Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders declares victory in the Nevada caucuses, telling his supporters in San Antonio, Texas, that he's feeling confident about his chances there, too. #CNN #News
Watch Sanders’ reaction to projected win in Nevada

Larry David will be looking at a new lucrative contract with SNL now.
Make Larry Fly Again!
@DONALD TRUMP 2020 H oh baby doll. Love the kisses you sent. Lost of love and kisses.
@Sandy Bathwater burnie will laugh at it
and he hit the ground running in California while others were still in Nevada
@Mac Loud not according to the news . Sanders and Russia are ties. He even honeymooned there to have meetings with Putin. If you think Putin’s puppet spy says he’s not involved that’s what a spy would say.
@Mac Loud Putin Sanders 2020
@Mac Loud It seems like you’re not up on current events.
Don’t let this win makes you complacent. Watch out for everything they try to do to bring Bernie down before Super Tuesday. Keep informed and go VOTE.
10/10 confirmed that Bernie approves this message.
#Bernie2020 🤓🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊
77Wells honestly this is a point which is very swept under the rug. I challenge one of these presidents to stand up for regular people and talk about this weird gay agenda they’ve been putting on kids
@FamilyMSV It’ not surprising that a Rump supporter wouldn’t know the difference between socialism and communism. We do not have pure capitalism, and shouldn’t. We need a combination. K-12 school is socialism, and so is social security. BTW, sorry you fell for Rumps con. He tells you what to think, he tells you what to believe, and you just go along with his endless lies.
FamilyMSV define communism
@FamilyMSV anything is better than crony capitalism including socialism. No more on ” capitalizing ” on the average worker. When will the greed end with capitalist – never off course.
I’m Yang Gang all the way but I’m really happy for Bernie!! He’s a good guy fighting for all of us Americans!! None of the other candidates are worthy of winning!! I hope he picks Andrew Yang as his VP!! 🙂
Quinn Sullivan WRONG!
Julie Wilson Hell yes, Sanders Yang 2020!!!
outside candidate supporters stick together! Yang was my 2nd choice but Bernie will always be my president! #Yang2028
Build the world’s greatest healthcare system, and make the oligarchs pay for it.
@Script Master Yet if you add up all the taxes, they pay lower proportionally lmao.
@Nathan Mathews If you took all of the money from the top 1%, it wouldn’t last a year with Bernie’s plans. Please educate yourself on how insanely expensive and unrealistic his proposals are.
@Mike Hall A group of Yale economists in collaboration with the lancet made a peer-reviewed study showing that M4A will save the government $450bn yearly in administrative costs.
You will save thousands under M4A because you won’t have to pay for private insurance. And since your employer is not incentivized to pay for healthcare, the benefits you get (non-monetary compensation) will be translated to real wages.
@KillMeWithPotato That’s not how that works. In order to close loopholes you have to restructure the laws which takes many different bills to pass through a Senate controlled by the Republicans. That’s besides the point that major corporations will leave. Do you really think Facebook and Google and Amazon will stay if the taxes are too high? No they’ll look at other countries who will provide them with benefits it already happens with different states. If they’re hit with tax them up to 90 percent which is what this old commie wants there will be no economy for these companies to even stand on. Here is a suggestion read Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell that’s if you can read.
Power to the people, right on!
– – I am 54 and tired of all the BS in our government ! – – Go Bernie with your Genuine Honest self !! – – ….and Justice for all the good people !! – –
<3 #NotMeUS
I’ll be 54 in 6 days, I agree with you 100% .
TellyToby 710 yes!!! ❤️
Tellytoby 710, lies from all your democrats?
The spirit of FDR is smiling right now… Democratic Social Agenda to benefit everyone, not just some… #Bernie2020
Omg you people really are that have to be or you wouldnt have posted that comment.
Pkease do yourself a favor and go Google and youtube everything you can on Venezuela because everything bernie is talking about is happening as we speak in Venezuela.
Its a hell hole and tragedy.
You are being lied to continuously by bernie warren your teachers professors and anyone else who says socialism will work anywhere.
All it does is destroy countries as it is Venezuela right now and has been for the last decade.
A country doesnt come back from the devastation socialism causes.
You dont understand that the socialist regime takes almost all your pay and land and anything else you have and you end up slaving away for rice and bread to servive on medical and medicine is almost non existent in socialism.
You lose everything and the few at the top have everything and live like a king and destory every part of a country.
Venezuela use to be the top country in south America and booming and then it was taken over by people who changed the whole system to socialism and its now one of the 3rd would countries that has nothing .
Its getting worse everyday for the people there..
That would absolutely destroy america the same way and thats what your wanting.
Unbelievable that young people have been lied to so they can use you to get what bernie wants.
He will destroy this country and all there will be is gangs raping and killing all girls and women boys and men.
Its a tragedy waiting to happen.
It happens in the middle east every day.
. We will be over taken by our enemies and your wanting that.i csn only hope that happens to you because you are asking for it
Tell us…..what has the rich ever done to you. Instead of blaming today’s problems on the rich, how about you improve yourself and not worry about the rich. You hate the rich but you use their products…….think about it.
@Trump’s A FatAss the one percent will pay their share. I will pay mine.
Bernie will distribute White girls for all of us.
Daily reminder that Bernie is extremely wealthy himself
Bernie beat all other candidates combined. Clear leader. I hope the other candidates remember “Unity”.
@gelgoorx Russia wants Bernie to win Moron…
Winner of the losers.
@owen bender Your a Fuc$&ing Traitor voting for a Communist. 30 years Bernie been in Washington with NO bills Past. Why don’t you get mental health eval for wanting someone who’s proven he’s useless in D.C.
He is the first presidential candidate in history to win the popular vote in the first 3 states!
@Yohannes K WHEN, lol.
This country was not built on communist nor Marxism
UH oh, is a red-hatted MAGAt feeling a little blue? Wait till we get control of the govt back from you chaos agents. Socialism coming cuz we are sick of losing everything and living in the streets.
tommy d u b b s hail brother ALL HAIL THE CHIEF KEEP AMERICA GREAT
He sounds like George Castanzas dad on Seinfeld…
@dgmwitz DGM LOL. You want a piece of me?? Are they trying to keep us out of del boca Vista? SERENITY NOW
His boss you moron his boss
Serenity now!
he sounds like an angry old jew
the airing of grievances ))
FEEL THE BURN!!!!!! #2020 #46
Time for open borders and sanctuary cities and partial birth abortion!! Sanders 2020
He needs to make sure that “real” Democrats win a majority in the Senate and the House.
The bully pulpit of the presidency will be enormously helpful in getting honest people elected. Plus, he won’t signal his supporters should “chill out” and disengage from politics after winning as Obama was sometimes criticized for doing.
Feel the heart-burn maybe
Peace be with us!!! Take it all the way to the White House Bernie!!! replace them all
The more the media bashes Bernie, the more it becomes clear that we need to get him elected.
I have never seen a candidate fight so hard for the common man before. The DNC cant stop Bernie.
o yes they can, watch
This is awesome. Americans will never elect a millionaire socialist that’s literally never had a job but bought three houses with our tax dollars.
The best part about Bernie supoorters is they just cheer whatever bullshit he says, they don’t even care about results…cultists
Bernie is going to flip Texas, blue wave.. No it’s going to be a Blue Tsunami 🌊🌊🌊!!!
Bernie beats Trump!!