Stacey Abrams joins Rachel Maddow for an exclusive interview to discuss regressive voting bills in Georgia. Watch the top news stories and highlights from The Rachel Maddow Show, airing weeknights at 9 p.m. on MSNBC.
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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: March 10 | MSNBC
Rachel at her brilliant best telling it how it is.
@Charlie Lauffer Just hug your husband Charlie and everything will be alright.
U people are
. Did I miss something?
Your Kidding Right? She is a Propaganda tool ,and would sell out her own Mother for a Buck
@Stephen Frazier Rafael Maddow is a transsexual.
How awesome to find Stacey Abrams on the screen. I like her.
She is an awesome human being. top notch…..
@Bryce D. Anderson Absolutely
Love love love her.
My hope for 2022 is all those who were determined to vote in 2020, will keep that determination and all those who were too young to vote can proudly cast their first vote. #RememberJohnLewis
@Kitty Kitty yeah most of us are independent, we don’t vote blue or red, you’re a bunch of cult followers drink your Kool-Aid
Go independent, don’t vote red or blue, one in the same …criminals.
Pleased to see the grassroots effort in GA during the runoff campaign – especially young Americans of many ethnic roots . Let’s see the same across the country in 2022 & ’24 & beyond!
@James Schneider Yeah, they looked
like a bowl of “fruity loopers”…
Hi !… I’m Joe Biden…
…and, like they say on TV, I wanna
see that YOU get ALL the BENEFITS
Call that “1-800” number
on your screen for medicare….
If you’re just…

comin’ across the border…
call “1-666-DNC-VOTE”………
Stacey Abrams thank you for what you have done, keep up the great work, we need you
stay safe!!!
U r One of the Heroes of Election 2020!

Trump: “I want to see Biden in prison.”
Biden: “What on Earth gives Trump the idea that I’ll come visit him in prison?”
Hi…. I’m Joe Biden….
…and there must be
some “mistake”…
They just delivered some new
“Monogrammed stationery”,
to “kammy” and it reads…
“From the desk of

POTUS “kammmala harris
VP “anybody from california”….
I think they misspelled
“kammy’s” NAME…..
Hello ?……in the kitchen ?…

I’m Joe Biden…..
Can you please move
my “walker” from the desk
over here to my chair ?…..
Thank you dear…

here is a “nobel peace prize”
for your efforts….
Hi !… I’m Joe Biden…..
Can somebody from my cabinet
show me where China is,
on a map ?….
Thank you sir..

Here is a “nobel peace prize”
for your efforts….
Take your stupid mask off, you dopey ccp bot

How are the commie cult children doing today ??? Having a hard time with your TDS???
Democrat Logic: Joe Biden Says Military Will Focus on Making “Maternity Flight Suits” — So Pregnant Women Can Drop Into Enemy Territory During Wartime? (VIDEO)
@Umgonna kickbooty that’s funny. Well done.
Many thanks to Stacey for all the hard work she did to help swing Georgia Blue !
Got to turn blue at state level!
Hi !…. I’m Joe Biden….
…and I can now confirm that

Ukraine” has
“finally” called, to “congratulate”
me, on my “strange” victory….
I’m releasing their “funds”,

next week………
Hi !…. I’m Joe Biden….
…and “progressive” teaching

to 23RD”
methods have produced “results”,
that have “progressed” from
in world rankings….
… ……
Hi !…. I’m Joe Biden….
..and “progressive” social policies

give YOU
Whats behind bathroom door #1 ?…
Whats behind bathroom door #2 ?…

DOOR #3 !!!???”…..
You mean the lie that if you vote blue Biden and company will give you $2000 checks immediately. That’s what turned Georgia blue.
why do Georgians tolerate republicans’ nonsense and vote them in?
Because voters (mainly Republicans) have a short-term memory, particularly here in the South.
Brainwashing, propaganda full of BIGLY LIES, bribes, secret monies from foreign oligarchs and even so called American oligarchs!
Great place to seek info.
Got a scholarly crown.
The same reason they vote for Democrats
Thank you to Stacey Abrams for helping to wrest America from the destructive hands of Trump and the GOP. I shudder to think where we’d be now without her hard work and patriotism.
Same here!!
Hi !…. I’m Joe Biden….
…and the girl scouts are scheduled

out on the south lawn
this afternoon…
It’ll be great to get outdoors
and enjoy the “fresh hair”….
Stacey and Rachel ♥️ two (of many other) strong intelligent woman speaking their mind! Lovin’ it!
Two Zeros doesnt add up to anything
@Alex Danmark You act like one
@Umgonna kickbooty It’s ok to disagree. It is not ok to be disrespectful. In Denmark we agree on that we disagree in a respectful manner. Without being hateful or bitter.
@Alex Danmark
Who’s your “leader” ?…
That’s correct, nobody knows….
“Where” is Denmark ?…
That’s right, nobody cares…
Pleas people get your COVID vaccines
Hi !…. I’m Joe Biden….
…and I can now confirm that

Ukraine” has
“finally” called, to “congratulate”
me, on my “strange” victory….
I’m releasing their “funds”,

next week………
@Umgonna kickbooty MMMMM, your Trumpie tears are sweet. Pssst, dear … Donnie lost.
NOT vaccine. Gene therapy but I know you don’t understand science. Guess you wear mask while alone in car. Idiots do.
@Origami Mambo
Hi !… I’m Joe Biden….
Thank you for calling the
“White House Crisis Hotline”….
For “spanish”, press “one”….
press “two”….
… press “four”…

press “five”….

press “six”…

press “seven”….
For “spanish”
For “ebonics” press “three”…
For “spanish”
For “chinese”
For “russian”
For “ebonics”
For “english”

press “3859319”..
I hope Stacy Abrams runs for governor in Georgia.
@Pancho Villa That is incorrect. Cases are going up. Biden is threatening lock downs again. Faucci begging Trump to tell his supporters to get a vaccine shot forgetting tRump already received a vaccine shot. All which was covered by MSNBC. You are also forgetting the sun is still killing 60,000 people per year and traffic fatalities have been on the rise ever since the automobile was invented. Clearly we have to stay locked down because of the sun and traffic fatalities. The only solution is to destroy the sun and outlaw automobiles. Also forgetting the border challenge yesterday was blamed on trump then today was blamed on climate Crisis sorry challenge. Crisis has been added to the naughty word list. Which one is it?
9% of the covid relief bill went back into the American Economy. The rest went elsewhere. Read the bill.
When do I expect a stimulus check? I pay my taxes and received nothing. Why is that? Because I am black? Because I am to stupid to use the internet as per Biden? Is because unlike the African American community the latino community is an incredibly diverse community? Also as per Joe Biden.
You also forget to mention that the Mexican President, Greta Doomberg, Frances Government, Australian Government, India’s Government and Australia Government has called out Biden for failing.
Do not forget any president that rules by executive order is a dictator. As per Biden. Thanks Biden for clearing up. Do you think its great that history now has to show Roosevelt a Democratic President as dictator as per Biden. Roosevelt only signed over 3000 executive orders. The most any President, sorry dictator signed in US history?
@Pancho Villa I had to look at the publication of unemployment rates for each state. The media claims unemployment is falling. That is actually not true either. Look at the data published by the department of labor and statistics. Strange how the data and what the media reports don’t line up with actual data published by the government. Why is that?
@Turkeybaster love The media reports whatever is expedient for them… Sometimes it’s the national # and other times they focus in on a few states. I look at the numbers and see 30 states with unemployment rates below 6%. With many states below the ideal 4%…. I think the key is in relocating people from jobs going extinct to other industries….
@Pancho Villa I only counted 9 States out of 50 States and 2 territories that are running below 4% unemployment. 20 states out of 50 States and 2 territories are running 6% to 4% unemployment. The territories are not below 6% either. What is the ideal unemployment again?
Oracle, Palantir, Hewlett-Packard are failed industry so they need to relocate for example? You are saying for failing industry? The main stream media says something different. People are leaving States because of the high Taxes. You are telling me people like Musk left California because of industrial death? Not because of the high Tax rate? Either you or MSNBC, Forbes, CNN and ABC have the data and facts incorrect. Which one? I can now only assume Musk’s Twitter account was hacked by Russia when he announced he was moving out California because of the high Taxes and he really still lives in California and he has no plans of moving his company headquarters out of California? Perhaps it is the Mandela effect?
@Turkeybaster love So you wrote a paragraph to say you counted 29 when I counted 30??? California just moved up to the 5th largest economy in the world…if it was a stand alone country…. passing England… Industries will come and go. That’s the nature of the beast… Texas has zero state income tax, but if it freezes, you’d better have your own generator. A hurricane hits and floods Houston every year causing millions in property damage…So you take your chances….earthquakes & wild fires vs flooding, tornadoes or freezing winter storms. Now maybe YOU can assume they’re leaving for ONE particular reason, but it may be several reasons in compilation.
The ideal unemployment rate set @4% by economists is to quantify the fact that in a normal economy we will always see people between jobs, relocating, upward bound, dropping out for more schooling, etc.
@Will get better eventually go where, she’s horrible do the the research.
@Will get better eventually
Nobody cares about
your racism…
@Will get better eventually
Hi !… I’m Joe Biden…
…and, like they say on TV, I wanna
see that YOU get ALL the BENEFITS
Call that “1-800” number
on your screen for medicare….
If you are

“coming across the border”…
call “1-666-DNC-VOTE”………
@Will get better eventually
That makes her a fat cow…
Has nothing to do with “color”…
@Will get better eventually
You gonna say the “UT” word ?…
Stacey Abrams is a hero!
Well Joe’s your president it’s only logical , to some.
Hi !…. I’m Joe Biden….
..and “progressive” social policies

give YOU
Whats behind bathroom door #1 ?…
Whats behind bathroom door #2 ?…

DOOR #3 !!!???”…..
Hi !…. I’m Joe Biden….
…and “progressive” teaching

to 23RD”
methods have produced “results”,
that have “progressed” from
in world rankings….
… ……
How to solve voter suppression. Make voting compulsory…. Australia doesn’t have a voter suppression issue
It did until 1967.
@Michele Kett choosing not to register is different to voter suppression
Daniel Bartels Aborigines did not have a choice before 1967. I remember arriving here from New Zealand when my husband was transferred and being shocked to discover that fact. I’m of Maori, Dutch, English, Scottish and Spanish heredity and thought that Australia was more advanced than us. Australia halted the White Australia Policy finally in 1970, but had supported the ban on South Africa during apartheid, while they practiced it. Because many young people are cynical about politicians, many do not register. They do when they believe that a candidate is worthy of their vote.
@Michele Kett Same thing in Canada. Inuit did not have a right to vote till 1968.
Daniel Bartels I didn’t say it was. I know quite a few young people who were not prepared to vote for anyone when they reached registration age, and I don’t blame them. So many of our politicians have been doing it since they left school, and have no idea about living in the real world. I think to become a candidate you ought to be able to prove that you’ve actually held a job for at least 5 years as an adult.
The battle continues. Mz Abrams, a Queen Warrior
Don’t you just love it, if anyone that bring Trump down it’s gonna be a woman
LOVE HER! Would VOTE in a New York Minute!!

Voter suppression in a country that claims to be a democracy is a complete contradiction.
@N8TVJohnSmith you say the democrats are crap and I don’t listen to crap like rachel madcow
@ampar wingate well clearly you do – you’re here! Hope you learn some thinking skills
Why would you need to supress votes in a non-democracy?
Anyone who supports voting without ID and ballot harvesting are complicit in voter fraud.
@David Hayes I support the rule that requires providing ID to get my ballot on election day…. But now let me ask YOU a question.. If we didn’t require ID, how many people do YOU think will stand in line, in my city, walk up and ask for PANCHO’S ballot? Do you think Americans would sell their ballots to strangers or do you think Republicans are selling their ballots to Democrats? How exactly does voter fraud play out in your mind that you are so worried about ID fraud? If I have voted already, how can TWO or more votes show up under my name without attracting attention? Please explain how a county can get away with submitting 5 million votes, that lean toward ONE party, when in the previous election they had only 1 million voters and the registry only shows an increase of 20,000 new voters? The #s are made up, but I’d like to hear from you how you think this fraud takes place… Once you walk this thru in your mind, step by step, you’ll come to the same conclusion as the rest of us…..There was no fraud and pulling it off would be really tough…Especially with auditors from BOTH parties looking on.
I think its great that Trump is telling his base to give him their money instead of the GOP. Because, we all know he will waist it on law suites and golf courses. It will be a money pit draining the right wing.
Trump is lining his own pockets with the cash from “his base” OF COURSE HE IS BROKE! The Donald trump golf fund needs cash ! There’s no vaccine for stupid!
Waste it on law suits and paying off his huge personal debts, and Ivanka debts, etc.
In the upcoming Netherlands Election, there are 37 registered political parties, and none of them are trashing each other.
Not even copping a ‘tude?
That is indeed remarkable.
Never been there during electiom season.
There’s not as many races to be exploited there maybe?
“If we have a surplus, we’re going to share it with the rest of the world.” America is back.
We have plenty of Military Hardware to share as always, not only are we back, but we can go back to exploiting other countrys resources and overthrowing other Governments!!!!!!!!!!
Yes: “Boy, what a difference a PRESIDENT makes!”
Yep American Soldiers going to Foreign Country’s getting shot up and maimed, not to mention what weve done to them in the name of Oil, can get back on track! Opening our boarders up to Children during a Pandemic is a stroke of Genius! This President talks to People like children, instead of that pesky concise stuff that gives you a head ache!