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Watch The 11th Hour With Brian Williams Highlights: August 13 | MSNBC
Wear a mask for 3 months then the world might open its borders to US.
And you may be able to keep the economy going too.
Fabricator Factory How about lockdown for one month, then go about like nothing ever happened.
If the covidiots would be responsible enough to wear a mask, it would be a tremendous help. Unfortunately, you can’t fix stupid, and now ignorance is dangerous.
Not even then.
It’s so sad watching tRump read his speeches for the first time live on TV.
Its cringeworthy
If he wasn’t such a vile creature, I’d pity him. But I do not pity a man who tears families apart and puts babies in cages. I don’t think they should put 45 on display, such a spectacle. But they shouldn’t leave him up there; does 45 even know what’s going on? Seriously. A clinic seems more appropriate, take away the Adderall.
My second grade grandson reads better than Trump
The figures we see for deaths etc are the tip of an enormous iceberg. Keep your kids at home, mask up and vote ( any way possible !!) blue Nov 3rd.
When is enough, enough? Complacency is killing this country…
REPUBLICANS: are you going to let bunker baby do this?
Increasing numbers of American women voters find Trump utterly repulsive on so many levels.
Lawanda Smith You racist pig…..
Lawanda Smith Looks like Lawanda has left the building cause the smell is gone! VOTE TRUMP

hpqz hpqz Because they’re lesbians
hpqz hpqz of course the child molesting Joe Biden is way better than Trump. NOT
On every level. Totally pathetic.
The “INTENT” Is Illegal to Tamper with The United States Post Office. To prevent the American People from Voting.
Nothing will help Trump ..He’s out either by the VOTE or by Coast to coast protesting until he leaves. I mean WHATEVER it takes to get corruption out of the People’s House.
Nothing will help Trump ..He’s out either by the VOTE or by Coast to coast protesting until he leaves. I mean WHATEVER it takes to get corruption out of the People’s House.
Can Trump be impeached again?
You just keep on regurgitating what you’ve been told to say. Good follower.
@Marcus Starman So have you TrumPet
Who needs Russia when we have The President is already trying to manipulate the possible outcome of the election..
True. He is sharing the burden of Friend Putin…
April Cabrera Trump is Russia. Putin tells him what to do to ruin democracy. Trump to stupid to do this much damage
Other country’s have done that, Biden is right, everyone should wear a mask, why does Americans think they are immune.
We think we’re immune because less than 1% of the country has tested positive for COVID and ~5 per 10,000 people have died of COVID **RELATED** causes MAYBE.
@The1Returner Triggered? You not have a very fullfilling life if you belive you are triggering people in a comments section.
Stating lies and false claims and then being corrected doesnt make a person triggered.
Have you been depressed since Trump was elected? Are you overly excited for his potential loss? Is this the same thing that happened in 2016? Starting to seem like it.
@Darius Manson And….you did NOT CORRECT ME, NOR ANYONE ELSE…once again, on this thread…..about KAMALA HARRIS. Shes a AMERICAN BLACK WOMAN…BORN AND RAISED IN OAKLAND CALIFORNIA. Do a fact check before you continue to make yourself look foolish. And worry about OTHER SENATORS who are NOT TRULY BORN IN AMERICA. JOHN MCCAIN WAS BORN IN PANAMA.
RAPHEAL EDWARD CRUZ AKA TED CRUIZ who was BORN IN CANADA. WHOS FATHER claimed political asylum here in the US, from CUBA. Theres a long list. Educate yourself.
@Rosebuds Bloom Why is that your business? Every single white person I know identifies with some or all of their heritage when it suits then and nobody says boo. Most of them never left Canada, many have parents born here but they say they’re French or German or whatever. The only people that seem to care are bigots.
debunkthejunk1 maybe so , I consider myself American. I never say German American, even tho I was born there. I never learned about color until I entered the school system.
She was born here to two non-US citizens. Meaning she was born to parents who were not subject to the jurisdiction of the USA. Go read the 14th Amendment, clown.
Why can’t he be stopped from closing or damaging the postal service for his own political gain?
Don’t worry! He’s getting so much bad press on this post office outrage that patriotic citizens all over the country are mobilizing to make sure ballots make it to their proper destinations. Once again, Trump has HURT more than helped himself and his fellow pathetic Republican enablers (who also need to be voted OUT of office). November 3rd can’t come fast enough for me.
Absolutely absurd. The Dems know they’re losing this election so they’re instilling fear into idiots (like you) to believe this tripe. It’s sad.
The USA has 4% of the world’s population and over 25% of the world’s fatalities….wear a mask!
“Hey Mike Bloomberg: Where are you? Remember you promised to get behind the nominee with ‘full support’?”
Trump is what happens when a publicity stunt goes wrong . . . America you’ve been the victim of a huge con !!!!
gerard greenwood The HUGE CON was letting trash into America in the 20s & 30s. The filth that have nearly destroyed the world. Get it right.
That’s what assshit does best and he’s been a fraud all his disgusting life. How’s it feel foolish trumpers to know you’ve been lied to, tricked, and ignored all because you idiots voted for a fake.
Did you type that with a straight face while Sloppy Joe is hiding in his basement and letting his wife answer questions on his behalf??? Or being interviewed by Cardi B? How silly can you be?
@crazybongo5 Neurotics wouldn’t know that was a song written in 1968, by A Wilson. A mere quote to alarm the Swamp SCUM of all Parties about what they had done was soon to be unraveled. As he has done.
Sorry to say I’d like to leave this country but nobody in the world wants us Americans
Unfortunately your country is full of selfish people that will do anything to get rich no matter what sure there are people like that in any country but not as many as there is in usa
My thoughts EXACTLY! I feel like I just want to run before it’s too late! He has brought SHAME, to how world looking at us!!
They need to impeach the Post Master and someone needs to sue him TODAY.
the draft dodger that married a non american-that knows nothing about history has weakened NATO
Don’t forget the son of a Nazi sympathizer!
@Warren Devine …and Klan member.
He has actually married *TWO* non-American women.
Where are the gop senators any way? Oh I forgot they are having dinner with putin
18 of the top 20 worst cities are run by Democrats and have been for decades. But MSNBC won’t tell you that.
Yes. A powerful message must be sent.
@Marcus Starman : It is the vibrant economies of states like California and New York that pay the most into the Federal coffers.
Red states like Kentucky where McConnell has been on the tit for 35 years go cap in hand for handouts of Federal money year in year out. On the one hand ole Moscow Mitch is quick to step up and take hand outs while also enthusiastically supporting the worst excesses of American capitalism, which can be summed up as socialism for the very wealthy. E.g. Trumps massive tax cuts for the rich.
But Fox News won’t tell you that.
hpqz hpqz : Right on point. Excellent comment.
Our Soldiers and seniors are not getting their meds delivered because of this charlatan grifter.
Tell me about it! I can’t get my meds from the VA, and I need them.
That’s laughably false.
@Marcus Starman If that’s so laughably false, why is the veteran TheWislon565 verifying this truth. do you think he’s the only one? You TrumPets need to take off the blinders
I wish the media would stop showing this fool President talking. He’s “pimping” the media every chance he gets !
You just bought into the lies hook, line, and sinker.
Media certainly needs to stop showing this unknowledgeable wannabe. Everyone needs to wake up and remove this offer ,jealous fake leadet
Kim G Only he’s so disgusting to watch. I just don’t see how people can stand a deranged person like that. As they say, “SMMFH.”
One of my professor in college once told me: when someone is lying with a straight face, that person is should never, ever be trusted, period.
Hillary? Biden? Schumer? Nadler? Schiff? Need I go on?