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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: September 9 | MSNBC
Enough is enough.. Organize, help others to get registrated and vote early. Vote them all out

@TreeHugnHipi I don’t hate my name at all…
I’ve been taught not to hate…
Ergo, I am colorblind to all races…
We are all brothers and sisters……
@Oh Yes, Please! I’ll Have Another Bowl Of TDS!
#foreverimpeached The 48 Senators who voted to convict clown trump represent 18 million more Americans than 52 Republicans who voted to acquit. #foreverimpeached
@Oh Yes, Please! I’ll Have Another Bowl Of TDS! learn grammar, you pathetic weakling.
@Hayden Williams wow, you sure went from 0 – Whining Loser in no time at all! Sorry to make you cry, lady
@Oh Yes, Please! I’ll Have Another Bowl Of TDS! you failed.
WHAT are we going to do about this? So tired of TALKING about this mobster, who has now gotten away with killing thousands upon thousands. STOP calling him president, Rachel. He’s the boss of the White House mafia. Ongoing crime, no accountability.
I’ve been saying that for 3.5 years! People, stop calling this moron president
@Alex Hamilton I guess it’s wrong to care about trees. And God’s creations? I guess we should follow what? Mankind who was lost or God and Christ. You won’t have to worry because most of the trees will be burnt down. Yes I’d be against those that care about God and not sinking in the White House. Good work my man. God bless you
@Joe Baker God’s creation? In what part of the Democrat parties platform do they say anything about God? In fact for 70 years they have been fighting to take God, Jesus, the Bible, the Church, out of the public arena. They have fought to destroy the 1st Amendment and take free speech away from Christians and Pastors. Since the 1970’s they have been celebrating the right to murder the unborn child which as of today number in the millions. So don’t go talking about God’s creation when you are in favor of killing unborn children.
It doesn’t matter if you like him or not. He is your president. And he will likely be your president for another four years. So you need to buckle up enjoy the ride. It’s four more years of patriotism. Anything republican is better than a democrat.
Great, I have no problem with that. I would much rather have Trump as a driver than Biden who would go to sleep at the wheel.
Trump’s the most effective weapon Russia has ever had against USA . That’s why Putin wants him reelected
@Philip McDonald

@Philip McDonald You are stupid Get off Fox news
@Philip McDonald The Uranium One controversy involves various theories promoted by conservative media, politicians, and commentators that characterized the sale of Uranium One to Rosatom as a $145 million bribery scandal involving Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. No evidence of wrongdoing was ever found.
Since the 2015 publication of the book Clinton Cash by Breitbart News editor and Steve Bannon collaborator Peter Schweizer, as well as a 2015 New York Times article that Schweizer was involved with,[1] allegations of a bribery scheme involving Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and the 2010 sale of Uranium One persisted, primarily in conservative media. Fox News host Sean Hannity characterized it as “the biggest scandal — or, at least, one of them — in American history,” while his frequent guest and former Trump advisor Seb Gorka equated it with treason worthy of a death sentence.[2]
Despite four years of discussion and analysis of the matter—as well as an FBI investigation[3]—no evidence of any quid pro quo or other wrong-doing has surfaced. Numerous Republican politicians and pundits, including President Donald Trump, have insisted that the Clinton-Uranium One story is the “real” Russian scandal, rather than the matters for which the Trump administration was investigated.[4][5][6] The Washington Post reported in January 2020 that an additional Justice Department investigation into the
@Monica Lillich Comey’s FBI was and maybe still is corrupt hence Ma Clinton is floating about free and refuses to obey the law and be deposed.
@Dingo Bat Here’s some real Trump collusion when he thought the mic was off.
Considering how he gushed to Woodward you can only imagine how open he was with Putin
—And THAT is the real story, just what did he discuss with Putin in their two-hour private meeting in Helsinki, from which all Americans were banned except the translator, and Trump demanded all her notes.
Soooooooooo true
He was worried about the stock market not human lives
i was JUST gonna come down here & say that… (he didn’t want a panic, IN THE STOCK-MARKET)
He did give that impression.
It was a disturbing observation
I had myself
and don’t forget
We need to lie about the number of cases so we can still export our products!
Our fearless misleading leader.
And I thought Clinton was bad.
Abosede Olofi Someone has to worry about the economics of this madness! He does care about human lives! Where would you hear such nonsense? He stopped travel from China and Europe EARLY, he hunted down masks and other PPE sent them to the states and cities who had the most urgent need, even had manufacturers that made widgets to stop making them and make ventilators and masks and gloves. Does that seem like someone who doesn’t care about lives?!!
Good luck with that.
The Geo political economy
Is not the most important factor on this big blue marble
Trump the humanitarian ?
I don’t see him slowing down the military-industrial complex from selling their arms all over the world.
@Mr Charles no it isnt. It’s very true of an assumption of what hes said and done so it’s very logical that anyone can make that statement with faith that’s its probably true
he’s going to get away with this isn’t he? The whole republican party must never ever be in administration again.
@Ms Linda – Another rich famous white man wants to run as a repub president… yawn.
Remember when Obama signed that executive order for the ACA and repubs were crying treason?
Crickets from #MoscowMitch and nem, the gop is mute. I wonder why.
It was one thing to say in February that he was “playing it down”. But, when it became obvious that COVID-19 is a PANDEMIC, it was the job of the president to tell us. Instead the president continued to call this a HOAX and discourage wearing masks.
@avedic I just noticed, it looks like Bonespurs is giving Rachael grey hairs. :o/
He sure does love his uneducated people, or the ones that wear blinders…..SMH
Suzanne: including his latest super spreader gathering at the WH. 99% wore NO mask.
He told the healthcare people to slowdown the testing.
“Donald the Menace” out lives the reputation that precedes him and went on to take destruction to the next tier.
MSNBC is pushing the biggest mistake in American history
Didn’t he also lie to the world that the Democrats have come up with a new Hoax called the Corona Virus????
Uh, yeah, months and months ago. Where have you been?
Oddly Trump seems to enjoy causing panic particularly when it comes to BLM or caravans at the border.
So he’s killed off over 200,000 people in less than a year that it took the flu nearly ten years to accomplish!!!
…and he’s still playing it down. While we’re at it, let’s not forget those elected officials who refuse to do their jobs properly by standing up to Trump. They enable him.
Imagine what he has told to Puttin in private conversation. Please God get him out of office!
Try to watch this 5 min video . If their is so much evidence against Trump why is it the Dems were given the floor to present their facts and had nothing to say . I’m looking forward to your liberal response .
@Yak Man *There
I leave you with a quote.
The only thing more foolish than a fool is the fool who follows him.
Have a nice day yak
@Tony L The First Time a Canadian Crowd Chants “Trump! Trump! Trump!”
if a 4 star general is sleeping with his clothes on and praying every day at a church, it tells you something did spook him…….
@Patrick Bullard lol poll.
@Easy Does It is quite the sicko. Check IT’s depraved & disgusting playlist. And please don’t feed the deviant trolls.

@DancesInCombatBoots ! haha. Get a life. My life will be complete without ever looking at your playlists. Lol. Loser
MSNBC is pushing the biggest mistake in American history
Left vs Right, Male vs Female, White vs Black, Middle class vs Working class: they want you divided so they can conquer you.
The Orwellian measures invoked during this pandemic has financially destroyed tourism and the service industry; whole countries- including the US- survive on these industries, especially with our manufacturing base outsourced to China, Vietnam, Thailand, and others. Manufacturing is the heart of a nation and the service industry is the arteries: both are being removed.
Congress, both sides, are on vacation avoiding stimulus payments, or slipping harmful legislation into the aid package; while the average american exhaust their savings and slide deeper into credit card debt. But Congress can unanimously agree to send aid to Israel at the drop of a hat, without fail. They want us to be a peasant class with no upward mobility or power for change.

The innocent gets ruined, while the elite and politicians line their pocket. The cascading effects of job losses is planned destruction to rebuild how they see fit. The artificial intelligence that drives automation needs 5G networks to work on a macro scale. Notice how they are unveiling automation at this time using the virus as an excuse: self-serving kiosks, AI-powered tractors, self-driving cars and buses, automated street sweeping vehicles, neuralink, and automated fast-food.
In China, they’ve unveiled automated transport vehicles that carry the rocks from excavators. One person can control 15 of these transport vehicles at once. When the jobs disappear, what will we do? With the destruction of small business, where do we fit in? Technological advancement is good, so long as the controllers aren’t malevolent. They don’t have our best interest at heart. They want to kick humanity to the curve, so they need us powerless for it to work.


These measures are part of a centuries old plan to control and own everything, every time it is done by the same group of people. We can reverse their plan and build a better world. Read the links above and below. These links are banned from posting on youtube: they don’t want you to read them. Make their agenda backfire on them.


*Russia’s Deadliest Weapons:* “Useful Idiots” in positions of power, puppeteered by coercion, corruption and kompromat.
Absolutely. Unbelievable that the. GOP let this continue. They could have forced him out with the impeachment. Schiff and others worked so hard. It was clear cut and the GOP BETRAYED THE US.
@Dingo Bat They certainly did and they should know how ‘loyal’ that POS is – I wouldn’t doubt it if he nuked the Senate on nov 11 after he loses
@Dingo Bat I am disappointed in my fellow Americans who used to be respectable and reasonable Republicans. Now they are suckers for Trump.
MSNBC is pushing the biggest mistake in American history
He blamed everyone else for what he was responsible for. I can’t even stand looking at him
Blames China for a cover-up, when China’s President called Trump himself to explain the virus…
Now we know what the real cover-up is.
Why hasnt he been removed? This is fricking serious, gambling with our lives. Remove him!!! Wtf will it take? We need him out now!
ha ha ha your funny ! great jokes ! WWG1WGA ! !!
TRUMP 2020 ! !
Wake up
You’re getting your source data from nonsense “news” coverage. Cnn, msnbc, Fox…. they all have an agenda. They all manipulate data to fit their narrative. Get your info from the source. Make your own decision. Don’t be a sheep to msm.
@Youtube Isbroken Fox and OAN do this too, of course.
Kristin L. Ford -More on point (albeit is null and void) he has violated almost everything our fore fathers put in our Declaration of Independence! Disgusting, and his entire administration, Republicans (still backing him), and the Americans still supporting him after the last 8 month’s are guilty of aiding & abetting him in the “Negligent Murder” of over 195,000+ Innocent American lives, as well as aiding & abetting him in the “Criminal Endangerment” of this once great nation!!! Not only for failing to protect us from COVID-19 but also, the bounties on our Military! It’s deplorable!
He didn’t want to panic the markets. All he ever does, is try to panic people.
That would be the mystery. Why weren’t the Wall Street investors spooked by a ridiculously unfit President? My guess is that they were being assured behind the scenes that it Trump got completely out of hand that the adults in the room would use the 25th amendment on him. The one thing that the Mueller report made clear is that when Trump ordered his staff to do something stupid, they simply ignored him. There probably was a LOT more of that than anybody realizes.
“God’s Favor – Our Protected Lives – Lying Trump Haters Defeat By God”
@The Blessings Of Jesus Channel Either you are off your medications or else you are on SELF administered bootleg medications.
Agree.. not the people..!
Blames China for a cover-up, when China’s President called Trump himself to explain the virus and warn Americans…
Now we know what the real cover-up is.
@Big Bear Hungry yes
Left vs Right, Male vs Female, White vs Black, Middle class vs Working class: they want you divided so they can conquer you.
The Orwellian measures invoked during this pandemic has financially destroyed tourism and the service industry; whole countries- including the US- survive on these industries, especially with our manufacturing base outsourced to China, Vietnam, Thailand, and others. Manufacturing is the heart of a nation and the service industry is the arteries: both are being removed.
Congress, both sides, are on vacation avoiding stimulus payments, or slipping harmful legislation into the aid package; while the average american exhaust their savings and slide deeper into credit card debt. But Congress can unanimously agree to send aid to Israel at the drop of a hat, without fail. They want us to be a peasant class with no upward mobility or power for change.

The innocent gets ruined, while the elite and politicians line their pocket. The cascading effects of job losses is planned destruction to rebuild how they see fit. The artificial intelligence that drives automation needs 5G networks to work on a macro scale. Notice how they are unveiling automation at this time using the virus as an excuse: self-serving kiosks, AI-powered tractors, self-driving cars and buses, automated street sweeping vehicles, neuralink, and automated fast-food.
In China, they’ve unveiled automated transport vehicles that carry the rocks from excavators. One person can control 15 of these transport vehicles at once. When the jobs disappear, what will we do? With the destruction of small business, where do we fit in? Technological advancement is good, so long as the controllers aren’t malevolent. They don’t have our best interest at heart. They want to kick humanity to the curve, so they need us powerless for it to work.


These measures are part of a centuries old plan to control and own everything, every time it is done by the same group of people. We can reverse their plan and build a better world. Read the links above and below. These links are banned from posting on youtube: they don’t want you to read them. Make their agenda backfire on them.


He is the king of con man
@Wilmo Mee No he didn’t you simp. He put travel bans to China in place and the Democrats called him a xenophobe! Stop being blinded by your hatred.
@Mike Dixie-Normous they ignore lies. As long as it fits their narrative, they will preach it as fact.
What makes anyone think that Trump didn’t tell Putin about the nuclear weapons system already?
My bet would be that he talked about it because he had just heard about it. And not bragging about it, even for more than a couple of hours, would take a strength of will that Trump lacks entirely.
U guy crack me up .trump got u so worked up .take a shot , u need a drink!