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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: November 4 | MSNBC
I love listening to Rachel
She really is the best!
Me too
Hahaha…..the woman with adam’s apple !!!!!

Keep believing her stupidity and lies.
She’s like the best Poli Sci professor I never had.
Trump for PRISON!
That’s Y the gang is trying to stay in power too cover up their dirty deed’s in the past !! Something smiles fishy !!
@JustDanny&Edie care about money maybe, I haven’t seen a single American come out to denounce themselves for profiting from the genocide in yemen. Neither do I see protests calling out those responsible for justice. I’ll believe Americans are caring when I see it. So far all I see is American’s cherry picking what kind of narrative will make them look good.
@lina Trump has around 400 million in debt that he said is coming up soon. I don’t think he will be forgiven that easily.
RIGHT ON, plus his cabinet and extended family.
Knowing his base if he went to prison 60 million people ready for civil war.
So…Trump’ habit is to file a lawsuit. Then continue it forever to break his opponent’s bank account. If his strategy is this I don’t think his pockets are deep enough to go on forever.

money gone!
What would an attorney charge to sue for the presidency and win?
Rudy has got to know he isn’t going to to get paid, right?! Lol
The only thing Donald has in his pocket is lint. Donald’s got all kinds of loans coming due very soon and his history of nonpayment probably won’t fly with Putin or Xi. I’m sure they have repayment options already lined up for Donald’s loans. It is what it is.

America to Don the Con: “You’re fired!!”
@Gabriel HAZE seriously? Calm down and go have another cup of the Trump cult Kool-Aid. It has already turned your brain to mush.
@cindy o I’m very calm. You and everyone else seem to be the ones forgetting who just took control of the Supreme Court.
@cindy o If you want proof of election fraud, this guy points it out with video and document evidence. This is what the mainstream media is censoring from all of you:
Unless you want to continue listening to corporate news anchors tell you that cities on fire are “peaceful”.
@Gabriel HAZE you guys are the ones trying to perpetrate fraud on the voting process,,your crazy if you think your foolin anyone with half baked conspiracy mess–get real,lunacy.
The guy who never released his tax returns wants to examine every ballot cast for signs of fraud? Ha!
@warpedjaffas1 it’s the KoolAid they been drinking
@Jim J. If you want proof of election fraud, this guy points it out with video and document evidence. This is what the mainstream media is censoring from all of you:
Unless you want to continue listening to corporate news anchors tell you that cities on fire are “peaceful”.
@Gabriel HAZE drivel.
I was wondering if he, Trump, will be the one billed, or will it be another expense the taxpayer is expected to cover? Does he pass the hat in his wealthy circle of supporters? Does he pass start a Go Fund Me page? Campaign money? Just idly wondering?
the Republican Party are for themselves and not for the country and American citizens. They have proved that over and over just in 4 years. Everybody is sick of them.
And thats why I can’t understand why people will cast a vote for such craziness! I like peace and calm.
Not everyone. Of all people, they voted Lindsey and McConnell again
68 million and counting voters voted for Republicans because of Donald Trump. Massive division in this nation.
I love Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid!!
Me too
Respect to all those who fought and have been fighting to keep this election legal. So many people have worked so hard to stop corruption, thank you.
And without binoculars!!
And now we can get our intelligence service back and allies back and a AG general who is not a lakei
………Joe’s 264 count is going back down…… is video proof. Democrats have committed election fraud across the board at the highest levels. Trump inserted a hidden watermark on every ballot using a QFS blockchain, a sophisticated encryption system that is very hard to break. The Democrats were caught red-handed in an “Under-cover sting operation” and tracking every vote in live time. Trump2020!
@Yous Mellgood hahaha—-you and your conspiracy theories will not be missed—-trump is an empty suit
I’m not American but I wish peace and joy for Americans
America can never be at peace as long as there are people that label themselves Republicans
When they are not lying us into wars outside of America they are waging war on American citizens, that’s not only against a certain segment of the population – black people – but against the poor, black or white.
Thank you! ~
Ditto from Australia.
Peace be with you

An American.
We need a new new change we need America first and American people we love you America God bless our American troops our American people God bless the American people God bless America
Thank you Rachel, I was able to show my friend you crying when the kids got put in the cages. To show him to vote for Biden.
The cages were actually built during the Obama administration but not for separation but to hold them for 72 before going to health facilities. No I’m not a trump supporter just did some extra research after a trump supporter spewed halfway ignorant information at me.
Yeah that is why I voted Trump and didn’t vote Biden.
………Joe’s 264 count is going back down…… is video proof. Democrats have committed election fraud across the board at the highest levels. Trump inserted a hidden watermark on every ballot using a QFS blockchain, a sophisticated encryption system that is very hard to break. The Democrats were caught red-handed in an “Under-cover sting operation” and tracking every vote in live time. Trump2020!
that would be trump then. biden is corrupt……….Joe’s 264 count is going back down…… is video proof. Democrats have committed election fraud across the board at the highest levels. Trump inserted a hidden watermark on every ballot using a QFS blockchain, a sophisticated encryption system that is very hard to break. The Democrats were caught red-handed in an “Under-cover sting operation” and tracking every vote in live time. Trump2020!
@Yous Mellgood putins empty suit puppet is trump—-your a bot
Trump will go down in history as the most corrupt administration in history.
@Flatbed hauling with scott N and where did you hear that from? Fox?
@Jolanta Ustaszewski it’s called counseling. Get some.
@Flatbed hauling with scott N I live in Arizona. That simply didn’t happen.
@toni harmon yes it simply did happen!!!. Just because you don’t want to believe it!!!.
Even more than Grant’s because trump orchestrated it.
Louis De Joy for PRISON
That’s where he – and Trump, and Barr, belong.
Has it been 4 years? it only seems like 400 years…
it’s going to be nice to get away from Individual-1s
Cult of Cognitive Dissidence & the Ironically blind…
That guy is a hero, he called the corrupt Repubs out early on.
Not only that, he shouldn’t have fired the US Postal authority. With the new one that stopped using machine sorters
18 USC 1703
Google it
The only way for a crook (Donald Dump) to win is to cheat. Even with cheating he lost
Georgia’s isn’t done counting either.
yep…come ON Atlanta…
………Joe’s 264 count is going back down…… is video proof. Democrats have committed election fraud across the board at the highest levels. Trump inserted a hidden watermark on every ballot using a QFS blockchain, a sophisticated encryption system that is very hard to break. The Democrats were caught red-handed in an “Under-cover sting operation” and tracking every vote in live time. Trump2020!
Yous Mellgood give it up
@Yous Mellgood 10 seconds into that video the guy says he wanted to be on the Alex Jones show. The most well known conspiracy theorist of our day. I can already tell this video is going to be filled with baseless claims. C’mon man. Don’t buy into that crap
@Puttentane Same we are all waiting

t’rump is gonna lose and he’s melting down like the fragile snowflake that he is.

@RR If you watched his presser just now, you could have heard him whine more clearly.
Yep!! Hahaha

He is dangerous and evil
Amen and he don’t take no responsibility for nothing
Trump is “The Godfather”, whereas Giuliani is one of his “consiglieri”.
Rudy Giuliani is a “stooge”.After seeing our former Governor Chris Christie on ABCTV channel 7 in the New York area last night , he is now realizing Trumps days are numbered
American Disgrace An American Story Please Read (CITIZEN’S LOOK) by DANIEL GLOSKY WWW. Amazon, E-BOOK PLEASE READ, THANK YOU
This is the bad version of the GF
Do not disgrace the mafia Don!!! Mafia have code of ethic whereas Trump has none. In Japan the yazuki would have taken of his fingers for BS. There is honour among thieves. Trump has none. I