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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: July 16th | MSNBC
“does anyone have any more fingers”. – cyber ninjas trying to count past 3
Cyber Ninjas: Sorry, did you want us to count 2.1 million votes, or count them 2.1 million times?
So a representative can be arrested…why are the architects of Jan 6th still walking free?
@Jay Gibson What riot?
What election?
@Jay Gibson That’s not true, aren’t you forgetting the woman who was trampled to death as all those treasonous people broke into the Capitol?
@Patricia Eisert
What is her name?
I’m asking myself the same question- like always equal rights are not as equal a they should be. It’s absolutely repugnant what those right wing racists are doing.
I want to check on cyber nazis audit in Arizona I’m guessing he lies just as much as nazi Trump
Lies to get money from believers of their Big Lies.
@Priscilla Robb BINGO! The grift is very much alive & quite profitable.
Wow what a Stupid post!
@Mohammad El Majid no u
You got some issues little man.
Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights!
Bob Marley lives!
Don’t give up the fight!
If everyone called and emailed their political representatives, this could also make a great impact.
Blacks have been voting for 150 years. 15th Amendment, passed in 1869, under a majority Republican congress.
@PillCosby Then Jim Crow flew in and created barriers preventing “Blacks” from voting.
The arrest of these great women who were peacefully demonstrating, reavealing the extreme right wing, or in other words, fascist Senators, who were once Republicans, is very revealing.
It revealed the utter hypocrisy of the Fascist Senators, and hopefully, all so called Republicans standing for mid term elections are all defeated.
It’s totally uncalled for. All I can think about in contrast is all of the “armed” white men standing in the Capitol of Michigan and not ONE ARREST! Also, that was against the mask mandate a proven deterrent to the virus! RIDICULOUS
Yep, trumps cultists smashed their way in , brutalising police officers as they went. Trashed the place, defecate in offices and stole federal property & they strolled right out .. A handful of black women singing as a peaceful protest get cuffed & carted off, it’s absolutely disgraceful & epitomises the two tier justice system between black & white Americans..
@Kathleen hammett Yes you are absolutely right! It is disgraceful.
Is it a Dream to see this voter suppression happening in America, hand cuffed congresswoman for speaking out… wow… America going back to the uncivilized ,authoritative regime…
We’re on the road back to the bad old days.
She broke the law and violated her oath of office.
America never left that stage. We were only sleeping. That frightening beast has been awakened.
@Leo and she’s a hero for doing so.
not sure it ever left it
We shall overcome; remember that saying over 40 years ago! This feels like groundhog day; when will it change? Before or after America is taken over by another Tyrant. The Repugnant party takes power again?
RepugliCONs the “I Must Have Free Kool-Aid” party. I think that before Thanksgiving Chumpy will be arrested and Manuchin will relent, on time and on cue. The Dems agenda will move on forward. And hopefully a R wing Scotus dude will do the correct thing and retire!
Too late. You’ve already got your tyrant.
Daily reminder: Joe Biden is currently violating his sworn constitutional duty to protect the United States from foreign invasion, as are the members of his administration and the military who are aiding and abetting his illegal abrogation of our democratically-enacted immigration laws.
He also threatened the American people with nuclear weapons a week ago, something no president has ever done before.

Screw Nazi.
Brave women getting into some of that “good trouble” John Lewis spoke of.
Until Republican controlled states make it a felony and then those who matter lose their right to vote, black, brown, yellow, red and YES poor WHITE voters.
What was the reason given for their arrest?
Joe Manchin isn´t sincere on voting rigthts, he look more like a republican in the dress of a democrat, because he is blocking along with others democrats all action for others real democrats.
Reportedly, he votes with Republicans 70% of the time….
He is very clearly helping the R with their agenda to suppress the voting rights to help them win in the next election! That is the only way they can win and they know it. The probably hired him to do so!
He’s a DINO. Democrat in name only.
That what mansion is – a wolf in sheep’s clothing and sold out to rich haters.
*DoJ must immediately ENFORCE USC Title 18 Section 242 Constitutional Rights Protections*
They’re arresting the wrong people
So proud of the ladies!!! STOP THIS!!!
Were there duplicate ballots? Would you care? Or do ypu always support the corrupt?
“Positive” Manchin statements have about as much validity as “thoughts and prayers” after a school shooting.
@Jack B harry Potter overall story is based on the holy scripture . God bless
@cognito to know him is to love him. You to can get to know him if you want. God bless
@A F Why do you all always go to worst case terror scenario? You must live in shear terror all the time.
@A F Like you do, you got his Email or something?
@srgreeniii he’s just a call away. God bless
Congresswoman Beatty’s courage makes me happy. You go, honey. We’re with you all the way.
Insurrectionists walked away from a violent attempt to overthrow govevenment and women of color peacefully protesting are arrested. SMH.

@Carolyn Edwards “Race is a Social Construct” Toni Morrison It has always been used to legitimize the economic oppression of all the indigenous peoples of the world. Slavery became an institution and Democracy compromised with slaveowners to avoid the contradictory phrase “And justice for all” and therefore their own Constitution and Declaration of Independence convicted them. This is why CRT is a challenge because it exposes our country’s hypocrisy. Remember it took 600,000 lives through the Civil War just to ratify the 13th, 14th, and 15 amendments. And they (GOP) are still denying that systemic racism still exists and was mainly their tool to obtain power. Even to this day maintain power. See The Compromise of 1877 and the History of the Fillibuster and how Strum Thurmond used it to stop the Civil Rights Act of 1957.
I really don’t understand. What were they arrested for? I thought we had the right to peaceably assemble and protest. I would really like to know what the charges were.
That’s America for you. Sorry but we watch in horror most of the time. Solidarity from the UK for our peaceful direct actioneers !
@Günther Are you listening to yourself. After January 6th Conservatives have lost all credibility
Very very good!: Something has to give in a better direction!!!!
If I was a total jerk and had no conscience, I’d start soliciting funds from stupid conservatives for some fantasy I just made up.
Ive had the same idea.. they are sheep
IKR. I have itchy palms (but I’m not Republicon) I couldn’t.
I’ve thought about the same thing!
It’s a MLM scammer’s dream audience.
They met more resistance then the insurrectionist.
So true. It’s disgusting.
Thank you Ladies and Texas Democrats! God bless you

The left preys off of your ignorance.
@Leo How? Ignorance of what?
Amazing, they were arrested, but January 6, go home now, you are special, you’re all patriots and we love you