Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: October 1 | MSNBC

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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: October 1 | MSNBC

Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: October 1 | MSNBC


  1. Faking being sick and admitting that you were wrong all along about the corona thus proving you’re a failure as president in order to get us to stop talking about your support for a domestic hate group and your $431 million in debt to our enemies….is an interesting re-election strategy. 🤔😅😂🤣

    1. @Ro G Yeah, IF Amazon lent trump $431 million than why does trump hate Bezos so much?
      Oh, maybe Bezos actually expects trump to pay back a loan for a change!

  2. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
    Make good trouble!
    #TOOBIGTORIG. Biden/Harris 2020

  3. Trump Jr. appeared on Sean Hannity’s show, both men without masks, sitting fewer than four feet from one another. But these two dunderheads thought the best way to point this out for the Fox News community was to joke it up. Upon introducing Trump Jr., Hannity joked that they had both been tested as Junior offered up his elbow to bump in salutation, and Junior joked: “I don’t want to get it, they’ll throw us in the gulag,” to which Hannity smiled, saying: “Yeah, where’s my mask?” And they laughed and laughed. Are they and his viewers laughing now?

  4. Forget politics as you have come to see it, as a contest between Republicans and Democrats. Today the struggle is between democracy and oligarchy.

    1. @marlene mead fascism isn’t the antidote to democracy, not unless you are a fascist – look deeply into your fear of what you have been told Socialism is . . . do you not think you might have been duped into believing in monsters under the bed?

    2. @Nine Fools Wise here here!
      and Socialism is NOT the conjoined twin of democracy, it’s just a cousin, ie believing in the right of all to be involved and included, and for which they involve themselves in the community around them, it’s about enhancing experience in one view, and not centred on the Communist ideal, or the one-small group holding all the power principle which he Republicans want to adopt.

    3. @Julia Hartshorn You said that so much better than Wikipedia. Thank you! Please stay safe, take care and vote. 🙂

  5. Lawlessness! People don’t seem to have any power in the USA. That is so unbelievably hard to digest about America, a supposedly democratic country!

    1. In America, we’re so brainwashed, we just continue shuffling along as we’ve been taught to do oblivious to the fact that we are the ones with the power if we would only use it.

  6. This is an Alice in Wonderland Administration/Republican Party…and Donald is the mad hatter at the head of the table.

  7. ​This isn’t really about Trump at all. This, like the election, is about us and our future. Everyone around the President from his family, congressional members and staffers, Biden’s family and campaign officials, people who attended his rallies and private fundraisers to the secret service, cleaners, cooks, and other staff just doing their jobs at the WH, etc. are going to be tested, quarantined & may need to self-isolate, etc. There will be exhaustive contact tracing. And then there is all of their loved ones and communities. Let’s keep our eyes on the prize and vote. Vote as early, safely and peacefully as possible (, complete the census ( and help two other people outside your household to do the same. Let’s all be compassionate toward one another. Stay safe. “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”– John Philpot Curran, 1790.

    1. Its not about election this is not about dems or republican its about SAVING THIS COUNTRY. thinga are happing now Be prepared stock up and be alert. trump2020.

    2. @Just Me Please. Stay calm. Theatrics don’t help anything. This is about keeping yourself, your love ones and your community safe – all communities. In other words, this is about love and not hate. Take care.

    3. @marlene mead Vote your conscious but it is irresponsible to try and start a panic. Be smart and not silly. Take care and thank you for your comment.

  8. 200,000 people death and he was denying covid19. My sympathies go to the 200,000 families who have endured such suffering because little Donald the president was laughing about it. Do not talk about little Donald, talk about 200,000 Americans because of lack of leadership in the WH.

    1. Yeah in Trump land Covid wasn’t a big deal and was going to “just go away”, but I bet it’s a big deal now that HE has it. Good luck, Donnie. Maybe Putin will send you some of that cure he says he has.

  9. Ms. Maddow, I don’t really want to believe that the dictator is sick. I have a feeling that he and his cohorts are scheming how they would create chaos before, during and after the election. Is this another lie and drama? I would highly recommend that Orange Face be hooked up to a lie detector perhaps the medical staff can position it next to his oxygen. When a person lies more than 3000 I don’t think I would take his words seriously.

    1. #1 – I do not believe it was Trump walking to the helicopter.
      That person is at least 50# lighter, note the midriff and legs, the jacket fits loosely :- (
      #2 – Another thought, a vaccine won’t be ready before election day, so THIS Trump is going to use “experimental” drugs to be “cured” before election day 🙁
      #3 – This is a convenient way to bypass the upcoming debate with restrictions on how it is done.
      #4 – He is a master of diversion
      I’m sorry, I can’t trust anything he says or does

    2. I’ve contemplated that too. At this point I’m convinced that matter what goes down, Trump is staying in office. He has already dipped his toes in fascist territory.

    1. DEMACRATS are LIAR AND CRIMINALS many in prison for their crimes more are going. Trust Gods plan. Its here.

    2. @marlene mead God won’t show up silly.. We are on a very very tiny planet and space out there is black. look it up lol

  10. Every Citizen who cares about our Preisdent’s health and well-being should send a bottle of Clorox to the White House to ensure his swift and speedy recovery. #SaveThePresident

    1. and a nice cup of white oleander tea.. has he called in the witch doctor yet. i wonder if there have ever been sacrifices on the white house lawn in the past

  11. And now a statement from the President. “I caught the best virus. No one has ever had Covid 19 better than me. No democrat can get sick like Trump”. “Lots of smart people say Trump is so good at catching Covid”.

    1. That’s a good one ! His favorite words that are ENDLESSLY SPOKEN – “People don’t know” – “Everybody says” etc etc….

  12. Gerrymandering has many forms. The Texas governor should face legal consequences for his corrupt attack on our election.

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