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About The Rachel Maddow Show: Through her unique approach to storytelling, Rachel Maddow provides in-depth reporting to illuminate the current state of political affairs and reveals the importance of transparency and accountability from our leaders. Maddow seeks to explain our complex world and deliver news in a way that's illuminating and dynamic, connecting the dots to make sense of complex issues. Maddow also conducts interviews with individuals at the center of current news stories to provide important perspective.
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#MSNBC #ElectionWorkers #CaliforniaRecall
Isn’t making money from a lie fraud?
@David Cohen So pay your taxes?
@Michael Harold Well its dated 2024 so unless he has a time machine….
@drewnashty educate yourself further. A virus is technically not a microbe.
@KentBalzer I see your point. It’s happening everywhere. Tone down the bile please. Lol
@Papa Woody does that mean you believe Fox News, it even rhymes with Fake News. Lol.
My prayers go out to those Idahoans who are dying because of GOP denial of COVID and questioning of vaccines and common-sense safety measures. Get vaccinated!
Idahoans can get vaccinated if they so choose. No one is stopping them from being vaccinated.
My heart goes out to all the brain dead dems.
@Neil and Bob kneel and Bob for your disgusting orange messiah, maybe you could be cell mates
@Maggotty Trailer Queen what for?
So you want animal dna in your human body? Or already have lol
You are 100 percent correct. They really do need legal help.
lying to get money is fraud – class action lawsuits can be started within just a few days
Headlines, 2024: “Devastating, Unprecedented Numbers of Lung Cancer Deaths Attributed To Inexpensive Masks, Manufactured In China, To Protect Against Covid!”
@Samudra Manthan being a lying magat is not a good goal. Stop being a disappointment to your parents
@Maggotty Trailer Queen you just screaming liar. Isn’t proving them wrong.
It only shows that denial is your safe space
How can we do that?
@Censorship Is real liar
When are reasonable, sane citizens going to say, “enough!” Get rid of these lunatics.
Couldn’t agree more, we must clean house immediately
@Trapped in America Go band that empty melon of yours on the sidewalk for a while. It’s voter fraud that destroys the country.
@Geff Joldblum “People will do what people do.” Ho humm. Carry on.
@Censorship Is real The CDC also lied about masking students. Apparently the teachers union are the real ones who are in charge.
I’m with you!! I’m sane and had f___cking ENOUGH!!
What in God’s name has happened to America? The hate within your country is sickening.
@Bob ROSS, Omg!!!! Surely you are joking????
@Brian Nave, Wrong!!! That was your Savior tRump who did that!! And they Never held back on what a Complete Wreck he made of The United States!!
@Biden will get us all killed, there you go again!!! Go do some meditation and clear your mind. Because you Totally have Biden mixed up with tRump!! Everything you’re blaming Biden for is what frumpy tRumpy did!!
@Biden will get us all killed, Do you even know what Antifa stands for??!! It’s your “Proud Boys” doing All of the damage!! They just Love to stir up trouble!! And Hahaha I heard big fat “Tiny” from the Proud Boy Terrorists got shot in the leg while searching for Antifa!!

I wish you were wrong. But. the willful ignorance and zealotry of those that believe in “God” and accept information and direction from their cult’s chosen leaders with unquestioning blind faith is actually a huge part of the problem.
The Republicans, it’s my baseball and if I don’t pitch nobody plays
And nothing can “make” them play. But they won’t let someone else take the ball either.
They are angry and will hurt everyone they can, in anyway they can, to make sure it is known how angry they are.
The rest of us who are sane: we’ll get our own ball and park- bye!
What is Garland doing about these threats? Why is he still sitting on his hands? this has been going on ever since Trump lost the election last November and here it is almost a year later, still nothing. I believe that Garland will soon shut everything down as it is too close to the mid turms.
Yes, I wrote to Biden & asked the same question.
Very dangerous lunatics. A police or FBI investigation is of utmost importance.
democrats are constantly investigating…theres nothing to investigate, democrats are cheating elections and then calling everyone against it racist…its pathetic
this lady gets paid to tell u what they want u to hear, use your brain
The problem is the three letter agencies are already corrupt and supporting the Communist DeepState. These recent poor decisions are cloaked under incompetence. However each poor decision has been strategictly planned and we’ll funded by foreign governments. Big Payoffs.
@D W The problem is in the phrase “Use your brain”, they’re only going to use it to soak in what their media is telling them without question.
The two party system is alive in the Democratic Party. The other Party is only concerned with grievance.
@Patty Donohue how are you oppressed ?
@Censorship Is real how are your freedums being infringed upon with covid? With the deadly 2nd amendment? The GOP admitted it….they can’t win unless they cheat. They cant win legitimately so they OPPRESS the vote, oppress womens rights, they oppress people of color, and they oppress immigrants from legal entry to this country (you know, coming here for a shot at a better life, just like YOUR ancestors). Don’t give me that ignorant BS. You know exactly what I’m talking about, sucka.
@Ralph Naylor that’s a sad and pathetic joke, I’d say
@Patty Donohue Like the new GOP.
@Patty Donohue There is a word for what you are describing Fascists….
Jeezus! Nothing says, “Freedom,” or, “Liberty,” like friggin’ death threats to election officials. Of course, if the GOP could win fair and square, they wouldn’t need to resort to such underhanded hateful and vitriolic tactics now, would they?
So, it really says far more about them, and what kind of people they are than anyone else so, there’s always that….

@Sandi Harris If someone had ebola, would you be against them being quarantined? Or would they have the right to go wherever they wanted? If you are to be consistent, your answer would be yes.
As far as ivermectin… they are researching it to see if it really is effective. Isn’t that why so many right wingers were against getting the vaccine, because they wanted more testing? Yet you flock to ivermectim because your second cousin’s in-law said ivermectim works.
@Sandi Harris no, if you really want your FREEDOM,,, go to the closest emergency room and visit covid….that is the only thing repukes deserve…run go catch it…
druggies always seem to find their dealer,, take your medicine ivermection,you can still find it underground, personally I don’t give a @hit..
don’t just take 1 ivermection pill,,, take twenty….
@Sandi Harris respectfully, so you would prefer to take a drug that is used in humans for parasitic worms rather than a vaccination developed for COVID-19? Mmm
@Sandi Harris just saw a report that the horse dewormer y’all are taking leaves men sterilized. By all means please keep taking it.
@carey jernigan Tell us what you really think!!!
The rest of the world now define USA as a bananarepublic.
@offshore4848 DJT has made it into a banana republic, and a very bent banana at that.
If you are talking about a huge cache of WMD no one would argue with you but for purity of intent you score very, very poorly. Your economy is based on warfare and it will start to dip until you create another never ending war.
Maybe the world you speak of should learn Russian. With out the USA whats left? China? Oh you probably already do speak Russian.
@Margaret Stewart Sounds like you know very little about the country and your narrow minded in your judgments.
@offshore4848 you are good at boasting. Flying business class??? Why not first class or is that out of your pay range. Keep trying, you’ll get there one of these days and we can all celebrate with you.
@offshore4848 , what job did you have bootlicker or the subject of scientific experiment in the effect of inbreeding?
That’s what the vast majority of trumpers are!
Why have law enforcement made no arrests or charges of these Trump supporters threatening election officials?Will the media interview Police Chiefs about lack of action?
And just think. We are supposed to be the United States of America and one tRump divided us. Now we are the divided states of what ever it is now.
Imagine this. Identity theft of those killed in the collapsed building is possibly 30 years in prison, but those over 1000’s of tRump insurrectionist get probation or minimal charges?
@Ngocdiep they are grounded at home.
@Ot3p charge everyone of them to the maximum. We already know more tRump cultists are coming. I say, use any means necessary to stop them.
9l11. Now I have the tallest building in NY- trump.
yea well the cry of “VOTER FRAUD WITH NO EVIDENCE” is getting pretty tiresome
@IVORY123100 no they screamed about misinformation campaigns paid for in rubles. Not the same.
2020 is over but over election integrity Biden insulted million of whites openly, you care zilch
@IVORY123100 Show us the latest reel on any of them claiming voter fraud and I will show you Trump’s from this week. You are a bot.
@IVORY123100 it’s not like I woulda voted for Hillary, but, to me, she was one of the first examples of misinformation attacks by conservatives.
This is a total failure of our entire justice system that needs to be corrected. These terrorist group must be jailed, tried and convicted. We must make an example of them or kiss america good-bye.
It’s a feedback loop of frenzied insanity. The cycle must be broken if we are to stand a chance of saving democracy.
Good luck with that when social media companies are given a free pass to host domestic terrorists.
America’s democracy is teetering on the brink of destruction.
Yep. Republican poverty has gone full fascist – it’s not hyperbole anymore.
Yes. 6th year running.
The only thing that has held this country together is the undeniable fact that democrats simply outnumber republicans.
But the country is a democracy, we can’t move on without them, and all they want is to hurt people for it.
I worry about that…
Even Great Roman Empire collapsed. Instead of barbarians, we were invaded by misinformation.
I’ll be watching with a bag of
Here in California, we don’t need another version of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
@Censorship Is real Newsom saved this State from Trump during the pandemic. Trump was stealing our supplies and allowing his buddies to sell them. If it wasn’t for the group of Governors in the Western States (including several Republicans) many more people would have died from Covid.
Is it just me, or did that voicemail threat sound like the My Pillow guy?
@Censorship Is real me too! and I’m black!
@Karen Bunn sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. Where’s your tinfoil hat
@Karen Bunn any resembles is pure coincidence
Setting Up An Excuse For Street Violence
So They Can Keep Their Base Motivated
” The Mob Requires Blood” Is A
Horrible Concept But A Very Old One.
This is so outrageous
Why haven’t we arrested these people and prosecuted each and every one 
ANTIFA= a political protest movement comprising autonomous groups affiliated by their militant opposition to fascism and other forms of extreme right-wing ideology. I am white and I agree with ANTIFA and black lives DO matter. If we are to be the “United” SA, we need to come together, not work to separate us. All Americans should be free, not just white folk. All ANTFA wants are the same rights as any average white man. That is not too much to ask.
@Censorship Is real Yes, and those that we had evidence burned and looted were arrested.
@C Bryce phone records… voice mail… they actually have evidence.
its not hard to figure that out when they play it IN the video… are you a bot? Surely you have enough brain cells to rub together to see there is eveidence when they present it IN the video you just (supposedly) watched.
Because Trump stacked the courts
We can hope the Justice Department is getting to that point but there are so many from the prior administration — and their supporters — whose actions merit scrutiny that it taking a lot of time may be unavoidable.