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Watch The 11th Hour With Brian Williams Highlights: October 13 | MSNBC
Here is the moment in time when your country has called upon you to *_’Stand And Be Counted’._* Vote Blue to rid us of this traitor and all his servants.
@Ian B Thanks! I pride myself with the ability. I call it *_’Trolling for Morons’,_* and I can usually land a few.
I have already voted and I voted blue all the way. Tom Cotton was up for reelection and I was told nobody was running against him but a independent so I voted for him. Tom Cotton is a republican and done whatever Trump wanted.
@William H the only anti-Americans are Trump, his administration and the Republicans who back him. Trump has been lying since before he started campaigning in 2016. The closer it gets to the election the worse Trumps lies get! I don’t know how his supporters can not take the time to fact check his BS.
@Anna Jorgensen Thank you, very much.
@Tom that was my pleasure. I felt so much better when I left. But I hope we make it a landslide. That would be beautiful!!!
Another Trump fixer have been added to the supreme court. No answers means, I will do exactly what you are asking me.
@William H
Very childish, just like your great leader!
@William H Just what someone with no facts says.
Sure he’d rather kiss all the men….$70,000 hairdo, not even the Queen of England is that flamboyant and extravagant. Trumpski is America’s first deviant Queen.
@Cheryl Pounds just for a short time until all 3 legislative bodies, Presidency, Senate and House are democrats and legislation is introduced and passed to recreate and improve on the ACA.
I don’t think you can call a lack of response a “coup”. More like shirking their duty. I am not sure you can call Trumpists ‘Republicans’, since they only share a few platform points any more. Republicans are fiscally conservative, among other things.
Meanwhile, Barr’s “unmasking” investigation turned up nothing. And fox news is not taking it well.

“I don’t recall…” Is this a lie? How can any adult who is not comatose, NOT have heard Trumps predictions about stacking the courts his way? It’s all too convenient a defence. Here’s the Republicans saying this is a person well qualified; here’s this person saying, implausibly, that she’s unaware of the big political issues of the day. I’m not buying it.
I agree! It has been pointed out that she has no notes. She has been reciting cases and law etc. Senator Harris clearly pointed out that her team probably advised her, and yet, this is the detail Judge Barrett cannot recall!
She uses the same playbook as the rest of Trump’s gang. ‘Never heard of him,…I don’t recall…I take the 5th…I can’t answer that..”
I don’t trust this judge in any way. She has already written about the ACA and Roe vs Wade.
It’s kind of sad that Trump might get over the virus infection, but america may never get over the Trump infection,
Trump didn’t had the virus he is faking it
@Mo Byron It’s possible.
As may the world not get over it either..can the US ever be trusted again????
I wouldn’t let him kiss my behind.
So glad that baby Huey gets his pablum at the rally-wallys while the country spirals out of control with disease, death, and dystopia.
What is weird is that people are expecting Trump to suddenly become honest and caring.
It ain’t gonna happen.
Precisely stated.
Trump can’t even stand up straight.
Y’all see him leaning on that podium
T rump has covid

he never had it. it was all a fat con just like him.
Until T rump — in public — authorizes Walter Reed doctors to release his medical records, I agree.
Imagine them appointing a justice who doesn’t know the constitution much less what the first amendment is…..
Barrett is the loaded gun, Trump is the warmed trigger.
He is not immune, he’s immature.
If a person is “immune” to something, doesn’t that mean he wouldn’t have contacted the virus in the first place?
“In Reality, They’re Not After Me, They’re After You. I’m Just In the Way”.
Donald Trump.
I wish America was “immune” to his stupidity and lies. He’s not hurting a individual party. He’s hurting America.
The only way to secure the future of America , is the mandatory sterilization of all Trump Supporters .
Flights to Europe daily. But better wait the virus is up 3600% now where we are down 21%.
I can not stand the “I don’t recall” answer.. these people are college educated .. they know, they just deny.
If she knows, she’s a liar…if she doesn’t know, she’s not very knowledgeable, now is she??
Still lying about this virus!!! He doesn’t care who dies and he is not immune to the virus.
The Trump’s will probably try to steal everything that is not nail down in the White House. With the thinking it is owed to them.