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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: January 12 | MSNBC
It is just a shame to see that a presidency has to end this way. I am raised in Germany and since I was young in the 80ties I was looking towards west and I embraced the US way of handling things. But since 2016 I feel that this is going down quicker than ever. I cross the fingers that the American people choose the right way and keep the peace in the country.
@eliza washington , Daryl Johnson at Dept of Homeland Security warned about these radical groups in 2009. I just learned about it in an article on NBC News online. It’s an eye opener.
@EbbN Flo I’m talking about terror cells not institutional racism. Also I’m not white, so kindly fuqq off, madam
China love Trump, nevermind about the tariff, the bill are foot by the average Americans.
It is only a shame that even this impeachment may not remove him from office or the possibility of future political office.
@Rene Lilly AfD ?
Who are they ?
Land of the free…oh n home of the bullet proof vest if your a representative of the people? Wtf?
@Robert Brookes I think the term “gun nut” might have origins here
Because of trump and all the hate he brings out
That’s the purest sign of ‘American style freedom’. That you can execute your politicians whenever you feel like it.
Fis that
oh wow
@PJ fitter Go back to Fox.
He’s got a purty mouth.
Bubba’s punk.
In the end, Trump takes everybody down. All those Republican’s that lied to their voters need to be afraid. You are no better than Trump. You literary wanted to steal the election. Watch those same people/voters turn on you. It’s just a matter of time. Republican’s, you reap what you sow…
350,000 Americans dead and this is your vital comment, get real!
REPUBLICOUPS There scared of the Mob that’s why there afraid of death treats to there family’s
is that
oh wow
Excellent comment.
I know a lot of people say it as a joke, but this is what happens in a banana republic. Tweaking closer and closer to a autocratic tyranny. Trump doesn’t give a F about anyone but himself.
@PJ fitter I dont need a president to tell me he loves me. I’d prefer he not, actually, and just do his job. I get some people feel a lack of love and therefore search for it in some really odd places. But a President is a super weird choice to go looking for a daddy.
@PJ fitter I know that Biden cares about democratic rights. The same cannot be said about Trump without lying.
@warpedjaffas1 10 Republicans voted to impeach and 4 did not vote.
@Amanda Reiche not enough but yea to the fact, they’re spineless
@Stop Racism Yet he refused to activate the NG when much needed. Finally Pence did it , skipping the first link in the chain.
Trump enjoyed the show a lot and said he loved the insurrectionists. You heard him. He praised the men and women chanting “Hang Mike Pence!”!They had brought a gallow with a noose. What do you think had happened had they found him? They wanted to take what? Hostages? Prisoners of war?
The government should have trump pay for additional security precautions for Congress.
@TruthSeeker08 Trumps r gonna see what its like to see Daddy get locked up. The way these people that supported him b bk stabbed by their Great leader who didn’t walk with them. He though I won’t go so I can’t b blamed for it.
@TruthSeeker08 Trump doesn’t get paid. He doesn’t deserve it. Donny go get unemployment n food stamps or food pantries so he can see what people go thru. Or what its like to lose ur money, home or belongings. Eviction from the White house.
@Randy Wilson You’re a traitor.
@wuvlee no unemployment Bcz he was “FIRED”!!
@Buff Straw
You seem to have stumbled into the stupidity pool.
Narcissistic individuals one is incapable of learning. Its always someone else’s fault. Impeach and prosecute. He will have the distinction of twice impeached , first to be jailed.
@IMPROV FILMS Dman. . . You represent tyranny, oppression and fear of the truth. You are the opposite of a free society.
@IMPROV FILMS Dman shhhhh, be quite. Silence please.
The vote count day and its details are required by the constitution. The entire mob committed seditious conspiracy by attempting to stop it by force, up to twenty years in prison for seditious conspiracy alone.
They murdered a police officer during the commission of the felony of Seditious Conspiracy… Which adds the charge of felony murder onto anyone involved in the seditious conspiracy. Up to another twenty years or more depending upon the severity of the murder charge.
If you we’re one of the idiots involved in that crime scene, your best bet is surrendering yourself and submitting as many details as you can remember to the FBI, before they arrest you and you face a lifetime in prison.
Don’t know the years for insurrection, trespassing, looting brining weapons to the Capitol or attempted murder charges, or those for planting bombs, and building a noose while chanting to hang the vice President. I’m guessing its a bunch more felony charges, and god knows what in DC charges.
@IMPROV FILMS Dman If you’re so scared, maybe you should leave the USA. Run now. Run fast, before “they” get ahold of you. I hear Mexico is nice this time of year. And you won’t even have to scale the border Wall, because your Marmalade Messiah forgot to build it!!!
@IMPROV FILMS Dman you are a traitor to your country and your people. Shame on you.
Ooh yes! He thought it would work. He’s so selfish and delusional
@Dolly Madison extremely well said. thank you.
Yis that
oh wow
I can not wait until some of Trump’s mob begin to spill the beans…and they will.
No one needs to spill the beans on anything it’s all been caught on camera
BREAKING: GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Introduce Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden on January 21 Over Abuse of Power
@ARLENE WUK She said that to NewsMax. Let her say it to the world.
@Nobody Knows Dennis Prager: Capitol Siege Was ‘Vile’ but Left’s Suppression of Free Speech Is Worse
‘The left in the United States is totalitarian’
That will be so sweet. I can’t wait either.
I grew up in a republican family at a time when there was less division among parts and my parents were open minded enough to vote for person over party if they felt the need to do so
I am beyond sickened by what has happened to this party and will never vote Republican again
@Nobody Knows But they did not vote him out. 74 MILLION of them voted for him. Republicans have been going down this path for way longer than 4 years.
Forget the f -ggg- ing party. 350,000 Americans died on a party’s watch – and not a comment about this?
I’m glad you’re not mired in a cult of personality. Despite being a lifelong Democrat, I genuinely believe that 20, 30 years ago Republicans had values. Were they values that I ever agreed with? No, 0% of the time. But did they have them? Yes. What we have now looks like a dry husk of what the Republican party used to be.
@vsedai I mean, the 81 million people who voted for the other candidate obviously voted him out. 74 is a really high number, sure–but it’s lower than 81.
Gis that
oh wow
*Every person who went up those stairs should get 20 years*
and the people that helped them clear the way should get 40 years.
@Otis Bigsby A police officer was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher at the Capitol. So there’s that..
If they get any time Trump should serve an equivalent time for every person found guilty.
@Peter Knecht they may be individuals but they acted as MOB.
@Mark Rogawski
Treason for what act ?
He did no criminal act.
The problem with Trump is that he doesnt think. Unless its about himself
You are so stupid, how dare you you pile of trash. How smart to boast on someones disgrace you are a great person!
He may not be deep – but even so, I’m still eager to see how his presidential library will take shape.
Gis that
oh wow
He was just trying to slow things down . Hoping someone would think of how to bail him.out. didn’t work. Bye Donald .
Donald J Trump Sept 2020… ” Can you imagine if I was to lose to that man”.
Well yes and you did by over 7 million.
He’s developed a taste for his own words.
Didn’t he say he would have to leave the country? Well, GTFO already.
Yoh yes
oh good
The USA no longer has any moral authority on the world stage, unless Trump and all his cronies are jailed
@PJ fitter sorry Donald Trump has made a disgrace to this country let’s give BIDEN a
change if you’re good America
@Kent O sorry man, but that sounds absolutely ridiculous. It also reeks of patriotic brainwashing.
If every generation has to fight for their freedom you have a big big problem that needs to be met head on and corrected.
@brad nelson *allowed. You’ve been watching too much of Fox Qanon and AON.
@Dorientje Woller…perhaps, but they’ve built their brand on a demographic with the memory of goldfish and the maturity of teenage vandals.
Never did never had any. Only pure firepower. Ask about five million Middle Easterners, even more housing in dirt and refugee camps. Look to lybia which wasnt just your fuckup but also france and uk. Chickens coming home to roost, enjoy your very own democratic revolution.
Congratulations Trump, 2 times impeached, worst 1 term president in history – this will be your legacy.
@Alex dfvedas Say that in English ffs
@Jerry Kinyon which is exactly what is going on with trump atm and im not a believer my self.. but. that is the right answer
@Iann Vezeau Why are all these people in a Cult of Delusion? Believers do not use Objective Truth which requires common sense. I’m not a believer as well.
@Dana Jacobs gotta love a bunch of *COWARDS* who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions
Bunker boy is officially a cartoon character now
Odd how he classifies everything as dangerous except his actions.
Toh yes
oh good
When Trump leaves office he should be charged with sedition.
I think he may have several other charges made against him as well. He has many debtors out to get their money back. He may have legal trouble with his taxes too.
Tis that
oh wow
Can we add more time?
Shame on those who voted against the impeachment; this is not partisan; it’s about Democracy