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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: August 13 | MSNBC
I always tried but failed to understand how Germans were brainwashed into supporting Hitler, but now we can see the method playing out in real time, before our very eyes.
Kimberly Christine nope.” we are not the victim of circumstance. we are the creators of our circumstances” benjamin disraeli. it’s NOT ‘INSTITUTIONS’; ITS OUR SILENT COMPLICITY THAT MAKES US ‘VICTIMS. resist! don’t just whine about THEM; it’s US. you and me, Kimberly. you and me… think about it.
A guy who supports the right of citizens to own guns doesn’t make a very good Hitler. On the other hand Black Lives Matter and Antifa have perfectly replicated the Brownshirts’ behavior.
@Common Sense It is glaringly clear that the individuals in power are of the same corrupt, felonious mindset as career criminal chump trump. Greed corrupts everything it touches and this contagion, just like trump’s covid-19, is infecting and destroying our world. Vote out all these self absorbed, self indulgent, self serving, puppet politicians who benefit only themselves and their insatiably money hungry wealthy elite lord and masters this coming November. Clear the insidious infectious sludge from the filthy cesspool swamp and heal America. Biden 2020!.
Do any of you understand that the left wing news is lying to you? Did you not see the video of the post master general where on C-Span he completely debunked this lie that Trump is trying to inhibit mail in voting? The Post Office isn’t doing anything that they haven’t been doing for decades, but someone has been able to twist those normal policies and dealings and make Trump the bad guy. There’s plenty to hate Trump for. You guys need to wake up to the lies the are spoon fed to you. Russia? Ukraine? If those were real, then why did the FBI agents that were involved in those investigations wipe their phones before handing them over to the DOJ? There’s a lot of shading dealings going on, and the DNC is smack dab in the middle. The media is their cover.
@Gabb1 It all starts from the top. Criminal trump and his corrupt minions.
If the worst happens and Trump cheats his way to election then say good-bye to America. The election is too late. Trump needs to be removed from power NOW.
@Dave murder is against the law. Don’t think will happen. Biden will drop dead on own or get hit by car while riding bike without helmet. He really should though that brain of his is swiss cheese.
Wow….. Trump Trolls and Sciolists are in *PANIC MODE*
If he does thats when a coup d’etat happens and trump is murdered like the Libyan Col
@James T. Kirk I hope you are right if you are implying Trump won’t murder. He breaks the law however. You could be right about Biden.
Yep if he gets reelected (cheating),the US will become mini Russia!
Criminal president enabled by the republicans to stay in power. They will all go down sooner or later….sooner please !!
The united states counsel of catholic bishops believes “Over the past several decades, the demand by U.S. businesses, large and small, for low‐skilled workers has grown exponentially, while the supply of available workers for low‐skilled jobs has diminished.”
The church even believes *the sin of racism* needs confrontation!
The church tells us imigration is necessary for our agricultural business!
Already the contradictions between the current push to end illegal imigration and it how effects our agricultural business has proven the church is being excluded from imigration policy. Our farmers suffer!
Considering racism is considered a sin by the church, I’m pretty certain our freddom of religion has been a target for extremist groups.
I’ve personally seen a migration away from “religions” into other practices.
There’s definitely some opposing views!
It’s starting to look like we do not trust God!
I think it’s more likely to be comey and Co then trump
if you watched news not msnbc you would know the first fbi lawyer just plead guilty to lying to get the Russia probe and changing evidence
Before the crooked election, PLEASE!!!
Based on the legal evidence extant, the only ‘criminal’ recent presidents seem to have been Clinton, Bush and Obama.
@SevenMagpies Oh so… Only when they are out of office they become law breakers? While in office they are sweet as pie innocent, only because they are in charge of all of the law orginizations. The law is still law!
Thank-you Rachel and MSNBC! Like Gov. Inslee suggested earlier today, “Kamala Harris is more American than Donald Trump!” Personally, I would go one step further!
I’m in another country. Your being LIED LIED to BIG BIG time and you don’t even know it!
Let me wake some of you up that are going to vote for the Communist Democrat party
If you want the U.S to turn into a Communist country then vote for the Democrats because that’s the road your heading down.
How did communism start in other countries
The Left and the Republicans want to destroy America! That’s been The Deep State’s plan is : If Biden or whoever gets in. Further left than you think. Open boarders, Crime, really bad cops, the guaranteed destruction of America
Delete the 2nd amendment, defund the military, defund the police, create division, incite more violence, abolish rights and freedoms, start censoring people, keep pushing propaganda/lies with the mainstream media, tear down monuments/statues, tear up the constitution, allow, illegal immigrants to come in, allow anarchy to happen, planned parenthood, normalise pedophilia, normalise LGBT, basically get rid of the Constitution, normalise Satanical Rituals. Which is what is happening, yes vote for the Democrats if you want all this
I’m sure a lot of Americans don’t want this, vote Trump! Otherwise the whole world is in trouble.
Trump is fighting these 2 parties. Trump is trying to restore America. He is a Patriot!
You want free energy for the world? Tesla technology
You no longer want to pay income tax on the
$$$ you earn?
You want a safe 5G network?
Vote Trump!
Sounds like the US needs “the Post Office matters protests”
EXACTLY CHRIS… it’s starting in New Jersey!!! Our postal workers are under attack!!!!!!
Don’t do that. It plays right into Trump’s hands.
“Autocrats aren’t the most creative men around, *they’re all drawing from a similar shallow well of self-interest* …”
So well stated … and rather poetically, i might add.
The GOP has no governing skills. Rather than acquire them-they’d rather cheat & screw others out of their right to vote!
There are disabled people that can only vote by mail. Isn’t there American with disabilities law. My father with MS voted by mail. It will hurt disabled people from voting. That is what the Republicans are trying to do.
Voters should remember EVERY Republican who has been complicit and enabled this behavior.
land is yours 2 What businesses do you run?
land is yours 2 and I’m curious how you give Obama credit for trumps booming economy which is continuing to bloom despite all the challenges the Democrat party continues to feed him.
land is yours 2 what about the executive order that he’s pushing through right now to help stabilize so many Americans but the Democrat party simply shrugs and wants more money for things they don’t need. Things that have no pertinent effect on Covid.
@land is yours 2 Kamala Harris the first VP to take a knee, hahaha
All the DJT supporters/trolls can do well is spew insults like him. VERY MATURE and he DESERVES your votes, but it won’t matter – 70% Biden 30% DJT.
When Joe wins they will all go to Jail!
from your lips to God’s ears…
If I hear that my vote won’t be counted via mail-in ballot than I will go to a polling station to cast my vote. We can’t allow Trump and his Republican Senator to remain in power
How can you tell if your vote doesn’t count?
The beginning of this 8/13 TRMS was very important re: Cohen’s book preface.. and the segment of DeJoy removing USPS equipment.. c’mon guys, get more of Rachel on the youtube, especially for the next 80 days !!
Thank you Rachel for your continued devotion to your country <<^>>
Please tell me you’re joking
The basic flaw in the American Constitution is that the president appoints all heads of all federal institutions and proposes all federal justices. This is the standard recipe for authoritarianism, cronyism and nepotism. It is the basic flaw in how America conducts its internal affairs.
In theory, the Senate acts as a check and balance on that…
Let’s hope a Constitution Revision takes place under a Democratic President and that the Senate is also Democrat controlled. Cheers from Michael. Australia.
he can be as brazen as he wants to as there is no consequences – imagine what he’s gonna do with another 4 years or very possibly way longer
Yes. We annihilate you lazy ignorant fools and get our America back!!!
We will either be in a concentration camp or dead if we don’t pander to his authoritarian government.
Rachel, trustworthy and I enjoy how she explains reality.
“In northwest Alaska, kunlangeta “might be applied to a man who, for example, repeatedly lies and cheats and steals things and does not go hunting, and, when the other men are out of the village, takes sexual advantage of many women.” The Inuits tacitly assume that kunlangeta is irremediable. And so, according to Murphy, the traditional Inuit approach to such a man was to insist he go hunting, and then, in the absence of witnesses, push him off the edge of the ice.”
― Martha Stout, The Sociopath Next Door
Breaking news government officials suspected of personal enrichment schemes
The President has committed Treason several times, and there seems that our Congress chosen to impeach him for Obstruction of Justice, We must revisit the Impeachment process and impeach him for Treason.
The definition of treason is only applicable in wartime. Trump does break laws everyday & I agree that we need to continue to impeach him repeatedly for his every crime….whether or not his senate will step up, just to have all the crimes exposed & on record.