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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: September 21 | MSNBC
Senators would rather nominate a judge then pass aid to help us.
Don’t vote for them. A new congress might get things done.
This is all Nancy hypocrite pulosis fault so stop lying, LEFTY
Donald Trump is killing this country
@Lorraine West Donald Trump donates 100 percent of his presidential income to charity. What’ s you beef anyway.
@G Alpha
instead of criticizing…why don’t you realize
Biden is not having crowded rallies for a reason
while dt is ignoring covid 19 protocol
Try listening to a different personality…actually listen to what Biden is trying to put across..
Ignore dt’s noise and bravado,empty promises , empty speeches…they have no content if you really actively listen….he says a whole bunch of nothing
Snake oil salesman
Maria Champion
IT’S A SCAM: After 48,299 COVID-19 Cases at 37 US Universities – Only 2 Hospitalizations and ZERO Deaths — More Likely to Be Killed By a Dog
Well he is well on his way. 200,000 in nine months of neglecting the people of America and now want you to take on a herd mentality to take out 1-2 million next year.
T D 200,000 deaths from his fake news and hoax crap about the worlds most deadly virus is a good start.
This is ugly we need help care
Take constructive action
Join the Phone Protest against Chase Bank. Call 855-644-4561 constantly. Put
business on hold until JPMorgan uses their influence with Republican Senators (they own) to stop Moscow Mitch from talking away healthcare and stacking the Supreme Court with a Trump flunky… or JPMorgan can lose Chase Bank and risk a stock market crash
Not as ugly as this:
We the people don’t have the right to choose Supreme Court Justices.
But we do have the right to vote out every bad politician that wants to take away our freedoms so we should stick with that
it looks to rest of the world that you love being oppressed,,,work hard for those rich folk you american workers,,,,prayers from uk
U bet those who care for America are unimpressed by rump ineptitude ,ps playbook by Russia on how to divide and conquer, I see don’t you?
Bubbles crawl back into the hole you came out of and stay there.
@Diane Lee wheres lee harvey oswald when u need him,,,,,
beagle right?
Remember, Trump said veterans are suckers
Wrong. Mr. Anonymous said that.
and you know he said it what he said to mccain should have earned him a punch in the mouth once he is in prison i want a pic of that he would curl up in a corner
Remember, Biden said 200,000,000 Americans would be dead before the end of his speech.
The usual TDS “Derp ta Derp!” U.S. Navy Veteran: MAGA 2020!!!!!!
If I lose my healthcare, I lose my life shortly after. I’m not going out alone. Im going to take some maga maggots with me
They will be easy to spot in public. Adults without masks.
@Auntie Pha Didn’t, I see you on Maskbook?
@Barry Mcbrush Sure post my pics. LOL
@Auntie Pha lol
@The Tweatles Welcome, Comrad Trollsky! Give my regards to Vladimir
Remember behind this all is the John birch Koch foundations that do not want any federal money used for anything but the military. This election in Nov will be to throw out the John birchers again.
david Clark I refuse to buy anything
that is sold by Koch…never liked the
them. Fat ,rich. jerks who do not care for anyone but themselves.Just like
djt ..
It will take more than four Republicans in Congress because that will make it a tie and pence will break the tie
Wouldn’t 4 take it from 47 to 51?
John Call s..if the DEMS refuse to slow things down with demands for unanimous consent on every vote and do not refuset
Four would be enough. Three wouldn’t.
From an outsider the fact that in the US the courts have ‘sides’ is f*cked up beyond belief.
@Gage King @joyce Loesch is that a trick question??
@The Tweatles What is it about homosexuality that troubles you, TT? I really want to know.
@The Tweatles Excellent, Vlad! Good use of all caps screaming just as President prump endorses. Always spread racist hate, lies and fear mongering when ever you can and never, ever question the state TV channels, fox news” and TASS. Presidents putin and prump love your effort, Vlad.
@joe kaniuga Oh well done, Vlad, but please use English when seeding racist hate, lies and fear mongering. Of course the only genuine honest and accurate news sources are TASS and fox “news” and all others (including all global news services) are part of the deep state effort to depose Presidents putin and prump. Mother Russia loves you and your hate, Vlad – keep up the good work.
@joe kaniuga What you are missing or don’t realize is the fact that the many of the same people that want to have a total ban on abortion also do not believe in any form of birth control whatsoever. So who is it that is actually lacking in logic and reasoning? It is a woman’s choice to do as she wishes with her body no matter what any other person, religion or government has to say about it. Some of your comments have some well thought out content, however when you start with the nonsense of blaming liberals as a whole entity and the like you sort of lose all credibility. Simply because instead of going down the correct path, you take a side. There is no way all liberals think one way nor do all conservatives think they same way. You may argue this opinion of mine, it is very apparent though as is my outlook on things.
The rules in the senate need changed to 60 votes to confirm a Justice. Force them to select good person with constitutional history.
I think it used to be that, but was changed in the recent past.
Trump is starring as the president in the latest episode of Hunger Games – but you dont have to be a great archer to take him out and oust him from The White House – VOTE HIM OUT nov 3.
@Stephen Slattery F you, steve.
@Adeline Geesey i voted today also Trump 2020 maga baby
That wont age well
@Zee Ree Pocahontas has crooked arrows
@David Mc The Eye is Upon You. The Wrath Comes Upon You.
You know this lady is telling the truth
David Jenkins …. I get it your mad and filled with hate. Supporting Trump is your revenge for a trailer trash existence
no she is a known liar
@Trump 2Q2Q The Library HAHA!!!! so is TRUMP. So your point?
LMFAO thats why her Ratings are in the dirt..she is a left wing Liberal hack
@CanITalkAboutIT? Trump is President and Madcow is a nutcase.
When the law of the land is open to political influence, democracy is doomed. What’s the solution?
Go back to the constitution. When the government was small there wasn’t any money in it to steal. Then the democrats made government huge and skim $1 trillion a year off the top of the budget for things that should not be there, such as streets and sidewalks.
@Jeff Gibson I can’t tell if you’re being facetious, so I’ll take your proclamation at face value.
You know that big, expensive coast to coast and border to border network of interstate highways that support the transport of goods all over the country? That project was initiated in 1956 by Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Here’s a link
And there are no sidewalks in Texas. Kids walk to school down the middle of the street.
Squirki …wipe the criminal GOP FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH!!!!
@Kathleen Flacy The interstate highways support interstate commerce. Streets and sidewalks do not, you MOron.
@Jeff Gibson City, county, and state streets and highways don’t support commerce? What unpaved part of nowhere do you live, asshat?
I convinced 2 like minded citizens who never voted to vote

Trump will choose a Supreme Court Justices by the end of the week. Poor dems are getting everything they deserve. Joe will raise your taxes send jobs overseas. If you want to live in a communist country and support slave factories with suicide nets and enjoy looting and burning America to the ground and chanting no borders no walls no USA at all vote for Joe. C’mon man if you vote for Trump you ain’t black !
i have been passing out cards that i made to my customers. Oct. 5th is the deadline to register or update in Ohio!!!!!!
If roe v wade gets overturned we’ll see an upsurge of illegal abortions and deaths related to them
@Tim A go see them whining in Minnesota now hahah everyone’s getting robbed and murdered, they cry where’s the police, it’s hilarious

@donereally drama queen
Roberta Cline…thank you because the so called pro-life people think overturning Roe vs Wade will so abortions..NO IT WON’T its just gonna go underground..Crack/Meth/Herion etc..are all illegal, has that stopped people from getting these drugs..A woman has a right to choose, its her choice her body..And most of those hypocrite republican women have had more than one abortion and the men have paid for quite a few too..
@The Tweatles oh STFU please, most of you pro-lifers are hypocrites and the Democrats don’t want to defund the police, they want them to stop killing people and get better trained…if you weren’t such a trumpanzie you’d know this but there is no vaccine for stupid or racism or bigotry or ignorance….
Yes. That is what history has shown and the need for Roe v Wade in the first place.
What kind of people take health care from millions, and it doesn’t bother them. I’m saying if they cut off people from ACA. Many poor people need that ACA, what’s in these rich folks hearts, that they will do now or at later time to millions of people in the middle of a pandemic, who does that. Why.
@Carol you can’t do basic math can you? 47%+70%=what? Way more than if you can’t do second grade math, then your post don’t count. Your opinion means nothing nothing nothing
@Carol you originally predicted 2.2 million deaths by July 1st. Hmmmm. By your media numbers,trump has saved 2 million lives. Hmmm
@Stephen Slattery sorry, you are mistaken
I predicted 200k deaths by October 1 and 250k deaths by Nov 3 back in May -June
Not sure where you came up with this…
@Carol nope. You and the media predicted 2.2 million by July 1st. Too late to lie now. It’s still all over the internet. Video of your FAVORITE main stream media channels saying it for days and days.
WE WILL FIGHT: Sen Elizabeth Warren.
bring it , we’ve been ready for decades
….and crash and burn like they always do.
Saddle up those Comanche
Moscow Mitch’s desperation to get a judge in is clouding his vision to the huge loss he and tRump will experience in November! They’re desperate to hold on to their money and power!!
President Trump, show some got dam respect
Having children or not is a personal
decision..Not for men to make or any
one else to make for others.
@Mike D Don’t chat @ me you make NO SENSE
@Mike D It doesn’t seam like Trump think children and parenthood is a blessing? He lock them up in cages and separate them from their parents.
@Erto how anyone can support the
Jerk who locked up innocent kids is
Soo out of a decent person
djt is a waste of breath & space
I agree womans choice to keep or abort…equal rights men get yo choose to support or not support
Mike D Trump wanted Marla Maples to abort their child.
No wonder the Republicans do nothing to hinder their “Dear Leader” because he reflects them, but on the downlow.
You named it. He is like the second coming that they have waited for for decades.
@R Keller. Bingo! The dog whistle is now a ferocious bark.
Joe Biden could not even recite the Pledge of Allegiance today. You really trust this dementia patient with the nuclear codes? Sad how the Democrats are using him.
Montauk Long Island Trump can’t recite the Pledge of Allegiance, never could.
And like Cohen says, if 45* saw them on the street, he wouldn’t want to know them or meet them.