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Watch The 11th Hour With Brian Williams Highlights: July 6 | MSNBC
America first (in coronavirus)
MAGA= Making America a Graveyard Again.
Is Trump whistling as he past the graveyard?
Long term organ damage, increased risk for diabetes and asthma, permanent lung damage, neurological issues, stroke, etc, it’s totally harmless, DJT
@Kenn Mossman that’s what happened to RAW ETERNITY.
I fear God NOT covid19. Which do you fear? You find comfort in a man made vaccine over your own bodies ability that was designed by the creator. Be careful
John Buick At least includes not in fear and living a mask free healthy life. You keep on hiding and they have one of those vacs waiting for you and your family. You think covid is bad? Wait till you get your vax fool
@RAW ETERNITY lol, man made gods won’r help you.
Colin Cleveland correct
The Clown show that is trump rallies keeps rolling on.
Yeah anarchy murder looting destruction of property i see no problem with that do you
@Ken Grassa been supping on the fox news coolaid Ken?
@Ken Grassa Bunker Bonespurs does more damage in a day than all those protester do in months. Bunker Boi has to be responsible for at least 100k of those covid deaths.
@John Buick yup was trump release virus not China your right again
He said the test is beautiful is Coronavirus is beautiful then
yes, Trump says it’s a 10
If it was his daughter he’d hit on it
Does the WH really think we’re going to ignore the numbers when we can see that we’re pretty much the only country that didn’t “flatten the curve?”
Nope. I’m not ignoring anything nor am I participating in the economy. I’m my own public health officer.
What are you doing Terry? Believing your Lyin Eyes. Wink. This is insane. It’s seriously is 25th amendment time.
@Crystal Giddens
Correct. “Now that there is little spread of coronavirus in Norway, such testing has no purpose.”
However, in the la-la land of dribbling halfwits the USA, the community spread is enormous, the worst in the world.
Also note Norway said, “we could possibly have achieved the same effects….” the key word is “possibly” and said with the benefit of hindsight.
The point is Norway took action and now has it reasonably well under control while the USA is a complete and utter failure with over 130,000 dead Americans and lots more to come. Lots more.
The bodies just keep piling up.
@Carol Byers
The USA , alone in the world denies climate science.
Now, it has also just withdrawn from the WHO.
America is sick. The country is depraved and sick, it’s not normal.
@johnny walker
You can always tell the good ones. they’re dead.
Hitler wanted Germany to go down with him.
Trump is driven by the same feelings. A country that do not vote for him he want destroyed.
Trump and Iva Eva the irony
@Mox Avenger then why are we still isolated if it isn’t so dangerous (sarcasm)
@Mad Max 2.0 Democrats hate Trump so much they are willing to destroy our country so he won’t be re-elected. MSNBC is not a real news station, it’s a tool of the Dems.
@Mox Avenger I don’t trust Fox News
@Mad Max 2.0 Fox can be fake too. I watch them all to try and get the actual news. OAN and CBS news seem okay sometimes.
Trump: “learn to live with corona”.
Me: “Please lead by example and follow Bolsonaro’s example.”
Trump got about 7M PPP for his businesses and his family including his law firm, I am still waiting
I Hadn’t gotten around to hearing about that yet. It never ends. There is no end to Trumps wrath against the American People because they are abandoning him.
How much abuse does Trump think people will ignore?
@Thats not funny so now is not a good time to mention all THE CHURCHES that got millions?
Michael Bray <<— Your Ignorance is crystal clear.
Ice 247 don’t worry your head my little NCT. Sarcasm is for the faint of heart or light of mind.
Once you can explain why you MCTs have such faux-tough codenames, we can have a conversation about the real issues.
Stay safe possum…oh…I mean Uber-cool “Ice 247”
@Ice 247 right over your head..
He still to this day has not shown 1 ounce of Empathy for the loss of 130k Americans. He is firing W.H.O. NOW!! He should be removed from office…He does NOT CARE!!
No-one will remove him. No-one in the US has the spine, they all just sit there and watch their people die. Just as they’ve always done, no one ever *does* anything, except to bomb the third world from the relative safety of the air. The US is an abortion of a country, racist, corrupt and rank with lies and hypocrisy.
It’s appalling.
That an understatement, I’m amazed he still breathes.
@Jim Battersbee That would be the Repukelicon Party of Putin. The average American isn’t a ‘murican. The only reason tRump is still in power is because of a bunch of Repukelicon Senators. In a few months the Tangerine Toddler will be toppled.
The level of calousness shown to threaten to withdraw (along with an important source of fudning) from the organisation on the front line of helping protect and treat the world’s most vulbnerable people who will suffer from CoVid and have their healthcare systems in further distress
The USA is sick. The world should refuse to buy their crap, just don’t buy anything “made in USA”. It stinks.
Open schools, when asymptomatic people have damage to their lungs, open schools when we don’t know for sure how it affects developing brains. Keep in mind he is trying to open the economy and schools for his political gain.
It won’t happen in NYS, thank God!
In October 2020 the country will have to make an easy choice Trump or Biden, Sick or get better.
Trump: ” 99% of covid cases are harmless…”
. BIDEN 2020
Liberal anarchy murder looting destruction of property i see no problem with that do you
Your ignorance is astounding oh nevermind you’re a Democrat typical of your type LOL send me your address I have a case of Kleenex for you in November 2020.
Reopen School’s??
I Wouldn’t send My Child to School because Toxic tRump “said so ” He Doesn’t Care who he Kills?!
Is there a recall for Presidents,
Who melfaction and a danger to
Irene Jimenez yeah. It’s called impeachment. The Republican Party had the opportunity and refused to do it. This is on the Republican Party and Mitch McConnell.
Yes at the international court of human rights. That’s why G Bush can’t leave the US. He has an international arrest demand to be presented at the court for his responsibility on torture in Afghanistan and Iraq. Trump has a few cases that could be sent to that court (even it the US doesn’t recognize it’s authority)
“Anybody that needs a test, gets a test…today and yesterday” says Donnie…:
A citizenship test,
a test of fortitude living under the most corrupt and incompetent presidency to ever shame the United States,
a test of faith living with hypocritical evangelicals,
a test of life with a pandemic and shattered economy…
Yes…everyone gets a test…today and yesterday.
Great point. Great observations and great prose Michael
does fortitude include nerves, cuz mine have been tested a lot lately~~
Nivek Nanorc we are inclusive here, so yes…nerves count as being tested as well.
With no leadership, and an “l dont care, you cant tell me what to do” attitude with everybody, covid is going to wipe out the whole country…
And a “Whatever, deal with it. We don’t care anymore” attitude from the Leadership.
Let Trump get the virus he can pay for by himsef. He is already stealing billions of this country money.
The more trump repeats what he is lying about the bigger the untruth. Slimy
Bunker Boy, just like Hitler, taking US down with him, even school children, our future. Don’t care if hospitals are full. What you gonna do?
99% carry the 1, that’s 3.3 MILLION people that Trump just flippantly dismissed as expendable.
With a current CFR of 4.6%in the USA, that’s 15.2 million dead from virus, if nothing changes.
@Janet Douglas There’s also the possibility that we just never get a handle on this, and it continues to roll through the population unchecked, year after year. Obviously _summer_ didn’t stop it, and colder months will be worse.