Members of the Republican party, including Sens. Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham, are pushing back on Florida's Gov. Ron DeSantis after he said Russia's war in Ukraine is a "territorial dispute" and not of "vital national interest."
#CNN #news
Members of the Republican party, including Sens. Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham, are pushing back on Florida's Gov. Ron DeSantis after he said Russia's war in Ukraine is a "territorial dispute" and not of "vital national interest."
#CNN #news
Anyone else get that gross feeling having to agree with Lindsey and Marco.
@Eduardo Oliveira once you learn to spell, you may earn no credibility
Thank you very much !
Don’t agree with Lindsey then. He’s two faced player.
FYI – Just because somebody thinks you might be able to run for the Presidency doesn’t mean you have the skills, abilities and intellect to do so…
DeSantis does not with these comments. He is not POTUS material. Let him stay in FL.
@Corinne M. He is the most Intelligent man running for President in the last 100 years. Maybe you should study his education, Naval Service, and service as a congressman and twice elected gov to the 3rd most populated state. He has this Independent Vote!
Like Sleepy Joe
@tom lund by that logic we should fallow what Lindsay I want a war Graham says.
Watch how fast they all flip if DeSantis becomes the nominee. More than anyone is Graham. He’s the worst
@Bert Saenz ALL politicians do this. Remember Kamel toe hated racist Brandon but then changed her story. Quit acting like one side is better than the other.
@Bert Saenz ALL politicians do this. Remember Kamel toe hated racist Brandon but then changed her story. Quit acting like one side is better than the other.
@Bert Saenz ALL politicians do this. Remember Kamel toe hated racist Brandon but then changed her story. Quit acting like one side is better than the other.
You know something is up when the guy who proposed a national abortion ban calls you out for bullshit
@P&J’s Ranch
Pro-Life Always
no. life begins AT BIRTH. You live your life and stay the hell out of everyone else’s. Good for you you kept your child. THATS YOu
@Darth Vitiate false premise. The anrcdote does not disprove the rule
I can’t see DeSantis in meetings with World Leaders in other countries. He has no knowledge of foreign affairs and would just add to the disdain that foreign leaders had with Trump. The world that used to look up to the USA now thinks we were very stupid to elect him. I’m sure they would feel the same about DeSantis.
@Chad Simmons Nope. But I do remember Trump holding the Bible upside down and say 2 Corinthians (instead of saying 2nd Corinthians).
@Asher Dog Not me … I didnt fall for the media productions … Not a follower here … I figured it out . Trump has a personality that is not admirable but his policies were American…. Media lead the ones into his personality and they fell for it…. I dont imagine these same people would have liked Teddy Roosevelt who had a similar personality, but they hadnt invented CNN yet …
Our only hope is to beg trump to come back.
@Trump is going to prison sooo that makes it ok for other world leaders to laugh at biden? Tf?
@Michigan Girl
Desantis is going hard against Disney but soft on Putin
Our only hope is to beg trump to come back.
I’m sure he can see Cuba from his house.
Thank you very much !
WHAT more important issues? The books on school shelves or “woke”? Desatan is insane.
Maybe our borders. Banking. Wages. You know the domestic stuff everyone is worried about. The stuff the White House seemed to forget. Like visiting kyiv before Ohio maybe? They are doing more for them then they are doing for the people that elected them.
@A TG First of all The war is adding to the refugee load making pressure on borders greater. It’s not just the ones fleeing the violence but every person who could be drafted is getting out of Russia. WW3 is going to tank both the banks and wages if it kicks off so I fail to see how any of them are “more important” than making sure there isn’t a nuclear war in Europe.
@Brian Edwards how is it adding to the refugee load?? The thousands of Ukrainians doesn’t make a dent in the hundreds of thousands of South Americans trying to come in. Literally adding a drop of water to a pond. We are talking about domestic issues. Everyone else seemed to have focused on their domestic audience while we took the brunt of responsibility regarding their security.
@A TG You don’t know much history do you?
@Brian Edwards I know wars create refugees captain obvious. My point is, if you want to support Ukraine why not Myanmar??
As a Brit, the talk coming from the next potential leaders of the USA scare the living s**t out of me. The war in Ukraine is not just about Ukraine, it’s about all of Europe including the UK. People in the USA seem to have forgotten what loyalty is, very worrying!
@Mike J then Pastry you are! ; )
Only thing us European’s should worry about, is the Inflation reduction act! European companies will be moving to the US fast
@Steen Romme Reducing inflation is good for everyone!! If you want to spend crazy amounts of money on food and fuel then good for you!
@Mike J nah, we have companies here allready in Las Vegas. The tax reduction is green, so they plan to expand over there. Why the EU plans a similar plan to subidise companies to stay. German gas is now 3 x the prise, US lng gas shipped from abroad.
Why North Stream had to happen. The US mentioned the topic back in 2014. Funny thing is that, it happened the same day a new pipeline was introduced. So much for clarity.
Media here doesn’t cover the strikes in Great Britain, nor the farmers strike in Holland and now Belgium. Not to mention the Canadian Trucker’s convoy.
Lady G has been well known to say one thing and immediately flip when it suits him. I wouldn’t praise him for saying anything because they’ll all fall in line with whatever their leader wants once they have a nominee.
@Morgan Stevens LOL…
Lady G ?
That’s what Lyndsey Graham says today. Tomorrow it could be totally different. All it takes is a call from Trump.
The mind of DeSantis:
Russia/China taking over the world: no biggie
Disney commenting on local laws: THIS MEANS WAR!!!
Aw, how cute! Leslie, I mean Lindsey, is trying to grow a backbone! Good for you, Leslie, I mean Lindsey!!
No, he just wants to retain his preferred tee times at Trump golf properties!
Lindsey Graham is past his prime but I’m glad he came out .
On Russian TV they say that Alaska is Russian territory and later they are going to return it back to Russia.
@Rob but the US must do whatever Putin wants, because this dude has nukes and stuff
Looking good, Don. You’re 20 years younger, lately.
Okay Ron, glad you clarified your position.
So in the last week, Lindsey wants to declare two wars.
De Santis censored for telling the truth