Former South Carolina Governor and Congressman, Mark Sanford, announced his plan make it official. He's going to take on President Trump. Trump then responded by calling out the biggest scandal of Sanford's career in public service – when he went MIA as Governor to visit a woman with whom he was having an affair in Argentina. Mark Sanford joins Craig Melvin to discuss on MSNBC.
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WATCH: Sanford Responds For First Time On-Air Since Trump’s Twitter Attack | Craig Melvin | MSNBC
lmao trump ‘called out’ him for having an affair. I give up. we do not live in reality anymore.
Troy Stocker Sure he did, he pretended to be a billionaire, he pretended to be a stable genius, he’s pretending to be President, he pretended to be a meteorologist, he pretended to care about the middle class, Trump’s entire life is make believe.
@Troy Stocker dear heart. He did. He said he didn’t sleep with Stormy. He says hes a Christian

@Fennel Woods
Little mushroom
@Troy Stocker “trump didn’t pretend to be something he wasn’t” Jesus 2.0 in chief sounds a bell to you???
Nothing quite like listening to the Great Pumpkin attack someone else’s morality.
LOL…I love it. “The Great Pumpkin”. I’ll never view the “Peanuts” comics the same way!!
“Trump Fatigue” Give Sanford the prize for best phrase of the year.
Trump Fatigue? Way to class up this GOP fight.
Websters will recognize it in 2020.
Being a rational person trying to make sense of this illiterate dumb dumb is truly exhausting.
As a phrase, it’s been in use for a few months now…
Comedians have already referred to it…
That’s the best you could come up with orange one?
You’re slipping.
in reality Trump is worse than a stooge- he’s a pedophile stooge- a serial adulterer stooge- and the biggest failure in modern history to be a public figure let alone the President of the free world; his moral compass is all about a buck $$$$. and he will f__k anyone to get one $.
Trump isn’t as smart as any one of the Three Stooges. Nincompoop is a good name for Trump.
Fact 1: trump cant call anyone out for anything without embarrassing himself.
Yeah, if it’s “off-colored” Trump’s partook.
Yeah but he is too stupid or else indifferent to care.
He just did a snowflake
@Dann Marceau 99% of your brain is damaged i DR.RUDY can install A healthy baboon brain in that scewed up head of yours.
So.. You’re telling me, Trump, the poster boy for adulterers, has the balls to throw the stone at this guy?
Irony is lost on Trump supporters. Ok, let’s be honest, reality is lost in them.
Morons can’t see their own mistakes, or when everyone is laughing at them.
He knows nothing about the bible
So he the dummy knows not what you’re saying
Trump is the quintessential stooge!
You are too kind.
Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal should both enter the presidential race and challenge Trump in the primary. I would pay good money to watch them both debate Trump on live tv.

Could you imagine the look on Trump’s face when they start asking him about the affairs he had with them.?
Yeah why not there is good as any other Democrat that’s running
oh they should do this on SNL
Uhhh Stormy Daniel’s.
The three stooges are alive…Hannity, Carlson and Dobbs.
Dang Shame ,The three stooges are alive…Hannity, Carlson and Dobbs.,You made my day LMAO.
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr all the aforementioned are geniuses.
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar with a PhD from Oxford and a published author on military history.
tRump shouldn’t be casting stones. SpankyPants is a self confessed serial sexual assaulter & whatever Sanford & Son did with his mistress pales in comparison.
@James Dunn you’re a liar
@snoop alert NOPE. James Dunn, obviously someone concerned with precision, even used the subjunctive tense in his sentence. Precision: certainly not something that you’re concerned with Mr Alert…
@Eric Schultz nope
@snoop alert Can you even speak English? No? I didn’t think so… Immigrants master the English language better than your thick and inbred brain.
Did trump really call him out for having an affair I’ve just two words for trump stormy Daniels!
Trump screwed a dead pornstar once when desperate. Epstein was close freinds till he tried to BLACK mail trump.
and Marla Maples and Melania Trump.
@La Verdad oh, and Karen McDougal.
And to think of the huge scandal they mounted on Obama for wearing a tan suit
the G(reedy) O(ld) P(urloiner)
is no longer the party of Lincoln, or even #ronnyraygun
You left out the Zap ! after Ronny raygun.
Lincoln wasn’t that great of a guy anyway. White washed history.
Trump lives by the tweet, so if science is correct he dies by the tweets.
I’ll just take the dropping dead part, Science or not.
Is that science though…?
@Horice Black Agree!!
Guess republicans should have thought about all of these before backing him
You fuing clowns I hope you end up in the poor house
@paul otterson wow, angry at strangers much?
This guy hasn’t presented a platform or plan..
Hes a never trumper
Rhino spoiler.just trying to steal enough votes to cause a Republican loss. Question is who’s he owe?
Sanford votes with trumpy 91% of the time?? What would change other than the childish tweets.
Sanford is another irrelevant loser … should stayed lost on the trail … Does the ‘ Party of Family Values ‘ have any candidate that isn’t a liar, an adulterer or a thief ?
Remember this, GOP: You had the power to recover your party, but your greed got in the way. 25th amendment would have ended all of this disaster of a mark that you’re all now stuck with.
Jewels Star As long as you understand the message, spelling errors don’t really need to be pointed out in YouTube comments.
@Marci LK Oh yes they do…
Particularly when they aren’t simply mere errors…
MANY write “loose” instead of “lose”.
I am merely providing them with a FREE education and a spelling tip.
Some of them may be applying for jobs and “loose” them due to their sloppy approach to attention-to-detail.
Education is IMPORTANT. Look what happened to the USA because they have been cutting education funding for DECADES now… Trump LOVES the uneducated… because they are too dumb to think critically and question his BS.
TRUMP is poorly educated and lacks intellectual curiosity.
He is a pumped-up reality star on The Appentice: POTUS Nuclear Edition.
Educate yourself and others. It is HUGELY important.
PS. Funny story: When I was recruiting for a job at the last organisation I worked at, I needed someone who got stuff CORRECT and didn’t make dumb errors. My favourite CV (resumé) actually mentioned “attention-to-detail” as one of their skills and then two lines down mentioned it again. It made me laugh but unfortunately that was not their purpose. Needless-to-say that was not my hire.
Poor git probably *does* still think he has good attention-to-detail ‘cos no one taught him otherwise…
Jewels Star I agree attention to detail and spelling are important on resumes. Since we are being so noble helping others out, I should point out that it’s “guy”, not “git”. But seriously, you want to consider whether your post comes across as helpful or as nit picky and self righteous. Most people know the difference but either aren’t paying attention and type it wrong, or autocorrect selects it. And there is a big difference between YouTube messages and resumes.
Sanford did a bad thing but he is articulate and has Trump pegged.
t’rump’s afraid that if he had to debate someone in a primary, he’d get exposed for having done nothing in 3 years!

trump will spew out lies about what he has accomplished and it won’t matter to his base, but to the Independents that will decide the election, it will matter