Watch Rachel Maddow's exclusive interview with President Trump’s former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen. Tune in to The Rachel Maddow Show weeknights at 9 p.m. on MSNBC.
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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: September 8 | MSNBC
Thank you, Rachel!!
@Gwyndaf Owen
Funny coming from an Alex Jones / Jimmy Dore wanker on Cheney food stamps!
@Gwyndaf Owen
Having a private moment or a seizure?
Seems common among Trump trolls.
Sounds like you guys know you’re going down, no life jacket is going to save you now. And for the reporter maybe she can claim a little deeper be for no chest
Rachel Maddow…you rock!! Thank you for all you do!!

@Gwyndaf Owen
I’m afraid you are doing what you do in your your shrine to Trump.
Your mommy is tired of cleaning up after you.
@William H actually it’s amazing how dumb Trump supporters are. I mean the man said he could shoot someone and people would still support him. So he believes his supporters are suckers for believing all the b.s. he throws out every day.
@Catherine MacAskill I’d still vote for Trump if he shot multiple people and nuked California you clueless moronic buffoon
@William H – at least we’re not wasting all day, every day waiting for MSNBC videos to be uploaded so you can start trolling….
Hey, Democrats you will get your turn let us get out of the hole first would you. Like the President or not he is a professional business man. If you gave him 50$ he would eventually make you rich with it. Do you think Biden could do that? Who would you give your savings to?Trump the money maker or Biden? Really. Don’t screw this country over so we struggle forever.
You think he is playing when he says we will go broke? Think long and hard people.
Trump 2020
Your simply awesome Miss Rachel
Happy to follow you…by the way
Cohen’s interview was great last night…
@Peter Bills and……?
@Peter Bills can u look past her gender please
This is disrespectful…
Shane on u
Peter Bills And?? I’m confused as to what your comment has to do with anything being discussed here. Is it because you can’t argue your point with any valid facts, so you just make some stupid and random comment? Pretty typical Trump supporter I’d say. Come back, if you must, when you can add something of value to the discussion.
@Ocean Lover Excactly my thought!
If she actually was an elephant, she’s still darn good! But, of course, it takes a certain level of intelligence and education to appreciate her capacity.
Peace and love to you and yours.
Ane-Louise Stampe Thank you! Same to you and your family.

Eric trump said on camera. We get an extraordinary amount of money from Russia. A lot of Russians really love golf.
@Gwyndaf Owen …. Hey say hello to Vlad for me.. Fascist MAGAT…
Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia

Golf isn‘t really popular in Russia, by the way. In fact, Russia and the USA don‘t have much in common.
doesn‘t need to worry about the USA as long as Trump is in power, they would easily win WWIII because the country is destroying itself.
Putin is happy with Trump because he knows how stupid this administration is. Russia
andreas pedersen Putin is way too smart for Trump… he makes him believe that he respects him. But actually Putin laughs about Trump. He realizes that America is destroying itself. That’s good for Russia
Four years later the brainwashed sheep’s Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia

Awesome interview, Rachel!!
Russia! Russia! Russia! Russia! Russia! Russia! Russia! Russia! Russia! Russia!
Your whole hour should be on you tube.
I love your show and would love to see this with michael cohen. You are the best.
Wish I could see the whole thing, I’m in Europe
@Emily Maiden Try the main MSNBC site. The entire show may be up by tonight as there is usually a lag. Cheers, and good will to the U.K. from this benighted country.
The best–so true. The best liar on MSNBC and that’s saying a mouthful.
I hate to say it, but I’m starting to like this guy.
Big Billy Wallace 1237 second time around he told the truth.
its easy to like a person standing in honesty and truth
Big Billy Wallace 1237 I wouldn’t expect any less bias from a Russian troll. You guys are predictable liars.
He coming clean. Its admirable.
I do too. He’s real.
He is now unburdened and dosen’t need to lie anymore. His whole being has been released. Believe what he says.
I believe Cohen. He has little more to lose and much to gain by being honest.
@Gwyndaf Owen Ummmm did you think WWII was a valid war because all of those who fought the Nazis were technically “antifa”.. It means anti-fascist. This is incorrect branding labeling antifa as an enemy.
@Marie Riegel gotta feeling he is a troll..
@Elizabeth Wallace Just read the book. Tremendous love and respect between them.
@gsmith1308 YAY.. I was right.
Nothings matters unless we vote the GOP and Trump OUT
@Adventure54 Give him a medal
Kyle17 Attorney Speaks
@Vera von Weltin Asked by a person who get “news” from Madcow, lol
Biden for Trump 2020
@Vera von Weltin Biden Holds Rally
And you want a senile old fragile man? Pathetic losers.
Dump Trump 2020
trump always has someone to take the fall for him.
April 20, 1889
the chosen ones.
The Real Trump playbook – Turner Diaries
Dirty Don, the confidence trickster.
I suspect that will be either Barr and/or stephen miller
It’s his turn soon
does anybody still watch this fake tv station. this is the same gal/guy who “reported” the russian gate, nick sandman, jessie smolett, mueller’s investigation and and thousand more fake stories every day of the week. grrrrr. shameless, idiotic, and so useless.
Cult Theory 101, tell the same lie the same way over and over and over until the listeners have ingrained it into their body chemistry. It’s how Hitler, L.Ron Hubbard, Stalin, Jones, Manson, every cult leader before him did it.
Hey, Democrats you will get your turn let us get out of the hole first would you. Like the President or not he is a professional business man. If you gave him 50$ he would eventually make you rich with it. Do you think Biden could do that? Who would you give your savings to?Trump the money maker or Biden? Really. Don’t screw this country over so we struggle forever.
You think he is playing when he says we will go broke? Think long and hard people.
Trump 2020
@The Truth trump bankrupts his own companies. He’s well on his way to bankrupting America.
The Trump who has seven bankruptcies under his belt? Yeah, good luck with that.
@The Truth is a troll. Check its’ channel.
@Chris P. Bacon My mother was interested in Scientology. She’s a highly intelligent abusive malignant narcissist too, so there’s that.
Repetition is one of the signs of a cult leader!
Also a sign that you are in the presence of a petulant toddler that refuses to accept “no”
Trump is a Sociopath he revels in mayhem, hatred and violence.
@molly lazaris Ha ha ha best joke of the decade lol. I’ve had more intellectual , logical and discernable conversations with my son when he was six. Lol it takes one to know one I guess. Just a news flash real stable or genius people don’t have to try to convince others they are. Lol. Oddly he actually is the lowest IQ Sociopath I’ve seen. They are usually smarter. then he is and less transparent.
@Sanj Vijh Golden Eagle is obviously some white separatist joke with his panties in a bunch over a black man being more intelligent and eloquent then his demigod Trump.
Hate and fear are all these people feel because their too small to realize color or money don’t make a man his actions do. They have no concept of what right action or real intelligence is.
Alicia Taylor; let’s correct it. VOTE
@Daniel Vazquez So Right I cant wait too!!! I applied for my absentee ballet 2 months ago and plan on hand delivering it early lol
Alicia Taylor; Awesome, pass it on; ROCK THE VOTE!
“If you’re going to call me something, at least have the decency to spell it right”
Literally THE go to response for anything any MAGAt calls me.
Boy do they get mad
One of Rachel’s best interviews for Cohen’s exposé of the Orangetwit.
@AwesomeBlackDude Hitlers speeches! Was the name of the 1 book Donald kept on his nightstand and read it all the time. Ivana Trump
@Terry Tighe Riigght!
Awesome Comment!….OrangeTwit….Love it!
Daily Reminder: Trump called Covid-19 a Democrat hoax that will “miraculously” disappear.
@Paul Revere’s Horse Bucky Do Reptiles NOT know what Democracy means? It means the VOTEs of the People or their Representatives decide what the Government gets away with.
@Paul Revere’s Horse Bucky Look out, the Trump Crime family “Trumps” all other known lawbreakers and mobsters.Sorry- pun WAS intended for lame Conservatards
@Paul Revere’s Horse Bucky Of course,you’re working for the Commies- why else would you be SO IGNORANT of how our government works? We’ve had Socialism since at least 1932 and a lesser form of it since the time the FIRST state town or municipal government was formed.
Please STUDY American Government from American textbooks,Ivan.You may be getting paid by the comment,but you are dense in the cabeza,Amigo.
Sterling Pound 190k deaths isn’t a hoax. It hasn’t gone away. The rate of death has declined. But it’s not gone. Just stop
Auntie Pha – the impeached president is terrified of those ever-so-clever dems who can invent a dangerous virus and spread it world-wide. Cadet Bone Spurs is fearful of everything that he doesn’t understand (which is most things in the real world), so he lives in his world of alternative facts and self-manufactured B.S. An important silver lining for America is that donald is so completely incompetent. He won’t do the work to accomplish legislation – he just barks orders for another photo-op of him signing some relatively easily reversed “executive order”. Then he spends the rest of his time painting himself as the victim of people that are more powerful then he — like his donors, the dems, Barack Obama, TV producer Mark Burnett, and of course, Vladimir Putin.
“The cruelty is the point.” —> Vote him out.
Bingo. His niece, the psychologist, said that, also.
Malignant Narcissists burn it all down when they go.
Thats right sadists revel in the suffering of others. Especially those they consider inferior.
Michael Cohen looks so much healthier now that he isn’t Infected by the evil empire.
The accidental president voted in by the most ignorant people in America.
That’s unfortunately true