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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: August 3 | MSNBC
This woman gives me hope for the USA. Oh how I miss when the President cared about sick people, and news rooms were packed safely. Freedom to care, to be with people, to vote – freedom. The USA has fallen so far, fight for freedoms USA, we need to remember ‘normal’ Presidents and behaviours.
Well said, a vote 4 Donald, is a vote against the constitution of rights.
tik tok.
She can’t count. Lied about 3 generation thing, and lied about the June election that still has not been decided. Look it up
@Lala Las Vegas
Nah, you explain it.
Keep in mind that Trump will be ousted soon. We know he intends to cheat, and we can see it coming and take appropriate steps. He is desperate, but he knows he is finished rendering him more dangerous than ever. Our military has made it clear they support the Constitution, not his attempts at tyranny. There is reason for hope.
If anyone has ever thought about invading the USA, now’s the time to do it. The incompetence, the paralysis, the hypocrisy, has never been so suffocating, the lack of leadership never more evident than it is today.
Then again, who wants it?? Over 160,000 dead, millions infected, tens of millions out of work, a record national debt of $26 trillion and a totally failed, divided, and dysfunctional society.
No-one wants a bar of it. America is truly one of the worlds great shitholes.
*”We won with poorly educated, I love the poorly educated!”*
– Trump, 2016
Trump supporters: i dun no wut dat means but make america grate agen 2020!!!1!
GIVEN TRUMPSKY`S EDUCATIONAL TRACK RECORD THAT WOULD INCLUDE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Gene Viève birds of a feather flock together
Sad because it’s true.
@Gene Viève STOP the repeated punctuation, PLEASE. It’s crazy and unnecessary. DBB
Is America Great Yet!???????? let me know when that happens
Right now the thing tied for first place in my mind is the Post Office and the Corona Virus. I want the Post office so I can continue to isolate and Vote!
Wanda Pease remember to bring the outside envelope if you drop your ballot off at the polls so their ballot reconciliation numbers are accurate. That envelope will make sure it doesn’t seem as if more ballots were cast than were handed out from the known quantity they started with.
Each state can set up drop boxes,, so you can drive up to city hall or the courthouse,, and drop off your ballot in a secure box….
John Edward: yes, it is more difficult to have to drive miles into the nearest town and back again. I live in a largely rural state well away from the Northeasern seaboard. Except for two decent size cities it can be an hour or more between towns, or they can be separated by mountain ranges or rivers. Many tree nurseries, ranches and farms.
Jew Dy The ballot goes into a security sleeve so it can’t be read through the envelope. The sleeve goes into the official envelope which must be signed. Envelope signatures are checked against voting register before being opened in a large room with people from all Parties watching.
It’s so sad how tRump has prohibited OT at the Post Office, how many blocks he has placed so that UPS can overtake it where he has investments…..Vote Democrat…..register and Vote people!
I hope and pray he just walks away. This country needs to get better
@Sandra S
@Sandra S That’s why he had all that extra fencing and concrete put around the White House
He will never walk away. He has charges awaiting him in SDNY, among other places….they cannot indict a sitting President, but a former President is fair game, particularly one who has flouted the law his entire adult life.
He’s going to try to destroy as much of this country as he can on the way out. Because he’s like that.
Gail Brown the patriots and trump are bringing this country back to basics and draining the liberal swamp

Trump is worried about tik tok when we have people that don’t know were their next meal or rent money is gonna come from.. what an effing joke.
@William Bailey What is your purpose in needlessly insulting people Mr. Bailey? This writer has simply made a statement without disrespecting anybody else’s point of view or experience.
Clearly you have something to share and you go on in your later statements to express it. You worked your way toward achieving what I hope for you is a level of security that will last. Clearly your path was not easy and you stuck it out. The problem sometimes with those who have walked your road is that it can become very easy to get too self congratulatory about it and refuse to consider the fact that you really don’t know everybody else’s story. Be grateful for what you have. Be proud of yourself for fighting the good fight and achieving what you have. But that needn’t blind you to hearing the struggles other people are legitimately experiencing. Your message gets lost because of your consistently insulting manner of addressing people. Think about it.
WHERE is the MSM on the MILITANT ARM of the DEM PARTY, ARMED BLM threatening WHITE LIVES!! Where are CNN and MSNBC and WAPO and NPR the PROPAGANDA MEDIA on this?? They spent WEEKS talking about the ARMED WHITE PEOPLE protesting the LOCKDOWN, and how the police and military would slaughter ARMED BLACKS, but these links CLEARLY show that was a LIE!!! COMPLETE SILENCE on these ARMED BLM THUGS! Showing the TRUE RACISM is ANTI-WHITE…PERIOD!! and
@Danny Starling he has the same advice as Ivanka Trump hahaha, her words for Americans looking for work were “Try something new”.
I’m so grateful she has the required skill for her job…

@William Bailey wow, so they have enough truck driving jobs for all of the millions of unemployed Americans. That’s great news.
@Danny Starling now we just need a CDL license to drive them.
158,000 reasons to vote BLUE …. That is the number of Americans that have died from covid 19 as of today .. REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER ………………………………. 158,000 REASONS TO VOTE BLUE
@Richard Thomas 3years of conspiracy theory about Trump is an Russian agent proven to be wrong and this is your news channel ??? and I being IGNORANT ,, you don’t know me ,, so shut your .. please ,, thank you
@tom michielsen No you are beyond IGNORANT , How much do you get paid to go around all day and TROLL every channel ? Go slither back under your rock and STFU .
@Richard Thomas haha ,, America , land of the stupid ,,, looking forward to the debate ,,, clown Trump against a creepy demented Joe can’t stop touching little girs Biden,,, 320 million people and he is your best option ???? The land of the stupid,, do you even know Biden ???
@Richard Thomas i do it for free ,, every time I see stupid brainwashed peoples comments ,, do you even realize the media is there just to divide the people so the real corruption can go on ??
@Richard Thomas This is your news channel.
Brutally Honest, The FOX FIVE are The FIFTH COLUMN.
Brutally Honest No. Wrong god. no. Youre complete desinformed. The American left has traditionally prided itself on being on the right side of history, but today their efforts
to make sure that everyone stays in one racial or cultural lane puts them in the position of standing athwart history shouting “Stop!”
Their opposition to an America in which cultures blend
to create a national identity runs counter not only to our nation’s traditions but also to the cold reality of cultural and racial mixing. In the long run, this is a fight they can’t win, but that doesn’t mean they can’t cause a good deal of
harm and discord in the short term. The sooner they desist with these futile efforts, the healthier and more equal our society will be.
Not the God of Jesus, repent!
Gods In charge. Trump another 4 years
there is no god that can save us. We have to vote. That’s it
The reason t’rump is so against mail in voting is because Putin told him that he can’t help him again if there are paper ballots.
@CShield You might want to research the FISA warrants and Carter Page LMAO.
Your “proof” is absolutely what i’d expect from a liberal lmao. ALWAYS forgetting the important parts haha. When will you erealize that you’ll NEVER be able to defeat your President? Trump has won on every turn..and the demorats cant stand it, yet can’t do anything about it LMAO Fail after fail after fail.
@SouthSide Chicago Cool story princess but you’re still wrong… you’re a pathetic little boy.
Ro G , You are right on my friend!
@Beverly Dwyer
and The Brain
“The mail is how you take over the world Pinkyyyy…
Pinkyyyyy it’s the maillll”!!
Ohhh, o tway Brain o twayyy.
So, how many stamps we need Brain?”
You’re supposed to hide the stamps Pinkyyyyy!!. Hide themmmmm!!!
I guess that explains why they call an orange rat-
3rd World health care delivered to American citizens. Disgraceful in 2020
no. Youre complete desinformed. The American left has traditionally prided itself on being on the right side of history, but today their efforts
to make sure that everyone stays in one racial or cultural lane puts them in the position of standing athwart history shouting “Stop!”
Their opposition to an America in which cultures blend
to create a national identity runs counter not only to our nation’s traditions but also to the cold reality of cultural and racial mixing. In the long run, this is a fight they can’t win, but that doesn’t mean they can’t cause a good deal of
harm and discord in the short term. The sooner they desist with these futile efforts, the healthier and more equal our society will be.
Try living in Canada…. Rats, Doctor shortage, flooding
Have a look at third world health care, it is actually a lot better than anything america has to offer.
@just me Do some research…. US dominates in research and development for new procedures, medicine and technology…. Facilities are top notch and doctors readily available. Wait times and surgery are way better than most universal health care systems…. You spoiled Americans sound like rich teenagers
@vl8962 so the dominating Healthcare of America let 150k Americans die. Ill take universal Healthcare anytime. Enjoy
the greatest healthcare in the world. Ill be sure to cheer you guys being number 1…
On covid stats
Trump: “Florida go ahead and vote (for me) by mail but Nevada I’m going to sue you for passing vote (against me) by mail legislation.”
**the blatant corruption of trump,, is stunning,,,,, HE’S GOT TO GO…. THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING,, HORRIFIED!!**
His parrots will repeat this too
He still thinks he will win Florida even with mail-in. He is probably wrong. Trump’s lackeys barely won in 2018. And those lackeys being in lock-step with him put Florida very high on the list of COVID-19 disasters, and that has done nothing for their, or Trump’s, popularity.
Republicans need to go! Stand up and vote for Democrats across the board so we can start over to make this a true democracy!

Many are praise the Lord!
Tralla la la la laaaa! Hopefully not too late!
You’re crazy lady, leftist liberals almost always are. Did Trump take away your food stamps. You didn’t pass your drug test?
Bo bbie Zaborsky trump 2020
Bob Miller nawww
America is desperate to save itself and begin the long, difficult process of healing.
The way to do this is by voting.
And Trump is trying to stop that from happening.
If he wasn’t afraid of indictments I doubt he’d run again. He just doesn’t want to go to prison.
Trying? Trying to stop it? Think its past the trying point the postal cuts before November ..there may be some sort of defunding or government financial shutdown..he is setting the groundwork now..placing a yes man in the postmaster general..the DOJ…just to name a few…be careful and stop it…
John Edward , ours are also outside Libraries, and post offices. Can’t have too many places to drop ballots, but who watches these drop offs? Who checks to see that someone doesn’t dump 5gallons of water in them, or a burning rag. Or . . . I trust my mail carrier. I trust the men and women who have worked for years getting the mail to the right place.
Let’s all treat the day we receive our mail-in ballots like it’s ELECTION DAY (Brian Taylor Cohen). As soon as you get it, fill it out and send it off. This can help to counter Turnips attempts to slow down the Post Office, and is a major offense against Russian tampering with our vote.

@John Edward Trump is now saying drop boxes are “unconstitutional”
@Hat Bpto I get the feeling Trump thinks anything that ensures fairness and objectivity in elections is unconstitutional – to him!! He’s just so spoiled and entitled, he sees an election purely in terms of reinforcing his ‘entitlement’ – the fraud he keeps mentioning is the idea that anyone who doesn’t like him is also allowed vote.
@Ts Ts
The USPS is a federally funded separate entity. They dont need a loan. What they need is to not be tampered with.
@Polly Ticks unfortunately, someone in Sonny D`s camp noticed that and now the repugnicants are trying to outlaw drop boxes, alleging they are unconstitutional.
@eva camille thoroughman What’s unconstitutional is trying to suppress the vote which is what Trump is doing. It’s not going to work. He can’t change the election date without legislation from congress. His argument is crapola considering he and Barr vote by mail. People in blue states are not going to fall for this ruse nor let him get away with it and they out number Trump’s supporters by double digits..
Washington State where I live, only votes by mail and we’ve had no problems doing so!
Washington State, no problems? Seriously. Then campaign and make sure you get no federal help for the mess in Seattle, cuz you got no problems.
**that’s right,,, and we have lots of drop boxes,,, where you can drive up and drop off your ballot… EVERY STATE COULD HAVE THESE…**
@David Dugas **and we didn’t need your federal goons,,, to deal with our protests… No thanks,,, we’re not Russia**
CO also.
@John Edward thanks for saying that to the gestapo dude
Now is the time for Joe Biden to support healthcare for all and back on the table!!!
Biden has always opposed healthcare for all.
His plan is almost universal healthcare as it’s public option. He wants to improve on Obamacare. Trump wants to end it with no plan to replace it.
Moms, register and vote for Biden. Biden is not perfect. However, he is not a narcissist king or dictator. Vote for our United States of America. Vote Blue and may God bless You
It’s brought the most powerful country with the biggest fool for a president and the most corrupt GOP to it’s knees.
Obama’s presidency convinced racists that any fool could be president and then the country ( or the electoral college) went and elected Any Fool.
The democrats arent any better
@James Barlow That’s a very broad and terribly inaccurate statement
We here in New York State are also not afraid of you, Donald.
Trump has failed at every thing he has done in life His dad bailed him out Look it up
I wish I could put a thousand likes on your comment. Such a true statement and necessary to allow America to be free and be America to get rid of trump. And above that charging with all the crimes he has committed against America and you and crimes against you and I.
Yeah he failed to give America the strongest economy it ever had….use your own eyes and stop being brainwashed.
@danny moon correction the economy is worse than it was during the Depression. You stop being brainwashed and do some research. I’ll pray for you.
..darlings.. the “LIZARD KING”.. and his “TOADS” must go..