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#MSNBC #January6 #Afghanistan
“Last night, a man stole my Prada purse at gunpoint. After it happened, I told him, “I’m calling the police mister.” He responded “Mrs. Bowers, please don’t. That won’t promote unity and healing. And we need to come together after that horrific robbery we both just experienced.”
I’m kidding.That wasn’t someone who robbed me. It was the Republicans who aided and abetted Donald Trump’s domestic terrorists who swarmed the Capitol in hopes of overturning our democracy. Instead, they just posed for selfies in silly costumes while criming. Yeah, they’re that stupid. Oh, and they also ki//ed some people. Yes, the same folks who are all about “Blue Lives Matter” and “Respect the Flag” disrespected the flag to end a blue life. It’s almost as if they don’t REALLY believe any of the things they say. Which is why I side-eye any calls for bipartisanship from them now. “Oops, our attempt at a bloody, treasonous insurrection failed. So let’s just forget the whole thing. Bygones and hold hands.” While they regroup on their latest app for white supremacists.
Remember after 9/11, when everyone was all, “Let’s not go after Bin Laden for that lapse into terrorism. If you do, he’ll just do more terrorism. Instead, let’s just send him a Gwyneth Paltrow vageen candle, and work with him towards unity and healing?” Yeah, I don’t either. But the insurrection at the Capitol never would have happened without 2 things: 1 Donald – and the rest of the Republicans’- lies about the election. 2, something not getting nearly as much attention: Christian nationalists. The riot was full of them. But then again, so is any gathering of white supremacists. There were Dominionist prayers before, during, and after the Capitol’s windows were smashed. The mob was invoking their “Thou Shall Not Ki//” mascot, while they were ki//ing.
So what is it now? “Render unto Caesar – a Molotov cocktail!!” Or ” Onward Christian domestic terrorists?” Frankly, I blame in part the gimmick called “Religious Freedom.” It has taught us that the laws that apply to so-called “everyone” don’t apply to conservative Christians. That makes us….oh, what is the word? LAWLESS. Because when I hear the “Well, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley didn’t actually storm the Capitol” defense, I’m reminded of how popular the “Well, Bin Laden didn’t actually fly the planes” defense was after 9/11. You know, cause Charles Manson never actually ki//ed anyone either.
Criming is so much more tidy when you get others to do it for you. Because pretending to care about pretend election fraud, to overturn a REAL election, is inciting REAL sedition. And when the Christian Nationalists you inspire namedrop you while they’re committing domestic terrorism — congratulations!!
You know your reckless encouragement worked.”
–Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian.
So true
Interesting and well put.
@Satguy 141 Try again, NOBODY demonized IT other than himself Be it fraud, hanging with a fellow narcissist and child predator, tax evasion, the pathological lying or any of the 21 sexual assault complaints. Hard to demonize a vile embarrassment of a human being like that.
Satguy, those stats are about how Afganistan was handled, not anything else. The fact that trump had the next in line leader of the Taliban, and the thousand Taliban fighters, released from prison allowed all of this atrocity to happen in the first place.
Thanks to Bush for starting this war and to Trump to set 5000 Taliban and leaders free, to make Biden look incompetent…Trump for jail 2021
why did you skip Obama and Bergdahl episode? Biden has always been imcompetant.
@omik redarhcs Because she wasn’t discussing them. That would be another boat load of crap to go into. Debate your point on what she is addressing.
@Linda Lauer You wanna make a comment about Carter? Have at it. Her comment was about Trump and Trump only. Debate the discussion at hand.
@DJ KOOCHEEK Look up Carters Eagle mission when he was in office.
As I stated, more people play into this.
@Linda Lauer Okies, I will google it now.
The officer should be awarded the Congressional Medal and US Medal of Freedom, and given 24hr protection for life and honors in Arlington when he dies. He was protecting our democracy.
@Akeje Chinweokwu a movement lead by terrorism.
The blm leaders words. “ if they don’t give us what we want we’ll burn this country down “
That’s terrorism.
And then to burn and loot innocent people’s businesses and destroy innocent people’s lives that had nothing to do with police brutality. Is terrorism.
So stop defending terrorist.
And when did you ever see blm do anything for the black communities ?
The only time they care about a black person is when they can use it as a political weapon
@Akeje Chinweokwu defund the police doesn’t mean defund the police ? Are you serious ?
Wow that’s amazing how words don’t mean what they actually say.
So using that logic. What you say isn’t what you actually mean.
maria schultz
Account from late June 2021.. TROLL or bot!
David Hale
Account from late August 2021.. TROLL or bot!
the real insurrection started when hillary said resist a duly elected president, and people like you rachel and your all of cnn ,msnbc, pbs, abc, went along with it, you are the real insurrectionists , nancy tearing up the state of the union speech , all the dems wearing white, not clapping, you are the people who wanted to overturn trump’s election.
Trump organised for the taliban to get out of goal, so it makes sense that the republicans would want to get the 1/6 insurrectionists out of goal.
We spell it “jail”over here, FYI, and yes they are definitely trying to stay out of it!
@7 Haunted Days in England, yes. Americans in the USA never, ever use that spelling, nor the dyslexic typo used by Ian. Pronounced the same and means the same..
these people need to be free to VOTE and it is hard to when you are in jail
the real insurrection started when hillary said resist a duly elected president, and people like you rachel and your all of cnn ,msnbc, pbs, abc, went along with it, you are the real insurrectionists , nancy tearing up the state of the union speech , all the dems wearing white, not clapping, you are the people who wanted to overturn trump’s election.
I was shocked that hundreds weren’t shot!
@Carl os She was a traitor trying to stop the count. She was a danger to congress let’s get it right!!!
No JackA@@, because they attacked the capital! Wake the F- up!
That’s what happens when nobody brings a gun except Michael Byrd.
@Carl os super rich politicians like trump, pence, mcconnell, cruz, nunes?
LOL the fake narrative is full of FBI informants and falling apart like the fake government Whitmer kidnapping lol
“Vengeance on the Jews, or whatever” – not something to be taken lightly from these quarters.
Actually, it STARTED with Trump – yet he still walks and breathes free air. Where’s the accountability?
@harktz”trying to pin something on Trump” and Trump and the Republicans continue to conceal and obscure to avoid getting caught. If he had nothing to hide, he’d have shown his Tax returns, he’d welcome records to be opened to show he did not incite the insurrection. Y’all need to stop buying into Trump’s “I’m the victim” BS. He has a trail of lawsuits, bankruptcies and scandals long before running for president. So stop pretending that it’s just for “political reasons” that he’s being investigated. He’s a conman, you can see it, but you’re so deep in it, you have to see it through.
@John Robin
I started the process,” Trump said at a rally in Ohio in late June, his first since losing the presidency. “All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. [The Biden administration] couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process.”
@Scott Harrison did Biden ask russia to get his email, or his grades, or his taxes
Wonder how much trump got for freeing Taliban prisoners or how much he paid china to release the virus to own the libs
@Gwen Nelson aren’t you doing the same? Who are you blaming here?
@Scott Harrison The only thing is every president had media and the public were informed of the conversations. Only tRump had private meetings with Putin. No news and only a Russian interpreter and media and then he took away the notes taken and destroyed them and said tell no one what was talked about.
This isn’t the first time for Trump either anytime somebody stands up against him, he wants to expose them. Remember The Whistleblower.
the real insurrection started when hillary said resist a duly elected president, and people like you rachel and your all of cnn ,msnbc, pbs, abc, went along with it, you are the real insurrectionists , nancy tearing up the state of the union speech , all the dems wearing white, not clapping, you are the people who wanted to overturn trump’s election.
He wants to expose them when they have done something that might harm him but boy does he get upset when someone exposes him and his grifting crooked ways
I can see clearly something wrong with their little flag they made. They forgot to put a bunch of men cowering behind her.
@VanGiai Do shown us the proof, should be simple
@VanGiai Do another chinese simp for drumpffuhrer who got millions from china and the talibam
@VanGiai Do per USCIS law
To request affirmative asylum a person must be on American soil within its borders
Trump and his cronies had two years to change immigration law when they had total control, they rather rake in the money from china that paid trump millions for office space
@Stefan Jakubowski Yes, Biden got 10% for big guy.
@VanGiai Do trump gets money from Russia and china
ANOTHER UNREALISTIC ASSESSMENT: “Former Guy” expected to be reinstated as POTUS on 8/13/2021. The MAGA die-hards are still waiting for “Former Guy” to take back the White House, “INSANE.”
@dagmastr12 Yes, thank god. Things are returning to normal, government is functioning again!
Oh you of little Christian faith. Nothing is beyond God and the savior if he wants it it happens. When is re-instatement day?
the real insurrection started when hillary said resist a duly elected president, and people like you rachel and your all of cnn ,msnbc, pbs, abc, went along with it, you are the real insurrectionists , nancy tearing up the state of the union speech , all the dems wearing white, not clapping, you are the people who wanted to overturn trump’s election.
@Tidbit yeah things look great.. for Joe’s son and brother. For American citizens in Afghanistan not so much.
@fpskiller 123 they have never seen communism .. but want it here. WTF?
So what do republicans say every time a black man is shot while committing a crime?
Should have complied? Shouldn’t resist? Oh I know “shouldn’t break the law”….
All this reporting, means nothing if these traitors arent held accountable. “WE THE PEOPLE”, want trump and the traitors in prison, IMMEDIATELY. DOJ WHAT ARE YOU WAITING ON?
the real insurrection started when hillary said resist a duly elected president, and people like you rachel and your all of cnn ,msnbc, pbs, abc, went along with it, you are the real insurrectionists , nancy tearing up the state of the union speech , all the dems wearing white, not clapping, you are the people who wanted to overturn trump’s election.
Wow, to think of the representatives that continue to want trump back in office, after having this group released from prison. God help us all.
the real insurrection started when hillary said resist a duly elected president, and people like you rachel and your all of cnn ,msnbc, pbs, abc, went along with it, you are the real insurrectionists , nancy tearing up the state of the union speech , all the dems wearing white, not clapping, you are the people who wanted to overturn trump’s election.
They’re just upset their right to hang pence was taken away.
I personally think that at the first sign of the capital breach the protectors should have opened fire with prejudice. Why didn’t they? If that crowd was black or brown there’d be a whole lot of dead people. German, Japanese, or any other group that threatened US democracy got their butt shot.
old fart show me where it says in the constitution that the US is a democracy?
Well, maybe it was smart there were no people of color, then?
Exactly.. they would not have had a chance to even get near the building without getting shot or dogs or water cannon at the very least
She choose her actions and got what was coming and it all could’ve been avoided if there stupid poor excuse of a failed one term twice Impeached president just accepted reality nothing like this would have happened. So who got this lady shot? I’m going to go with Trump. # Trump jail 2021 and beyond.
Exactly. So do the so called unarmed blacks killed by police. They put themselves in those situations when they resist.
This officer is most likely safer coming forward, at least now by knowing who he is the threats against him can be addressed with the proper level of action.
Ever since Trump joined them and literally is using them for his own purpose,
the GOP has become convenient highlighted vantage point –
notice board for every extremist (anarchist, fascist, far right, corrupt mobsters…)
to use it for shouting at will and, if possible, to brainwash the public at large.
She was crazy Q screaming you will not stop us in a video well guess what they stopped her
When a gunman entered the Canadian parliament buildings, the sergeant-at-arms killed him. No one bitched.
@Susan Pallister to most people with more than a two digit IQ it’s clearly comedy… They actually omit more than they report here.
@Susan Pallister wrong the judges said everyone knows this is just opinion base show not a fact base show …. thus FAKE NEWS
@DAVID LEAMAN Agree with you %100 , anyone with any kind of conscience would get vaccinated, it’s not just about you , it’s about everyone around you
@MrSpansell “My stepson lost a fellow marine yesterday because “your ” president is not a leader ?? , so where are you from ??
You know where I’m from and it’s not your world of fantasy island. All the left ever said is not my president and you know it. Even on this stream it says ‘former guy’ as in president Trump. Play games all you want but your party is about to be out of power. Good day