould and Philpott along with Caesar-Chavannes
Step down you failure of a leader
He has no clue.
Resign already your incompetent!
Corrupt, incompetent PM.
Hey, not to derail our beloved PM’s message, but let’s revisit and talk about SNC-Lavalin…
Trudeau has a new campaign slogan…… Canada will be destroyed by my doing, and the virus will take care of itself, just like the budget.
Today is day 365 of “two weeks to stop the spread”.
From this I can guess that you know how many days are in a year but that you can’t remember that far back.
Providing hope is now a bad thing, genius
This guy is a complete waste of our tax money and time.
I would say he is a waste of protein.
So are fkn you but nobody harass you
Did anyone ask him where he spent Christmas and with who?
Just a huge party is what I heard yaknow it’s nothing tho I’m sure they wore masks
except I doubt they wear masks in heroine dens
@Made With Luv boom
sad but cringily true
He’s a liar
I’m not listing to this frog
It’s against my Charter of Rights to deny me entry into my own country. Refuse! Take the fine and fight this nonsense in court.
Did you not hear him clearly state that it’s against the law to stop Canadians from entering the country? What exactly would you be fighting in court?
@Patty Gould he said fighting the fine
@Jonny C I know what he said. I wanted to know on what basis he thought we should fight this fine.
I can not stand him! dose he and his buddy’s do that.or like always they can do as he please.
How come it doesn’t have to wear a mask when talking moistly to the peoplekind of Canada.
Nobody is there lispening.

Kindergarten Teacher pretending he’s in charge.