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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: September 17 | MSNBC
Donald Trump killing this country
Dan Dan: No, racism killing the USA because Trump is president due to racism.
And it’s people
It’s people like you who are killing America. You really need to start watching real news. Wake up before it’s too late. Maddow is a propaganda expert. Have you not noticed how she never reports on what Trump has achieved?
@Pat Baron people I like you whats wrong with this country
Obama would be first in line is that was true.
@Whitey Powers
Donald J. Trump
Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.
2:01 PM · Nov 8, 2013·Twitter Web Client
@La Blue Girl Come on. Can’t do do better than that?
Obama would love that kinda republic.
@Whitey Powers lol!
you people are a special kind of stupid, doing all those mental gymnastics in that tiny brain, just to excuse trump from his responsibility, people like you are eroding this country.
Regardless where the virus came from, Trump failed, he failed the American people, he failed to contain the virus & keep it out…
What? This isn’t a movie? And this administration is worried about hackers while they do it themselves….once trust is broken it is not fixable….life lesson
You can fix trust, but it takes a VERY long time, and a lot of hard work. It also means a lot of hard feelings towards the person who broke it, and them needing to be able to deal with it like an adult. None of this will be done by trump or any of his cultist/minions.
You are a liar and only is because you are desperate to get likes other Lefty dirtbags.
@kingtut777 So…..another *TROLL* cult member just can’t see reality when it’s obvious?? PHAT-assed donnie Con-Man tRUMPski von Putin ( *impeached ONCE already, guilty of ten counts of abuse of power AND is a TRAITOR to the USA* ).
Conspired with Louis DeJoy to SLOW down and cripple the USPS. (“DeJail” is too good for DeJoy. He committed multiple felonies. So did the Mango Mussolini, his day of *JUSTICE* is coming in 2021)…
@Tim Duggan So…..another TROLL cult member just can’t see reality when it’s obvious?? Good luck with yer “Hiden Biden” dream…….
Ruth ginsburg has died. Trump gets to pick another justice
This entire White House is dangerous to ALL the American people.
Only to gullible American people
@David Hale trump gets to pick another justice now that ginsburg is dead. McConnell already said there will be a vote before election day. Liberals are strangely silent right now. Lmao
The point is it’s getting pretty bad no matter where you look at it right now so IDK why we are suppose to fight each other, were supposed to fight together and we are letting one man to break us no body is listening he doesn’t care about anyone not the right or left just the straight up to commuisum and Russia and Putin I don’t want to live under communist party rule like Russia and other countries like that why are we are allowing this seriously
@Patricua Hernandez Trump cut taxes, eliminated 40,000 regulations, opened up the economy, shrank the government. That’s all anti communism. How f-ing dumb are you? Holy sh#!
Using curse words and negitive outbursts just dropped you,r point 1000% percent you think you know the man 3 1/2 yrs and he pays us off with a situlaus check and dropped the taxes for higher income families , is the best way I sent my stimulus check back as soon as I got it and thank you Jesus I love today through science and overcoming cancer may God bless you with love and courage to see the real people fighting for the right for life
The FACT is : The whole world does NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING anymore what comes out of the USA.
And THAT is what Trump achieved.
Your country is gone down the drain.
It saddens me to say, “you’re right.”
Brian Nave, closed borders is collective ownership of the means of production, and even basic subsistence. It is one of the most “communist” aspects of a nation state. Personally I think it is a _necessary_ thing, but that doesn’t change its nature. Trump has fooled much of the right into thinking that he himself is on the right. He is not. No one who genuinely gets laissez faire economics would attempt to influence US companies the way he has. And they certainly would not be attempting a covert state purchase of a foreign owned company! Of course, when I say Trump is not on the right, I’m not suggesting that he is, in any consistent way, on the left. I doubt he even understands the fundamental issues at play.
No, Trump is on the side of neither the right nor the left. He is on the side of Trump, and to service himself he will right royally screw everyone else as and when he needs to.
The US has become a laughing stock. We’re now the dirty kid that no one wants coming to their house because we always have lice! For shame!
America will never recover from president pisshair
@Mick E Well being the richest, most scientifically advanced and the best armed can’t save us from stupidity. What is the point in paying scientists at the CDC if we won’t listen to them. What is the point of being the best armed when our working class military forces are just being sent to die in endless unwinnable wars (I am talking about you Afghan War). Of course i am sure that the rich in the US are just fine.
In less than 4 years Trump has DESTROYED America
@Lisa Lynn HATE is what YOUR Cult leader spreads .
@sharon olsen Finally,speaking the truth, and yet there are a few who dont see it. What is going on with this pretend government is not ok.
@Pam Deshane ever heard of umbrella man?
hint, he werent no dem
White Supremacist Street Gangs Are Going to BLM Protests…
The news that white supremacist groups are appearing at marches protesting police brutality and promoting racial equality comes in the wake of the Trump administration and Republican lawmakers…
‘White supremacists’ arrested while trying to amplify …–White…
2020-07-27 · This weekend in Richmond, Virginia, police arrested several such saboteurs during a Black Lives Matter protest, according to city Mayor Levar Stoney. “White supremacists” were carrying pro-BLM…
White supremacists posing as BLM protesters instigated ……
2020-07-27 · White supremacists posing as Black Lives Matter protesters instigated riots that broke out over the weekend in Virginia. Six people were arrested during the …
White nationalist group posing as antifa called for ……
After George Floyd White nationalist group posing as antifa called for violence on Twitter Other misinformation and misleading claims spread across Twitter on Sunday night and into Monday related…
Are far-right extremists behind violence at BLM protests …
2020-06-16 · Some questioned whether the men were white supremacists or other far-right extremists who had shown up to commit or incite violence that would then be blamed on the protesters…
Not yet.
Whilst Putin quakes in the Kremlin, he also rejoices in the damage he stupidly wrought.
Remember, remember, to vote this November. The treason, the lies and the fraud.
[WHOOOSH!] <= sound of a very UK-centered joke going over loads of Americans’ heads
@Baked Utah LOL !
Biden zionist like Rachel Talmudic deception
The Republicans must cheat too win! It’s so sad we cannot trust our country.
Ann Pringle right that’s why democrats want mail in voting and no ID voting ?
Republicans want in person voting or absentee and ID requirement to vote.
@David Hale Typical voter suppression Republican sentiment. That’s why your dear leader is recommending that you break the law and vote twice.
You show me your evidence and I’ll show you mine.
David Allred so wanting vote in person or absentee and IDs to vote is voter suppression ?
More like it’s fair and legal voting.
Typical democrat anything fair and legal is wrong.
You’d rather have no IDs mass mail in untraceable ballots. Hilarious.
@David Allred not what the president said btw. U wanna use facts dont cherry pick use his whole quote. He said if you want to do the mail in ballot thats fine just make sure you check to see if your vote was counted if not then vote in person, and that is legal. BTW voting twice has a charge of one yr min. In prison up to ten max. Also 150,000 fine. So if your caught even if the judge wanted to go easy on you He’d still Can’t give you anything less than a year. Take that to the post office !
Remove Dejoy, and put everything back as it was. Why would you let the perpetrator put things back?
This is the worst terrorist attack by anyone in American history and its happening within the Whitehouse.

@T Bone We all lose with Trump, including you. The difference b between us is that you are just too dumb to realize it. Capitol letters won’t change that.

Even if only half the things they say that Trump does wrong are true that’s still a lot of things
So sad that you think democrats could have spoken out back in January… In all the articles that was seen in January and February… DEMOCRATS NEVER SPOKE OF STOPPING COVID…. and they wasted THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FOR TRYING TO IMPEACH A PRESIDENT WHEN THEY HAD NO FACTS… Shame that the rest of the country is becoming ” woke” to this but democrats are still asleep…
@Joy Phillips
That was quite a reply I hope that made sense to you is Jordan to me you must just love Trump
@Joy Phillips You Russian *TROLLS* are showing better skills using English lately. Your Master Putin must be so proud. Now, time to get back under Vlad’s desk, his trousers are already down, he’s waiting for your mouth…
@Joy Phillips Biden isn’t the President. Trump is .. So it’s dump Trump who was and is responsible for his lies, and not letting the public know. He’s a total sham of a President and a total sham of a man.
@Tim Duggan sounds like you’ve been there before tim
The American public is at war with the American White House. Strange times indeed.
Yes sir! Strange times indeed.
The American public is at war with the the American public.
The American people are now at war with a Kremlin run white house.
Some Americans have betrayed the Constitution. Those are the same people who support Trump and his anti-America administration.
“I don’t think science knows” person who claimed there were airports in 1776
Tyler Moore …. Mary Tyler Moore ?
FarginhoodMcBastage Trump is president. And he’s a billionaire who doesn’t even take a salary as president. What do you do fog and hood??? Please patriots everywhere Want to know just how incredible you are!
Tyler Moore You got that right. Here is what our man Joe Biden says about all of that:
@Tyler Moore and said ‘under par’ when he used a mulligan Xs 2.
Science and technology have serious limitations in understanding human behaviour and truth
Corruption all over tRUMP administration. Shameful!!
Another media lie. Another failed hail mary
@Joy Phillips Was Trump not in charge back in January and February? It was Trump making all the decisions (actually that should be ‘non-decisions’ as it was the Governors who did the heavy lifting in fighting the pandemic). All the Dems could do was put a spot light on this Administrations activities, which they did through a legal process that found Trump guilty of obstruction. The fact he is still in power is because the Republicans enabled him. As for the pandemic, I’m sure the families of nearly 200,000 dead Americans would be disappointed that this has all become so political. For example, the White House is dropping articles on the CDC website and refusing the CDC right of reply. You don’t see a problem with that?
You’d do Maddow.
Agreed, but that’s par for the course with this Badministration.
@Tam McD trump gets another SCOTUS pick. McConnell said they will vote before election day. Uh oh
So sad that you think democrats could have spoken out back in January… In all the articles that was seen in January and February… DEMOCRATS NEVER SPOKE OF STOPPING COVID…. and they wasted THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FOR TRYING TO IMPEACH A PRESIDENT WHEN THEY HAD NO FACTS… Shame that the rest of the country is becoming ” woke” to this but democrats are still asleep…
@Joy Phillips get out of the fantasy bubble you live In for Christ sakes. What are you are witnessing and endorsing is the turn to authoritarian rule. Day after day there’s a new push into this right in front of your eyes! Trump isn’t a scientist!! And I promise you doesn’t care about you or your life!! Only his political power!! And even the Republicans after the impeachment put out a 1000 page report proving his guilt!!! His own party!!! And the worst part is…that report also shows they knew but we’re complacent to this, Wich means they are just as guilty to the bs.
@Joy Phillips Why are you shifting blame? We have seen plenty of evidence from the president’s own mouth of him downplaying the severity of this virus from the get go. He’s the man in charge. The buck stops with him. So just stop.
Dr zionist
An orange Frankenstein is better than a black Cheetah.
When I was a kid in the 70’s people like DeJoy and Trump would have been called commie scum and been driven out of the nation.
In my country they would be called Nazi swine.
Oh believe me there’s people in our country calling him nazi swine too
Same as the 1950’s & 1960’s. Only in the 1950’s they would have thrown them UNDER the prison !
Scientific America endorses Biden.
America vs the cult of the stupid 2020.
@Kelly Fehr i think if you lose a war, you dont get a statue.
I DO believe history should NOT be hidden because its offensive. It should be taught in depth. We need to teach future generations where we went wrong.
@Patrick Howard “16 tons” is a labor union protest song. Coal miners started the labor union movement in the 50’s. they were a lot more violent than what you’re seeing now. I have always felt that where it went wrong was the McCarthy hearings. Demonizing socialism to break the Unions. In 1990 I was making $17/hr as a full time cook. That full time and a living wage have become the impossible dream is the result of decades of undermining collective bargaining.
I said of it that Trump would be the straw that breaks the camels back. Expect change. I for one am rather nervous. Apparently the Revolution is being televised.
@Patrick Howard wow so you believe dtrump instead of science? I am just amazed. Please tell me why?
@Joy Phillips really they have never in over 100 years that they ever supported any president. You should be afraid for your life if you do not listen to scientific information. Lasts like me flying in my two different airplanes during the 3 wars wasn’t really based on science on how an airplane works. We just prayed that everything would be ok.
@Patrick Howard please show me how the KKK was created by democrats. Please go back to Fox
The CDC WAS a worldwide renowned and respected agency.
Not anymore.
I was A safety and Health Engineer that relied on the CDC, this monster destroys everything when he opens his mouth and his followers, I don’t understand. They drank the koolaid he gave. Jim Jones all over again; it is in the same spirit.
They put out tainted crap information over scientists’ reputation. It’s horrible to those of us who spent 9 to 10 years getting our doctoral training. Meanwhile this President got into college by hiring someone to take his SATs
CDC failed with Flint water contamination, so don’t hang your hat on their reputation.
F A C T!
Obama was respected. Putin’s Puppet is despised worldwide.
This reminds me of “Animal Farm”… Trump is Napoleon: “Two legs good, four legs bad”
A “Loser” is someone who supported Trump in 2016. A “Sucker” is someone who still does!
@Patrick Howard
but then
The U.S. ranks 14th in education
6 January 2015Mark1 comment
According to Pearson, the United States has a “cognitive skills and educational attainment” score of 0.39, which makes the United States rank fourteenth out of forty countries ranked in that category. The top ten countries (and their scores) are:
South Korea (1.30)
Japan (1.03)
Singapore (0.99)
Hong Kong (0.96)
Finland (0.92)
United Kingdom (0.67)
Canada (0.60)
Netherlands (0.58)
Ireland (0.51)
Poland (0.50)
According to the research firm IPSOS Mori, the United States ranks second out of fourteen countries in general ignorance
@dan mac true. Those Democrat school districts, cities are bringing us all down. Uneducated people vote Democrat
@Stephen Slattery youre the uneducated one dude
recall you tried convincing that “thanx” wasnt a word
it appears, youre not to quick, either
ps, if you were attempting to insult me, figuring that i was a dem, you’d be wrong on that count as well
never voted liberal in my life
@Stephen Slattery
“Uneducated people vote Democrat”
ah, well that explains why your dems usually have higher education
and the dem states being higher educated
meanwhile, hows that gator wrestlin, working out for you?
@Patrick Howard “the main goal of socialism is communism” such an ignorant statement. Why can’t you please at least put some effort into your lies. Or maybe you really don’t know the difference…try google. And that was a nice deflection from the Russian election interference. FOX news didn’t talk about it much….