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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: June 22 | MSNBC
“If we don’t test for Corona. No one will test positive for it.”
-President Big Brain
If I don’t keep weighing myself I won’t be overweight!
@brian woodward republican commented treason for white supremacist to ambush his whole platoon.
William H is full time troll. Don’t waste your time on this incel trash
If I close my eye and can’t see you – you can’t see me either, right!
Just like if you never take a pregnancy test you will never get pregnant.
Trump Americans supporters are spreading the coronavirus pandemic
@Phill Davis k
Need some commas in there bro
Ribeye Demon why do you think that? Because a republican wouldn’t protest black people being murdered by police? How would you know if people are Dems or Republicans marching?
13bustah Clearly you get your information from FOX.
@Oba*** Man He means Trumpoff disgust Syndrome,no?
The UK, US and Brazil are all in a really bad place now.
Right wing populism is a massive con.
@Shoeless Joe Anyone who believes a word the Chinese government says is a fool. The UK numbers are bad but China is engaged in a massive cover-up.
@William H Donna the Drama Queen Dictator will fix it, blame everyone else and divert attention and lie.
Worst handling of the pandemic in the developed world.
Death due to Trump incompetence.
Put on your mask and take off your blindfold.
Hey brainless Joe!….As of 1 minute ago , total UK deaths under 43 thousand, new cases in the last 24 hours less than a 1 thousand, I don’t know why you would lie about us but would appreciate it if you were accurate and not exaggerate in order to suit your narrative.
Shoeless Joe Yes, I agree, same stupidity in America, god help us all.
@William H You must’ve met them at a trump rally because surely you don’t go the same places they go or do the same things that they do….now do you?
How ignorant and unconcern can the President be? Heartless and selfish.
Debra Turner
Narcissist don’t care. President Trump can watch this Digital movie with these nurses hearts pouring out. Then Trump will go eat a Big Mac Large, Fries, drink a Large Coke and then go play a round of golf. He won’t process a thing he heard. That’s who’s in the White House.
@Bill J You must have really wild dreams. Your cynicism is admirable, but I’m tempted to ask you what you ate for dinner
Let’s wait for reality to play out before we play make-believe.
After Trump’s rally in a MegaChurch full of kids, you had better get prepared for an influx of additional young people gasping for breath.
Duco Darling
I got under the skin of a Russian Troll lol
@Bill J I live in Michigan.
Again with the make-believe.
When’s trump going to go to a hospital and visit a covid ICU to see for himself that he’s seriously screwed up with his lack of response? WHEN?!?!
never the man is a narcissist he is incapable of saying he did anything wrong.
When is he going to go bc he contracted it? That’s what I’m waiting for.
Are you naive?? Trump ONLY CARES about his Re-Election, period. He would not care if there were 2 million Americans dead. He only cares about HIMSELF, HIS Money, His Image.
@James MG or, as I heard in a play many years ago, “the 92nd of Martober”. Put that on your calendars folks
Are you KIDDING?????? He’s cared to death of those sick people …
President Nixon’s attorney general did jail time. Just saying…
@corryjookit he believes in testing for himself.. But not for the peasants outside the WHITE HOUSE
@William H how childish are you!
@Cliff Medina dreamon tinhat.god blesh the united shtates. i need to change my diaper.. sniff..sniff..sniff..sniff
@max idk exactly
@Cliff Medina Biden, is BIDENING his time…to show the STUPIDITY of Trump during two Crises.. STUPID people REACT! Smart People say nothing and LEARN!
When was the last time DJT learned anything..other than Spouting his mouth. He has learned nothing ABOUT the USA! He just wants…what he wants.
I will in return take YOUR MONEY..and give it to MY FRIENDS! They will make MUCH more money in return.
Yes, I know you are going to bebase this statement, maybe I am Bidening…my time. I already know the outcome BTW.
You are NOT LEARNING, just FOLLOWING a predated judgement from your “Hitler”.
So when does Kim Jung and Trump actually “lie” in bed together??
WHEN does America become a Communist State…instead of a Democracy? IT is up to the the Citizens plain and simple!
You being one of them! Already all I hear is “TRUMP 2020! coming from you.
As I have stated “Fanatics” do what they do…without regard for the Majority or what is right for the American Society. They ONLY believe in their own thoughts, NO other thoughts COUNT!
In conclusion, for better or worse? Trump has been the worst President ever during two crises. He didn’t deal with either. He also exacerbated BOTH!
Please feel free to comment about “Past comments” made by Trump and validate each and everyone of them, also PLEASE feel free to show how his EX appointees were all fired and for why. Before I believe you? I will need positive proof from more than 1(ONE) station. AKA FOX.
There are many others…BTW! I listen to some NOT all! I Listen and Learn!
And will that church he’ll be visiting will be giving up their tax exempt status – right?
Them two white guys need to be charge,for risking people life about the lies thay tell.
Those who don’t agree with this situation and the way is being handled, PLEASE VOTE!!!
Voting is an illusion…The global elite select all presidents, but don’t worry…They’ll put Biden in the WH…T-Rump fulfilled part of the depopulation agenda…
Continue to “WAIT” & you will all be DEAD!!
@Karen Contestabile An illusion that trump mocked election by falling back on slavery based electoral college ? Ya put your head in the sand all you want lady,the rest of us will vote! He also had somedthing to do with ‘crosscheck’ that few talk about anymore but I suyspect that was part of the CON,from the ‘criminal’ in the WH. TO TOP it all off, he’s laughing at sick covid patients as he says NO TESTING, in broad daylight, know anyone that has it, or died from it, wow lady you’re wires are crossed.
Only if Warren is the nominee. Otherwise NO, or will vote third party maybe. Because DNC has rigged the primary for the LAST time and I won’t vote for their lame candidate they pushed on us lest they think they can keep rigging primaries with impunity.
I’m voting Trump better believe it no sleepy joe here!
By the way, those two pastors should be put on jail.
I’m sure they will … become so rich, and then they will flee the country when Trump’s luck is gone, with all the money of their stupid flock…
Is America aware of the fact that it’s ruled by its most stupid people? Real life Idiocracy…
Yep. Most of us know that. I bet Trump’s IQ is about 78.
No they aren’t, probably bc they watch MSNBC.
We’re aware, very aware. We’re absolutely disgusted and frightened.
Nurses and other medical professionals are not very impressed with Trump’s HOAX theory.
These couple of idiots who are supposed to be Christians just told it bold-faced lie
@Darrell Smith Who are these christians you are talking about?
The people who died from it are not impressed.
Is there no end to the corruption…..No… there isn’t.
And this is only the stuff we know about.
This Leaf fan even agrees with you!
You are absolutely right! (Home of champions; Sox, C’s, Bruins & Pats)
It would appear that corruption is a part of human nature.
“If it is not reported, then everything is fine.” > “Even if it is reported, it’s Fake anyway.”
You wish it was fake.
The more you look at America the more it looks like an insane asylum.
Yes and like Uganda, under Idi Amin, the chief lunatic is in charge.
Colin Kepple you betcha
The more you look at America, the more you’re glad you’re not American….if you value your life!
Trump being president is definetely part of some dystopian arkham asylum type future
@Julian Jay Yeah, who would have believed this in 2000?
I think those two pastor’s comedy stick was in very poor taste
Churches are nonprofit and they are not supposed to hold political rallies. I suggest taking away their nonprofit status
Deb Beach,

Right on !!!
Abso-Fing-loutely! You cannot have it both ways!
As bad as Trump has been, Barr has made a lot of it possible by breaking procedures and constitutional principles. Lock ’em up.
Funny how religion takes precedence to science when profits are at stake.
Don’t WORRY! God will PROTECT YOU! Like GOD did at Sodom Gomorrah, like he did with Noah.
Yep it is always about MONEY! I Love your Post it is factual.
Its because god needs money.
Our president is disgusting! Making jokes- he’s the joke. What’s wrong with this narcissistic clown- besides the obvious! God bless our frontline workers!