Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: October 20 | MSNBC

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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: October 20 | MSNBC


    1. Hello why there’s no news investigation on Trump not resolving what might happen near Illinois but across on the shoreline of Berrien County of Stevensville, Michigan w/their Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant?….

      which in a lots of way is no different than the bad business practices e.g. of Japanese engineers who literally without knowing ended up sabotage Fukushima facility.

      Now the Fishmen In the northeastern prefecture of Fukushima on Friday had voiced their concerns that their government plans to release an massive contaminated of radioactive water to be dumped into their ocean. The Fishing men was successful of blocking all radioactive waste as of now is still sitting inside a sealed tanks.

      Back to Donald Cook Nuclear Plant, their first unit one reactor cone lid is showing disturbing signs of acute leakage radiation poisoning and they won’t invoke the Price Anderson ACT to have this resolved before an serious billion of dollars blast zone disaster. 😬 😷

    2. Oh and Ruby Giuliani, Trump lawyer had got caught with a 15yrs old girl (20yrs old actress) through a Borat undercover prostitution scheme documentary movie. 😬 😷

    1. @Toward Treatise Biden will take the whitehouse back to what it was, more than just one man running america but experienced experts in their given area. Harris will make sure there is no more grifting.
      trump/bannon wall scam; trump school scam; trump and ivanka fake charity scam.

  1. Of course he did he doesn’t care about anyone but himself ! We the people don’t matter to him ! Vote him out 🤬🤬🤬🤬

    1. *The Great Recession was Declared Over in June 2009*

      *Here are Obama’s worst quarters for Economic Growth*

      -3.05% Sep 30, 2009
      0.18% Dec 31, 2009
      0.95% Sep 30, 2011
      1.26% Jun 30, 2013
      1.41% Jun 30, 2016
      1.43% Mar 31, 2014
      1.47% Dec 31, 2012
      1.57% Mar 31, 2013
      1.59% Sep 30, 2016
      1.61% Dec 31, 2011
      1.71% Mar 31, 2010
      1.72% Jun 30, 2011
      1.78% Mar 31, 2016
      1.92% Sep 30, 2013
      1.93% Mar 31, 2011
      2.07% Dec 31, 2016
      2.07% Mar 31, 2017

      *- Obama holds the Record for more Quarters of <2% GDP growth than any president EVER*

    1. Yep! And Russia made Hunter Biden smoke crack while he exposed himself to children. You’re crazy if vote for the republicans.

    2. What about Hunter and his niece? And the big guy Joe and selling America? That doesn’t matter to you or any brain dead zombies on here does it?

    3. @Big Ern Dog We are sick of the hypocrisy where y’all hold everyone else to a higher standard than Trump. If Biden did it, Trump has done it 10x over.

    4. @Big Ern Dog What about Ivanka and Jared taking advantage of the presidency. China trademarks and inauguration funds for Ivanka. Job for Jared without passing security clearance. Taxpayers paying for all his kids’ trips all over the world. Their dad stuffing his pockets with millions.

    1. @Night Hawks Love your suggestion. May I suggest, as a possible, alternate, “TrumpenBarr Trials 2021”

    2. William-the-Lowest, Barr and now 5 on SCOTUS are autocratic libertarians on a religious crusade down K Street. The engineer of the train is the Federalist Society and the caboose is the 9.1% of the country’s GDP that is tax free, aka religion. A Libertarian Anarchic-Syndicalist Theocracy is the L.A.S.T. version of America the L.A.S.T. 5 SCOTUS judges (seated by a POTUS most voted against) have sought, as they were bought.

  2. Bottom line. Postmaster DeJoy lied. Nothing new. Trump has made lying The new normal.

    Down with Trump and the GOP 😠

    1. @G W if that’s what it takes to get Donald Trump out of office I think I would vote for freaking the iatola Khomeini .Donald Trump hasn’t got the brains to pour pee out of a boot if the directions we’re on the heel !!!

    1. @Facts not emotions you’re good at satire. Have you watched John Demencio on you tube? You’d love his Trump impersonations.

  3. it has long been known trump is dirty, now we have so much proof he is criminal that anyone who votes for him are clearly not “Law and Order”

    1. He is proud been criminal, fail to control covid now he want to tell American to sick of talking about covid

  4. New York times reported months ago Trump brought 16 trademarks in china including 2 voting machine companys 5 days later trump promised to help chinas economy.

  5. Biggest celebration in modern United States history is going to happen the day they find out Trump didn’t get elected

    1. Don’t. Be. So. Sure.
      Trump will keep stooping to all new and dangerous lows to hold onto power. And he’s got help from some powerful people who are willing to play dirty and cheat right along with him (i.e. William Barr, Mitch McConnell, Putin, etc).
      What will decide the election? How much Trump and Republicans can get away with voter suppression, cheating and election meddling. Yes, it’s that bad.

      Republicans have been doing some sketchy things with voter rolls. Please make sure you and everyone you know are registered to vote. It takes less than a few minutes to check your voter registration status:
      Make a plan to vote (ideally as early as your state allows).
      If you’re mailing in your ballot, USPS workers in some states recommend that you mail it no later than October 20th. This is NOT an official deadline….it’s just a recommendation due to trump’s attempts to sabotage the US postal service.
      Finally, make a Plan B in case your first plan is thwarted by those who don’t want you to vote.
      #VoteTrumpOut2020…in numbers too large to manipulate or suppress.

  6. That is what Trump wants rounding the curve means a lot of people are getting the disease he’s hoping that we all catch it and who is strong live and those are not will die. That’s his strategy.

    1. @Moire Garner yes ,because if most of the people are sick,the country will be without to much defense,sound like a plan to me.

    2. @Maria C. Mascaro 80% of the covid dead are over 65 according to the Lincoln Project or aka on FICA. Killing retirees pays for his new payroll tax cut.

    3. Remember it affects disproportionally ethnic minority and health deficient individuals that’s his goal of ethnic cleansing.

  7. L. DeJoy donated 1.5mil camp.GAVE 13mil to Trump. Then he was appointed. Post office is a national Institution also Dejoys wife nominated Ambassador to Canada public record+more

    1. Your right, i think he looks at any chart and believes up is good. Maybe someone should correlate the chart with revenue loss. Might get his interest then.

  8. Trump can definitely be charged for inciting hate and threatening her life, as well as those of countless other Americans.

    1. For as long as Trump is President and he has the full support of Republican Congress, he will continue his terror act. Those who vote for him are as guilty as him.

  9. Nothing, absolutely nothing surprises me anymore about trump the criminal. I’ve seen the signs in the communist country I defected in my youth. This con artist MUST go.
    Vote BLUE! Vote for freedom and justice! Vote for America!

    1. @Elena_Azevedo He’s a careless buffoon just like Trump if he is a US citizen. If he is not he is still just as careless. .

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