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Watch The 11th Hour With Brian Williams Highlights: November 18 | MSNBC
BREAKING NEWS: Biden won Georgia in re-count.

Biden / Harris 2020
@StanleyKewbeb1How many times does he have to lose before it sinks in(not to him, he knows he is perpetuating a lie) to his fans?
Trump did win that state. He is the winner in the state of denial.
@A pierro Agree
Sydney Powell and Lyn Wood have you ALL dead to rights……whatcha gonna do when it all comes out?
Oh Yeah!
tRump is DESPERATE to stay in because when he is no longer President he faces MANY INVESTIGATIONS into his fraudulent activities !
@Loukya Grinsted Oh yeah Biden did say that he wanted to look forward, implying that he would not seek to have the Trump admin investigated. He wants to unify the US and thinks that if Trump is held to account for his criminal behaviour that will never happen.
However that is a mistake. The President is NOT above the law. Trump and all is co-conspirators MUST be investigated and ALL illegal acts charged and tried.
@Peter T you sound like a fascist? As for the UN they are part of some of the great reset he’s just figuring out which ones but Canada is part of it the Prime Minister’s already spoken about the Great reset they had a vote today they didn’t block Huawei? We all know that China spies through Huawei
@Peter T because Biden knows what he can and can’t get away with they were just up on the hill talking about Hunter Biden?
@Loukya Grinsted You sound like a true Trump troll.
Un-educated and so gullible as to have actually injected the bleach when you were told.
I’m done trying to get you to open your mind and see truth.
I really should have known better than to try with someone who’s IQ is small than their shoe size.
@Peter T as I said get back to me on the 20th of January we’ll see and if your person wins I listen to your prospective I think that’s fair.
This democracy is not working. We have no leader and people are dying! This is preposterous!
People are dying?
How long has this been happening?
Xiden will fix it!
Maybe if you watched another new sauce or even hooked into the White House press conference you’d find out project warp speed is going ahead as soon as it can.
Our democracy is far from dead, despite the best efforts of Rump & the cult. Maybe we’ll appreciate it more now & demand the same from these conspiratory losers. No more of those paranoid hallucinations & hate. You crazy loons better shape up or we’ll make all ur nightmares come true. (Look, we’ll ignore you & you people just keep to urself, lay low & help us forget u exist.) Either way.
@Elizabeth Wallace go have a look at the great reset anything major that’s happened is generally comes in threes, the great reset is not for the people it’s for the rich it’s for the communists so when you don’t fall into line you lose your job your life and they will take everything we own go and have a look at China In Focus see how they live their. Canadian president already pushing for it but still hasn’t blocked Huawei?
Trump is working 100% to overthrow our Democracy. He is a true Criminal.
@No One You are a special type of stooopid….
@No One Which public school did you get indoctrinated at ?
@Dean Sacca aww are you mad snowflake? LOL
@No One I’m also on the side that’s not crazy! I agree with every word you wrote!

@Sic Semper Tyfuckingrannis You really live up to your name. Says everything about you. Thanks for the entertainment. You’re funny!
Trump’s not wanting to face reality.
His belief, is that he was cured of the Corona Virus, when in fact, he’s still a carrier of the virus. By not talking about it, and instructing his staff not to, it will magically go away.
He’s never done his job. That’s why we’re in this position
Sydney Powell and Lyn Wood have you ALL dead to rights……whatcha gonna do when it all comes out?
So when’s he gonna get on a ventilator? Asking for a friend.
Trumps doing what he’s always done watching TV, golfing and tweeting. Only thing he’s not doing is holding his super spreader rallies.
@Elizabeth Wallace I’m no bitter Loser I’m not even American, I consider myself to be a fair and balance person I don’t listen to others and think they’re telling you the truth all the time what’s their angle? Ive on a couch for 9 months watching both sides. As I said trump’s going towards your constitution and the forefathers that tried to have balance on both sides to correct any manipulation of We the People.
@Debra Davis people like you make me mad about having to live in a world full of stupid people.
@Debra Davis can you get back to me by the 20th of January I’ve tried to open up your mind and see the bigger picture.
@Loukya Grinsted It’s unreal how fox NEVER tells the truth. If I dont see or hear things for myself, I don’t believe it. R u talking about Rump not getting paid? r u high? His whole term was a money grab! He & his whole grifter family. Rump cared nothing about Democracy & certainly not anything regarding freedom. He’s a wannabe Putin.
@Elizabeth Wallace Trump has donated the money that he gets for his presidency back into the taxes here’s a website for you to go and have a look with the updated news the other news are not telling you,Eye Opener,YouTube, then come back and tell me what you think.
Didn’t Pence say they will raise heaven and earth for anyone who gets covid. How can Trumpy do it hiding and tweeting.
McEnany: The President will talk when he decides to come out of his basement.
@Mark Warren I think you mean.. how many six figure jobs have I had and didn’t put the money in an escrow account.. then lie and say it went to charities? Or maybe you meant, how many jobs have I had that I was able to only pay $750 in taxes? The answer is none.
Like Biden? With all 20 of his followers at each event? Stooopid fucknut….Sydney Powell and Lyn Wood have you ALL dead to rights……whatcha gonna do when it all comes out?
@Pdk They might have to use a cattle prod to get him out of the basement.
@Dean Sacca Oh.. you big mad, huh??

@Diego A He met with ppl from both parties! Isn’t there enough going on without trying to fan the flames?! Good grief..
We pay their salaries. And they can’t answer questions. Then GET OUT!
Sydney Powell and Lyn Wood have you ALL dead to rights……whatcha gonna do when it all comes out?
@Mark Warren The only person I’ll take over sleepy Joe is God Almighty and trust me Jehovah God is on it
He can resurrect the dead! Poor Joe Biden did. not want this job. Trump is not making it hard for this man, Trump is making it hard for Americans!
Shows how loyal they are to Trump. They think they work for him. He might be signing their pay checks, altho it comes from us.
@Wonder Wonderful Your paychecks come from Soros and the bankers….DUMMY
@Patricia Jones thank you!
trumps losing the safety net cause he lost. alex is scared of his boss, more than the covid? what the he ll is wrong with people in trumps administration are they all crazy?
you need to ask that question? yes, is your answer.
Sydney Powell and Lyn Wood have you ALL dead to rights……whatcha gonna do when it all comes out?
When all the states certify the results he lost…the noise WILL STOP!!! Hurry up and stop ALL the nonsense!!!

Sydney Powell and Lyn Wood have you ALL dead to rights……whatcha gonna do when it all comes out?
he never had any interest in being an actual leader, he still thinks this is a reality TV job……
And he’s got us in a spot. But Biden and Harris will fix it.
@Lisa Garrison yep.. the GOP left President Obama a huge mess in jan 2009, Obama/Biden cleaned it up. trump is leaving President Biden a mess and Biden/Harris will clean it up.
yep. its all one photo op after another. hes clueless
Sydney Powell and Lyn Wood have you ALL dead to rights……whatcha gonna do when it all comes out?
He never wanted to work, just roll around in the worship & admiration. What a guy!
He’s going to come out when the cure comes, he thinks everyone will think he’s Jesus. “It happened on my watch! ME! ME! ME!”
He’s special…… not the special he thinks!
Amen to that! Maybe the loons will give up their “Chosen One” lie!
Trump not taking questions is not unusual. He avoids the truth. He is a delusional and desperate pathetic loser.
@kay zurf trump is a turd
Sydney Powell and Lyn Wood have you ALL dead to rights……whatcha gonna do when it all comes out?
@Dean Sacca When what comes out??
@gary s Wait for it…wait for it…. then ALL the lies of the left will be exposed. Should be in a couple days…gonna be fun to see them all scram like cockroaches they are
@gary s Loss after loss, but this takes the cake. He’s humiliated.
The White House the lights are on but nobody’s home unless he’s in the bunker
Trump is the one time fake president in USA, you believe or not?
Trump is Fraud
He never thought he’d actually win the primary.
Trump don’t care about the people he care about his self
Trump is a lazy coward!
These people have no respect for the American people who they are working for and they think that they are above the law
the medias should just ignore them and boycott their briefings …. the American people are fed up with their lies ….give us more coverages on Biden instead
I don’t know about you but when my kids were toddlers when they were too quiet I knew I had to worry even more.
“Why are they still on the job?”
I go with fear of defying Trump by quitting.