During an interview on "The View," Republican Senator Ted Cruz was repeatedly interrupted by hecklers in the show audience. #CNN #News
Watch: Ted Cruz ‘The View’ interview interrupted by protesters

During an interview on "The View," Republican Senator Ted Cruz was repeatedly interrupted by hecklers in the show audience. #CNN #News
Whoopi should just keep her mouth shut..Ted Cruz deserves all the criticism he gets!!!
@Chris Davis she’s worse than that, she’s just a totally out of touch millionaire who forgot what hardship was.
@Chris Davis LMAO not even close you dork
They weren’t even protesting him they were protesting the show lol I think he planted them
How come?
Or you could just treat that man with the same respect he gives his constituents.
Very little then.
Interrupted by 6-10 people on the audience wow so groundbreaking and newsworthy!
@Basik yes ,it is going to be great when we take the senate and house back and trump back in office in 2024.
@Jeff V like your 1619 CRT The Root) — 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro No. 21: Did black people own slaves? If so, why?
One of the most vexing questions in African-American history is whether free African Americans themselves owned slaves. The short answer to this question, as you might suspect, is yes, of course; some free black people in this country bought and sold other black people, and did so at least since 1654,
@Jeff V Anthony Johnson (c. 1600 – 1670) was a black Angolan known for achieving wealth in the early 17th-century Colony of Virginia. He was one of the first African Americans whose right to own a slave for life was recognized by the Virginia courts.
My favorite part was when Whoopi said that the 2016 elections were rigged. I love the hypocrisy.
@TheDiamond2009 And what Polanski did wasn’t “rape” rape.
@#SuperOldGameSaturday What the devil are you banging on about, squire?
@TheDiamond2009 it wasn’t about race unless u can show historical evidence that the Germans and those in the holocaust were a different race
True freedom is to hear an opposing you.
If you want to prove that you are right . DEBATE don’t jump up and down like a baby
Some would say, pent up buying and supply after pandemic, the pandemic itself, oil interruptions——contrived —-like the frat boys like it.
Markets fluctuate.
Corporations are gouging. Not enough competition. Not enough innovation.
Programming Senator Phony here was not a great idea. He grandstands if asked the time of day.
She said, “Quit yelling, I am in close proximity!” Let’s playback some recent episodes of The View to see just how hypocritical that sounds? Speed and volume of speech are that lady’s M.O.! But I am overjoyed that some actual civil discourse took place today!
This is their audience!
I’ll always stop what I’m doing to watch anybody heckle butthead Teddy.
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Probably trying to get People to start watching again.
A Tail of Two Trials: Combined CNN + MSNBC coverage of the 1st three weeks of Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial (Nov 2 – Nov 23, 2021): 1 day, 20 hrs, 59 mins, 50 secs…..Combined CNN + MSNBC coverage of the 1st three weeks of Darrell Brooks’ trial (Oct 2 – Oct 23, 2022): 1 min, 25 secs
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Hit the nail directly on the head, unfortunately the CNN MSNBC audience would rather believe the lies of the narrative than actually utilize the unique human property of free will and independent thought
0:01. The way he’s talking, the Republicans lost both– for reasons.
Cruz. Finally a guest with some Integrity.
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*Big props to Alyssa Farah for standing up to the professional hecklers!* .. _”We do cover climate, guys!”_ … Alyssa said that before Whoopi even got all up. Alyssa clapped in support of Whoopi. The other co-hosts were stunned mullets during the heckling. Go Alyssa!
I know he is a clown but we should be respectful. Defeat them substantively not adolescently

It was impressive to see these arch enemies sitting together and sharing opinions .
That’s the problem. Why do you see it as enemies just because someone has a difference in opinion?
The view is a total disgrace and an embarrassment. Such vulgar, intolerant and ghetto type of audience that can’t handled the truth
At least he showed up
Papua is indonesia

The cast of the view would never show up at Newsmax or so but Ted showed up at their turf