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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: April 1 | MSNBC
The most important part of her broadcast was that American companies were shipping Masks overseas while our first responders had nothing. That’s 4-1-20 !! Traitors for greed!!!
In this you are wrong, it was the government incompetence that said everything is cool – while not raising orders on the company. Instead they are choosing to let the company produce the masks and then steal them from that company
Dean Smith Trump has been to busy running for president since he got elected.
Robert Roberts
You’re another TV corporate news media moron. You don’t pay attention and you have no critical thinking skills.
Here’s Trumps daily schedule
Dean Smith
You’re another TV corporate news media moron. You don’t pay attention and you have no critical thinking skills.
Here’s Trumps daily schedule
Robert Roberts
Capitalism produces the products and services you buy neon moron – socialism doesn’t allow for economic competition and puts government overlords in charge of you and your choices. MORON!
*Rachel Maddow = One classy and razor sharp lady.*
@PowerTuber 3.0 It’s like Fox News comments, but from the left. It’s hilarious how similar these people are.
@Zero Cool Cool story zero
@frank hayles Not as cool as Russian collusion…
i dont know where we would get our comedy if not for madcow and others on msnbc and cnn madcow classy razor sharp now thats hilarious
@Margaret Treanor What’s wrong, MAGAtrash? Did you make boom-booms in your diaper again? Go cry to your mommy, little one.
Who could have know that hiring a barking carnival clown to run the country could end up like this?
Everyone who didn’t vote for him!
@Kathy Franklund over 60 million did vote for him. If you got a problem then let’s take it to the streets and settle it, lets get you Democrats that civil war rematch!
@The One – Wow! A keyboard warrior. You’re probably a pre-pubescent teen or an adult-child like trump. Either way, you’re a moron.
Where do I find this well documented proof at. I would like to see it.
@Bobby Beaver – “The Making of dOnald tRump” written by Pulitzer Prize investigative journalist, David Cay Johnston, published in August 2016 is one source. If you check out your local library, there are other books and records.
As announced today, Jarid Kushner is going to decide whether you live or die. So please don’t worry.
I’m Muslim, so I can only guess which way that’s going.
@Andrew_Owens I choose to believe that that assumption is in error. Stay well Andrew.
@Bruce Anderson Thanks. You too.
So if you declare yourself as a republican you get a chance to live and so does your family! That’s all there is to it
@Kathy Franklund I’m afraid it goes even deeper than that. You have to thank President Trump. Stay safe Kathy.
Happy belated birthday, Rachel.
Trump is screwing NY over politics, he is a TRAITOR to the CITIZENS of the United States of America. “States” are imaginary lines on a map, virus’s don’t care.
What are you gonna do if he wins again?
Democrats wanted this virus to hurt us. If you don’t believe it then watch.
Does anyone imagine that trump is not figuring that every adult death in NYC is one less vote for his opponent?
@The One Oh, go away.
@nozecone – so what, he will lose the popular vote again. We need people in the electoral college states who gave him the win to expire.
Please broadcast the names of these companies that are shipping overseas!!!! SHAME ON THEM!!! maybe making money??? Greed wins again…over lives!!!!
@George Holloway You have to blame the Demo/socialists
loons cause they imposed so many regulations, restrictions of crazy green deal crap and taxes that made Companies to live the Country,and that’ was not the worse they did ,instead of telling the Companies ,OK; you can leave but when you try to sell your product here in US they should have impose big taxes on those products ,and try to give incentives and tax cuts and cut regulations to those companies that would stay,the F*** demos did none of that and America lost 90% of its manufacture,put millions of Americans out of the Job and living off the food stamps.IF people that are American Citizens don’t see it,either they work for the Demos/Chinese or they are bad people that don’t want to work and like to live of the government food stamps and welfare.I KNOW FOR A FACT MOST PEOPLE BADMOUTHING AMERICA AND THIS PRESIDENT ,BEST EVER, MOST ARE FOREIGNERS OR ILLEGAL ALIENS INVITED BY THE DEMOCRATIC/SOCIALISTS PARTY TO BRING MORE UNEMPLOYMENT AND MISERY THAT ALREADY IS,THEY WORK FOR A MISERABLE WAGE,AND AMERICAN CITIZENS ARE PUT ON THE SIDE,F*** CREEPS .SO WHAT I SAY TO THOSE FOREIGNERS AND ILLEGAL ALIENS,GET THE F****** OUT OF AMERICA AND GET THE F**** OFF OF AMERICAN CITIZEN”S CONVERSATION AND GO BACK TO YOUR MISERABLY COUNTRIES AND FIGHT FOR BETTER STANDARD OF LIVING THERE,INSTEAD OF WASTING OUR TIME WITH CRAPPY RESPONSES TO MATTERS THAT ARE NOT YOUR F**** BUSINESSES.
If you watch the video again you would know that 1) these companies don’t know about the shortage in an accurate way, so they are doing business since it’s better than simply hear 5 different sources saying different things 2) the administration of resources (ventilators) is not up to them, they are just business.
The Pentagon warned the WH of a influenza type pandemic in 2017 and also warned of possible medical supply shortages.
nobody died because of shortages. Mass media bamboozling and fake news stories. Planned during the Event 201 event. I know. I watched their videos of them planning all of this. MSNBC was even a role player in the “drill”, along with the CIA.
That’s what I was saying.That’s why he gave his research to China so they could release it.Fauci and Gates should be jailed for murdering thousands.
@Yourname Here Billy Gates funded the Pirbright Institute of Woking, GB which applied for a patent of the invention of this virus on August 3, 2017, Publication Number US2017/0216427 A1. The Abstract states “The present invention provides a live, attenuated coronavirus comprising of a variant replicase gene encoding polyproteins…The coronavirus may be used as a vaccine for treating and/or preventing a disease, such as infectious bronchitis, in a subject.” Mr. Billy “Vaccine Them All” Gates and his friends OWN this virus!
@Bobby Beaver They deserve to be brutally tortured and burnt at the stake. Their time is coming, sooner than they think.
@King MGTOW yes, I’ve seen this. He seems to be very “forward looking” doesn’t he. It’s like he has a time machine or…..he just the guy who “done it” and released the virus that his minions built.
I’m betting that the “seasonal flu” virus is also released yearly by his network.
Of course its petty revenge.
Our lives are for his pawn.
Great president.
If voters don’t wake up.
You are a third world country . period.
@Gray Shus Finally someone speaking the truth!I applaude you!Keep it real!
@J A Keller… sssooooooo you’re referencing a YouTube commercial for a potty stool. Borrowed, rather stolen creativity.
This is all Cuomo’s fault !now he’s banned the cure !! so many more N.Y. ers will die , surely even you genius msnbc gang will see that.
@Lance Redford Not referencing anything. In fact, your reply to me is a complete non sequitur.
Jff you know when liberals have no proof.They just start name calling.That just lets you know your right.
A million cases worldwide and a quarter of that in USA. But you are exporting PPE like masks?
Nearly 29% of physicians in this country are foreign born because we don’t graduate enough QUALIFIED individuals interested in the field. Should they go home and take care of their birth countries first? Nationalistic attitudes can have dire consequences.
@LR Veremakis If that is what they feel they need to do ,who am I to say otherwise. You’re right about nationalistic attitudes and consequences.
Excellent moniker
That’s because Trump thinks that the Federal Government is there only for trade! Trump doesn’t understand that his main job of President is to protect the American people, he actually keeps saying that he has plenty of stuff but it’s up to Individual states to organise their own products, not him.
So he’s not withdrawing aid, he’s just not going to do anything!
@Resident Evil And Denied By the Communist Chinese that caused by this Chinese flu ,even N.Y crazy Mare Cuomo admits that this Chinese dependence on critical equipment and medical supplies can’t continue and has to stop. Too late since he is one of those demo loons in conjunction of the Democratic Party that sold out America Manufacture to Communist China, but karma is coming to these corrupted idiots and to all those that support them .ALSO TO THOSE THAT ARE IN THESE COUNTRY AND SPIT ON THE SOUP THEY EAT OF A COUNTRY THAT MADE THEM WHAT THEY ARE ,
The love of money is the root of ALL EVIL! Trump and republicans are the biggest money lovers in the world!!!!!!
How much does Maddow make is it evil too?
and yet, he is still POTUS. There is NO HOPE for the USA.
@Bryn Carlson
Guns protects families in far greater numbers than hurt.
The truth is that President Donald Trump is locked in an intense power struggle with Bill Gates, who is pushing his vaccines, which will not be available to the public until after November’s election. Gates has a lot of pull in the medical world, he has a multi-million dollar relationship with Dr. Fauci, and Fauci originally took the Gates line supporting vaccines and casting doubt on Chloroquine. Coronavirus response team member Dr. Deborah Birx, appointed by former president Obama to serve as United States Global AIDS Coordinator, also sits on the board of a group that has received billions from Gates’ foundation, and Birx reportedly used a disputed Bill Gates-funded model for the White Houses’ Coronavirus effort. Gates is a big proponent for a population lockdown scenario for the Coronavirus outbreak.
Trump 2020!!!!!!
@IVTEC My ancestors founded this country, you greasy dego POS. To quote Pink Floyd, “If I had my way, I’d have all of you…”
@Richard English Billy Gates funded the Pirbright Institute of Woking, GB which applied for a patent of the invention of this virus on August 3, 2017, Publication Number US2017/0216427 A1. The Abstract states “The present invention provides a live, attenuated coronavirus comprising of a variant replicase gene encoding polyproteins…The coronavirus may be used as a vaccine for treating and/or preventing a disease, such as infectious bronchitis, in a subject.” Mr. Billy “Vaccine Them All” Gates and his friends OWN this virus!
I know she won’t see this, but I’ll say it anyway…
“Stay strong, Rachel. we need you and we love you!”
@Allan B
Sorry, Gomer.
Yer barkin’ up a tree with no cat in it.
@Vera Wyrock
I don’t click on links from strangers.
Indictments for who?
@Richard Darlington DOJ Indictments. For the Congress that was taking illegal campaign contributions
@Vera Wyrock
All of them?
The U.S. Congress is an entity consisting of over 500 people.
RAchel is an agent of a foreign power . Like Keith Olberman and many others.
Rachel, you are so appreciated.
@Drake Pierre Don’t act like a hysterical woman.
Yes, the sheeple appreciate their propagandist
In contrast, a friend of mine who lives in Italy just told me that he just received by post / mail a kit from the Italian authorities containing an N95 / FF2 level mask for him and each member of his household.
@Steve Sanzari That’s 100% better than none.
@Hildebeast Clinton that’s why this Chinese did this;
First hand look inside New York hospitals. Please watch it’s insane.
We had ours delivered by hand, but there are only six thousand inhabitants…they are pretty primative, but still masks.
@Steve Sanzari Yes, one each and they are disposable, allegedly to be thrown out after one use, but they suggest disinfecting and reusing…sigh, better than nothing
For the military, serving on the Covid-19 front line could prove to be more deadly than Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria. Try to keep safe guys.
Yes, what happened to the world’s military in 1918 the Spanish flu was horrific. I worry. So many are just kids starting their lives. To be a mother with a kid on a ship right now…
@Bronte And 1000 people dies before Terrorist helper /Corrupted Joe Bidden did anything ,they were not harmed because they had the FAKE NEWS CNN
Trump needs maybe to see if the Virus is true or not for himself. Maybe if he got it the Virus, he will change his mind. Virus don’t care if it gets into anyone.
@IVTEC I’m surprised you didn’t mention fox news as fake news or maybe I should not be?
This administration makes me ashamed to be an American
@Leo Good luck snowflake.
Javier J Too young. But I did serve… in the Cold War in the 1980’s, in Somalia in the 1990’s, and most recently in Afghanistan in 2009.
@IVTEC Frank, the surname Silva is of Portuguese or Brazilian origin aka Latino. When did your forefathers arrive?
G Montezuma 30 years of service lol I call BS on that one
Hold your head up. All the way from Scotland.
Trump’s total lack of leadership has turned this pandemic into an absolute pandemonium. Time to invoke article 25!
@Drake Pierre Thank You
I think it’s the 25th amendment.
@D T I don’t care, whatever it is; can we do it? I’m in.
is that why Dr. Charles Lieber released the virus?
and there is more motive behind your release of the agent. A continued coup attempt. The public is figuring this out. The ones that you put out of business. This will back fire on you bigtime.
Soon it’s going to the AMERICAN PEOPLE VS TRUMP.
This is so heartbreaking! Have republicans lost a loved one yet?
First One, entirely too many!! Leftist corruption and their “new normal” of a weak America has made our people weaklings!!
Bruce Aitken, Like hillary selling out her country?! I agree!! She should be shot!!
Douglas Lowe, which party gives the most to charity?
Came across a site called looks at faith with Reason, Logic and Primary Evidences. Has interesting information about non biblical sources on the Resurrection accounts that’s not well known. Who Jesus is from a biblical perspective. Worth a read if anyone’s interested.
@Glock Coley Explain your position because I don’t get it. Even if Obama left the Trump administration with zero supplies, how does that explain what the Trump Administration has been doing for the last three years? Either the Trump Administration was aware they had no supplies and willingly chose to do nothing or the Trump Administration is incompetent and didn’t realize supplies were low. Your argument doesn’t make any sense. Please start thinking critically. Be proud of being an American instead of a sycophant.
He’s still mad at them and punishing them for the SDNY investigation
Absolutely. He is a deeply sick man !
Meagan Rice That’s what I was thinking. And we all know he is a petty enough person to be doing that. Whatever the reason it is disgusting.
How can you fit so much stupid into that little head ?
You sound like Pelosi !
@Allan B Hey, Tin Man… get a life!
@nirdosh prem