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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: November 30 | MSNBC
*—If you could reason with a Trump supporter, they wouldn’t be Trump supporters—* …
I do not reason with communist
@T Boned waaaa waaaaaa waaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaaaa
Boy isn’t that the truth!
It’s like telling a 6 yr. old that there’s no Santa Clause. Good luck.
Bill Barr turning his back on Trump is the highlight of today for sure….Trump’s days are over…anyone care for a toast?
@mocha princess Oh, that is beautiful! I’ve said God has protected Joe for this. He is a Godly, compassionate man. I don’t know many of ue that could have lived thru the personal, medical trauma he has! I’m just thrilled to have him!
@Barbara Woodward very cool. You have the name, you have the inspiration and I believe in you. Catch you in the IMDb.
@Wl Do Thanks for the vote of confidence!
I will on January 20
@Jamila G
Competence, what a refreshing idea.
Competence maybe, taking the country forward, no.
Not really Nera Tanden big idea was to take oil from Lydia to pay for future war’s
When your ex won’t stop calling put them on silence

no one, ….or block their phone number, the end!
LMFAO – And now for the Truth … “THIS IS TREASON” GENERAL FLYNN AND GENERAL MCINERNEY, NOVEMBER 28TH 2020 … #StopTheSteal #DominionCCP #BeijingBiden #WheresHunter #TrumpWon2020 #MADCOW
News: “t’rump’s campaign raised $170 million AFTER he lost the election. Guess there’s a sucker born every minute.”

t’rump supporter: “Wait, what does that mean?
t’rump campaign: “Give us $100 and we’ll tell you.”
t’rump supporter: **opens wallet**
tRump’s acolytes: He is a self-made billionaire.
Also tRump’s acolytes: *sending money to his cult leader.*
What! We are going too have qualified people in the WH even or President!!
go Biden and Harris!
@David M On its way. Deal with it.
@David M It’s time for the lunatics to stop running the asylum!
@Danny Trump Dear boy, you’re delusional! I’m sure there’s a drug you can take.
Government is of, for and by the people… not of, for me by the corporation
You are so right. It’s terrible that giant corporations will still keep buying politicians as long as they have the Supreme Court’s blessings.
They DIDN’T want us to know!!! That’s the reason!! Deny everything!!! Sadly help couldn’t GET to hospitals because of it!!! Criminal!!!
Its sad that Trump only consequence of allowing this pandemic to grow is that he lost the election. Now about those Republicans and others who supported Trump with his rheotric, what is their consequence.
“hail to the what? i always thought that song was called hail to the over-cooked, ketchup covered beef” — donald j. trump, ex-president of the United States
Why did everybody let trump do so much damage
What damage has he done?
@wingsandstrings He murdered millions of trillions, if not quadrillions, of innocent children, all by himself. He conspired with extraterrestrials to destroy Gaia.
Because they too are little insecure followers. This was nothing but an episode of mean girls for 4 whole years!
Republicans. They are now scrambling like rats.
Conald is in a corner once again asking why don’t ppl like me. Biden is way more qualified and the comparison, well, there’s none
They DIDN’T want us to know!!! That’s the reason!! Deny everything!!! Sadly help couldn’t GET to hospitals because of it!!! Criminal!!!
LMFAO – And now for the Truth … “THIS IS TREASON” GENERAL FLYNN AND GENERAL MCINERNEY, NOVEMBER 28TH 2020 … #StopTheSteal #DominionCCP #BeijingBiden #WheresHunter #TrumpWon2020 #MADCOW
How is Rachel’s partner? Is she on the mend. I do hope so
LMFAO – And now for the Truth … “THIS IS TREASON” GENERAL FLYNN AND GENERAL MCINERNEY, NOVEMBER 28TH 2020 … #StopTheSteal #DominionCCP #BeijingBiden #WheresHunter #TrumpWon2020 #MADCOW
I love Rachel, she’s brilliant & she’s a phenomenal investigative reporter.
@W.E. Rob How dreadful of you to say this nonsense, Awful, Awful person. Are you having a bad time ?
You mean “he”
@tchrisou812 Rachel is a political journalist and commentator. She is far more than a talking head. She has a team to undertake research and fact checking but it’s Rachel who decides what they research and it’s Rachel who writes the narrative for all of her shows.
She has talked many times about her methods when she does speaking engagements.
People like you keep trying to diminish her but this woman is super smart. A Rhodes Scholar. A PhD. Studied at English and American top tier universities. An award winning writer and presenter. But yeah, she’s nothing but a talking head…

@Eugene van Wyk got to love the way you say that, like you think it would bother Rachel! Her own description of herself: “I have a voice at the deeper end of the scale, I am almost 6ft tall, and I look like a dude!” And she is totally unbothered by that!
He who shall not be named is irrelevant.
It’s Biden time.
@Julia Sugarbaker Right on Ms. Dixie ! Carter… that is
“who shall not be named” come on you can’t be that triggered over someone
I call him Oranges de la Hamberder.
Everyone knew, that when the WH got involved, it would be a mess.
# trump your Fired!!
Rachel, so glad that Susan is better! You always have the best info on your show. Thanks for a great job!
HAHA! That Arizona governor clip was perfect!
Everyone gets fed up with irritating people. Good job Governor.
Rachel has helped to flip the Presidency. Calls it like she see’s it. Keep up the excellent work