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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: December 14 | MSNBC
The Republican criminal Party is hundred percent corrupt politician by any means necessary!!!
@moneyrunnr sedition
WOW what a string of lying propaganda. Just a little while and the truth will be out there for all who want to see it sees it. Well it’s there now just harder to see because of channels like this.
@Kelli Shafron by sedition you mean following the rule of election contest, rightfully granted by law via the Constitution? Lol msm laughs at your unquestioned obedience!!
@stray fiftynine I can see the Trump card coming down like lightning!! Gonna shake the Earth..
@moneyrunnr O yea I can see it but not many are others seeing it. Yet.
Thank you for this video News
@J J I would say that its a slippery slop at this point.
YouTube can’t handle the truth. Keep deleting my responses so that the Sheep feel better about themselves
@Andiamo10 Andiamo damnit boi, between FB and YT people will never be able to talk again. dont get lock in the youtube jail.
WOW what a string of lying propaganda. Just a little while and the truth will be out there for all who want to see it sees it. Well it’s there now just harder to see because of channels like this.
Wrong, stupid won, Democracy zero!

Foh wow
oh yes
Great work, Rachel.
@lefty gomez are you sure?
why are you so smart you are well diversified with your portfolio sitting full of gold silver and cryptocurrency, your pantry bursting with a bountiful plenties flowing as you are ready for this evolutionary global movement During a revolution. The largest wealth transfer the world has ever seen all while going through a struggle for power and control. Yeah you’re smart guy, right. You’re up-to-date on your world news and the reset that was just foiled. More news coming. Christmas Eve will be a beautiful thing but many people will find that they have nothing but a lump of coal in their stocking
Shame on the media for making Dems look stupid…they have no idea how ignorant they are acting!
@Gerald Draper Jr you are to be pitied as you are under some kind of impression that you are smart.
@lefty gomez so impressed that you can recognize brilliance
Foh wow
oh yes
Republicans promoting sedition and treason
Yes they are, more to pity
@allen riley MSM has lied for 4 yrs! And they all know it except for dumb liberals! No hope for them! Biden did not win!
@Jeff Woods
This should meet your criteria.
WOW what a string of lying propaganda. Just a little while and the truth will be out there for all who want to see it sees it. Well it’s there now just harder to see because of channels like this.
@stray fiftynine I agree. Stupid liberals CHOOSE to believe it!
Watching from
is Hart breaking soon is over guys good luck..
@janeen harris So have some empathy. Things are going to get worse before they get better. It affects many people all over the world!
Thanks Alby we need all the good will during these dark time. Stay safe and well.

Say hello to Gary Busey for me!
@Melissa Newton and the lockdown is the correct thing to do. They should be hard. Sorry if I don’t sound empathetic but my city is still coming out of one of the hardest lockdowns there has been in the world. It lasted 3 months so I know what lockdown’s like. I found the hardest part was the media constantly dwelling on the nay sayers, Those who opposed the lockdowns were on the news attacking the premier who ordered it, showed rabid business owners who were losing income, and protesters whinging about their loss of freedom. Staying focused on the desired outcome makes it worthwhile. We’re over a month with no community transition and no deaths. Focus on the desired outcome. It keeps you sane.
@Melissa Newton So! A lockdown will hopefully bring the death toll down!
Never voting for ANY republican as long as i live
Booyah! Surely the death knell of the Republican party.
The only Republican I have voted for is Governor Hogan of Md. He has taken good care of people, allowed for application of mail in ballots, saw that each county had enough drop boxes, used his personal money to buy covid test and other things and called for Trump to man up and admit he LOST. Too bad Hogan cant run for a third term.
But you will vote for
Never say never, John. Parties are no more than the collections of the people in them. Today, yes: the Republicans are a party without a soul, but in twenty, thirty or more years they may gain some. Some now serving may be visited on Christmas Eve by four ghosts. One may have a crisis of conscience; another may have a brain tumor removed and wake up screaming, “What was I thinking?”…
Your sentiment, however, is elevated and correct: by all means don’t accept any cheap apologies or lame excuses for “just gimme another chance.” These people tried to kneecap democracy Itself; they need to do serious penance.
@Education is key didn’t know any Chinese national was running or you talking about yourself?
Bill Barr must go to jail for a long time!
and the trump bunch too
Goh wow
oh yes
*Bill Barr:* The Evil Fred Flintstone, who exists in Covid-45’s “Alternative” Universe.
Lock them up
Those yahoos who showed up as fake electors, can we not have them arrested? I can’t believe that is legal.
@Andiamo10 Andiamo What is the matter with you? It was a fair election and the AG said so. No fraud, no cheating. Enormous voter suppression in Republican states. It is over and there are no more avenues forTrump and his grandiose lies.
@Andiamo10 Andiamo Real Americans won honey. Educate yourself
Goh wow
oh yes
@Andiamo10 Andiamo And “How are Things in Happy La-La Land?”
@Andiamo10 Andiamo so you joined a whole week ago? Or just this account? Did you just come up from your momma’s basement for a break? If you voted for Trumpty Dumpty, you ain’t American

Buh Bye Trumpie!
Take him away boys!
And yeah, dis-bar Barr!
Little early for that, Snowflake!
@camaro Carl LOL! Got to keep up the enthusiasm between now and the actual day, you know?
Hunter just got an upgrade….no more riding Airforce 2, he will be heading to China on Airforce 1 baby

@Education is key Or Gitmo….
Yoh wow
oh yes
Trump and ALL his enablers need to be held accountable for their corruption. Our democracy depends on these criminals answer to the law.
This is Insurection. REPEAT INSURECTION.
I certainly hope Barr can’t run from his crimes. An investigation needs to launched on the entire Trump administration.
Because Biden is so honest and clean.
@Cleaster Britt chump is MOB
@Cleaster Britt Get out the waders.
Yoh wow
oh yes
The people who tried to pose as electors need to be prosecuted. 2:40 Enough is enough.
And lock them all up!!
The law only applies to the poor, and to political enemies. The latter is enforced by criminals in positions of power.
Time to start arresting the people who are trying to undermine our system for treason.
Yoh wow
oh yes
At what point do the efforts become illegal? Isn’t this that point? Fake electors?
Everyone of those people need to be charged with sedition.