Watch Santos dodge questions from CNN reporter on live TV

CNN's Manu Raju pressed Rep. George Santos (R-NY) about the FBI investigating a US Navy veteran’s allegation that the Republican lawmaker raised money for a lifesaving surgery for his dying dog only to take off with the money. #CNN #News


    1. @Jim Wheeler 6th amendment is the right to be present during any and all hearings. That Capitol building belongs to me and you, not our politicians. That is OUR Capitol building.

      And yeah… we have a two tier justice system. Lefties burned down cities and caused over 2 billion in REPORTED damages and it was labeled a “mostly peaceful protest” while constitutional protected protest is labeled domestic terrorism.

      I’m still bewildered by the fact lefties killed more black people than cops in 2020. That was a first in American history. Maxine (marxist) waters said on live TV “get more confrontational” and two black men where murdered within the hour.

      And the only person killed on J6 was an unarmed women shot in the face by a cop. The media claims 4 officers where killed but infact they “committed suicide” hill C style over the fallowing 7 months like Gunther Hashida for example. His family said he was a proud and happy father and none of this made sense.

      Also, did you find that integrity I was asking about for Steven Colbert or the Kavanuagh riots? Notice how I call them riots and not an insurrection? Because that’s exactly what it is just as much as J6.

      The media said the term “insurrection” 1,000 times a day for 3 and a half weeks to make the lie stick. You must have a serious condition of brain AIDs to take Trump’s words like “make your voices peacefully and patrioticly heard”, “no violence” and “go home with peace and love” and conclude insighting an insurrection.

    2. @mobilizing trunalimunumaprzure, wtf, who do you think that you’re bs’ing here? Here you go………

      “Amendment VI

      In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.”

      So where are you deriving that fictitious nonsense of yours that the 6th Amendment to the US guarantees citizens the right to enter the US Capitol building anytime that they want?

    3. @Kiss My Axe, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m arguing with a trumptard that January the 6th *WAS* in fact an insurrection. Hey, what can I say, I get a perverse enjoyment out of tormenting trumptards.

  1. Watching Manu Raju questioning Santos is like watching an SNL skit. I can’t believe this is real.

    1. Sadly, I can…this is the political reality Trump had brought us. And the weak democrats that have allowed him to get away with so much for so long, when the republicans annihilated Clinton for way less not so long ago…

  2. Can’t believe Santos gets to vote to kick another* representative off committee assignments. Mind-blowing.

  3. Seems people forget that Scamtos played for the “Dodgers” that’s why he’s good at dodging whatever, including questions

    1. @Movie Nerd you only hate monger Republicans because the media told you too. This is why we call you simps

    1. The party’s support is crumbling ever so slightly as evidenced by the obvious move by leadership to get him to “voluntarily” step down from his committee assignments.

    1. I wish he would ask Biden a relevant question about him lying about Hunter Biden’s business dealings. In other news CNN refuses to cover. HUNTER BIDEN now admits that it is his laptop. That means he admits taking money from the Chinese Communists, and he admits Joe knew about it, since that is in his e-mails. Well I’m pretty sure this video from the selfie camera on Hunter’s laptop, is from Hunter’s laptop. Yep, that is Hunter Biden smoking Crack in a video from his own laptop. You can’t make this up. It is hilarious.

  4. The production crew just went into meltdown….”HOLYSHIT” they must had said, “Santos!!” …”ask him about the dog”……”ask him if he’s going to resign😅

    1. He’s attempting multi universe championship tonight and his my friend face stream . That’s the social network he launched yesterday he did all the programming and networking all at the same time.

    1. Maybe they should ask Joe Biden a tough question? I mean, if that is really what makes reporters great? In other news CNN refuses to cover. HUNTER BIDEN now admits that it is his laptop. That means he admits taking money from the Chinese Communists, and he admits Joe knew about it, since that is in his e-mails. Well I’m pretty sure this video from the selfie camera on Hunter’s laptop, is from Hunter’s laptop. Yep, that is Hunter Biden smoking Crack in a video from his own laptop. You can’t make this up. It is hilarious.

  5. Santos’ first piece of legislation will be to create a federal mandate to make all elevator doors open and close in 2 seconds. 🤣🤣

    1. Simping is not a life skill as much as leftist believe it is. Lefties are more concerned with hypotheticals (not reality) than fentanyl killing more Americans per year than WW2 because you are anti-American comis

  6. Considering how arrogantly and defiantly voluble that Santos normally is, his silence here is very convincing. He DID rip that ex-navy guy off and allowed his dog to die. It is one of the lowest acts a human could commit and I hope Santos pays for the rest of his life for that evil.

  7. Great reporting: the guy just pivot straight to George Santos as he was passing to go to the elevator, well done!

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