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Watch The 11th Hour With Brian Williams Highlights: August 3 | MSNBC
Trump 2020 for jail
I’ll drink to that.
And I don’t even drink.
I posted the exact same thing on another clip. Lol

Also, Donald junior, Jared, Ivanka and Eric.

CHINA TOLD EVERYONE TO WEAR A MASK…… Long before Donald Trump told everyone the pandemic was a hoax…..Donald Trump destroyed the pandemic task force….Right before the pandemic started killing Americans
@Richard Hunt Mr RICHARD you is RIGHT About That
ART of being PATHETIC as Potus

David Alan — Masterful use of Emoticons!

‘The Art of the Reel’ ….as in reeling in pain.
You’re fired! Trump
Remember now trump now said he NOT LEAVE the White House . LOL
. Nancy pelois say TRUMP Leave NANCY going get him out if she got called the Amy like he call people to go to Poland SAD SAD
t’rump supporters: “All we care about is owning the libs!”
Me: “Your mom just died from the Corona because you didn’t wear a mask.”
t’rump supporters: “Yeah, but we still owned you, right?”
Me: “Not so much, no.
t’rump supporters: ”
@Dale Hartley 1570 where?
@William Bailey ??? Are you lost. ??
@William Bailey “when” not where
@Robert Taylor I’m assuming you are speaking of a particular year? If so, what country as in “where” because it wasnt in this country.
@William Bailey Just a number I pulled out…it was before the US was even colonized. my point being that even from the beginning the liberals had a feeling that slavery was bad…even as they used them. They just could not stop at that point…so they were greedy….but Im saying you are out of time to make that statement….Im sorry you did not understand it and I am forced to try to explain a simple comment.
Anyway have a good one.
Grassley trying to recover lost ground with voters …. he can see the “writing on the wall”.
He should be tossed along with the rest of the enabling, spineless Republicans.
@Patricia Manzi I recommend you the Lincoln Project add called Names…Enjoy!
Grassley has no credibility. Too late!
1000 dying per day. Over 156,000 so far. Trump: It is what it is..
“Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. Learn to live with it.” Trump, 2020
He is pure unadulterated evil.
He doesn’t care it Black and Brown that are dying take notice people we have to stop this man we may not like each other and that’s fine, but our enemy is trump not each other this man hates all people that are not white European people, and if you think trump values other minorities you’re nuts please wake up..
@Toni Ortiz he hates poor whites too.
Ken Albertsen Trump IS the disease.
Please vote, those of us outside the US are worried for you!
Yup, Trump has found something he CAN’T pay off! $130,000
Mr. Wile-
Oh so true!
*Rats starting to jump off the Trumptanic.*
Too little, too late. They are going to get pulled down in the undertow.
The rats are always the first to understand when a ship is sinking. If you see rats jumping, go overboard and get far away from the ship…it’s got an undertow as it goes down.
they’ll all drown
Not so much jump, more like their noses are sniffing in the direction of the life boats.
I hope all the rats drown.
DT will never come up with a national strategy. He is not capable.
squeaky “Jim Crow Joe | the racist history of Joe Biden. (Uncensored)” YouTube video by corn pop
@Toward Treatise thank you! Yes I saw that. Still not worse than Trump, imo. I’ve heard Trumps every racist dog whistle. Too many to even list and they happened in the past 4 years, not decades ago.
I’d rather have the best of two great candidates, but we don’t have that. So Biden it is.
squeaky what do u mean.. by dog whistle.. cherish our history? Is that it? Give me a break. Let’s talk policy. Why are u doing this. I’m glad u look into history, you’re smart, but hello..
squeaky u can trust it I sincerely promise, I don’t want to hurt anyone, I think we are all one universe. I’m one of those people.
squeaky if u like music u should try it. It’s a music playlist I made and I love it.
Took Birx long enough to say the truth.
So much for Hippocratic oath…I hope she doesn’t sleep well at night, you know, with 160000 deaths on her silence.
gaby e. Yes, the Trumpvirus has killed 160,000 Americans all while the Federal Government dragging their feet when Americans are in desperate financial need. Tell your congressional leaders to do the job that we are paying them to do! The Democrats have had their bill in for almost 3 months now!
Never sacrifice your reputation for an idiotic fool. She should have known better.
Gloominusdm If everyone who opposes trump resigns it just leaves a vacuum for trump to replace them with some other crooked goon. I’m glad she finally spoke up, though she may get fired.
Did not anyone learn anything from The Apprentice? DT is the apprentice president … sadly, he’s setting a precedent.
@marc dailey I think NBC could get tapes back. People like Herschel Walker might learn stuff about Donald he did not know.
I really wouldn’t want her to be my doctor if she can’t stand up to this moron in the White House. She shouldn’t be able to be there if he’s not going to tell the truth and now she’s just starting to it’s a little late isn’t it
@Marty Baldwin I agree, but she didn’t use her platform either to correct the clown’s lies. So what have she done to speak the truth? She just sat there while trump “brainstorm” about treatments, and she has consistently behind Trump’s incoherences.
So much for Hippocratic Oath , so what ethics does she has?
She’s done after Trump.
Trumpy Dumpy sat on a wall,
Grumpy Trumpy had a great coronavirus fall;
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Trumpy together again.
You are so on it! Layered in Crap!
Comming to a news channel near you.
The world is DEAD AGAINST trump being re-elected. Everyone’s afraid of trumps stupidity. Trump being lied to, or is he just that dumb? You’re where you are, because trump is incompetent
Not JUST incompetent but malicious and malignant

Linda S Adams wtf are you talking about?
@John Edward Mr John EDWARD the world need throw a big big party and we need to have on mask and stay the 6 feet distance do you agree with that
@Kathy Mcneil whatever works… AS LONG AS WE PARTY
Open the schools when you open Barron’s school, Putin’s Puppet.
..oh you didn’t know that Barron’s school has already stated that they aren’t planning to open until 2021??
If these schools open is going be a lot lot of dead . trump and his supporters is real now lost it
DR. Birx needed to stand up for truth before now. Too little to late.
Good Morning Harley-
I agree with you! Way to little to late! Birx is TRADER HORN JUST AS THE MAN SHE SO ADAMANTLY PRAISED AND Worshipped? Guess the Devil had to show his real face to her! Peace to you in this Maddness!
Trump Talk Translated:
“Many People have told me” = Voices inside my head
“A lot of people don’t know” = I just learned
“Believe me” = I just lied
“In Fact” = I’m about to lie
“He’s a great guy” = I will deny ever knowing this person after they begin to tell the truth about me
“MAGA” = Making my pockets fatter off the American tax payers
“Nobody knew” = Everyone knew except me
“Huge” = moderate to below average in size
“Loser” = someone who makes me feel inferior due to their talent or accomplishments
“Policy Briefing” = Watching Fox News
“Liar” = Someone who tells the truth about me
“Fake News” = Real news
Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie!
@Rudy Not everything. He may lie about his reason for doing it but not lying when he makes threats about inciting violence against protesters or about his being a nationalist. He wasn’t lying about wanting to delay the election. He wasn’t lying about being a good friend of Putin. He wasn’t lying about accepting help from foriegn nations to hep him in getting reelected.
Nasty: A woman reporter who asks uncomfortable questions
@weezyc203 “I aced the test” = “I’m pretty sure I almost flunked the test”
Accordian hands – BIG lie.
We are the laughing stock of the world, wow, thanks #45.
Lisa Santiago – Lisa, believe me, we’re not laughing. We’re crying
Trump isn’t a parochial problem, an American problem, he’s a worldwide problem. God bless – Ian from the UK Daniel 7v8
TRUMP LIES SO MUCH, he actually believes the LIES; it’s called PSYCHOSOMATIC, look it up!! He is trully a genocidal sociopath. Wow.
@100perdido Yep. But it’s more complex than a childish phrase like you suggested. But, to dumb it down for ya…yes indeed.
@Brendan R Yeah. I know. But when referring to a childish man perhaps a childish phrase is in order.
@100perdido True. Well played. He wouldn’t understand big words like so.
@100perdido Please check out the book by Dr. Decker. “Trump’s Brain (Paperback): An FBI Profile of Donald Trump … Predicting Trump’s Actions and the Presidency.” It was published before he was inaugurated. It was written from the POV of an FBI profile in order to predict [his] actions and responses. It is brief but it speaks volumes.
@marc dailey Thanks. Will do.
Trump still sounding like he’s learning how to read.
He is Learning how to read … he is an evil old man .. my nine year old is ten times smarter than this criminal
How is it possible that 36 – 42% of the public continues to follow him blindly. Can they not think for themselves?
@Ajay Prasad It is cult like behavior by his supporters
He needs a class in Hooked on Phonics! Oops! That might be too deep for him! Ha! He doesn’t even know he is Drowning Already!