A motorcyclist appeared to punch off the mirror of a car on a busy highway in Ontario, police are investigating the incident.
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Bad hombre !
As*hol* in the car!
Yah! Screw that guy for driving in a straight line
@Venture Ontario probably did something earlier.
@sharpy 345 ok… and you don’t think the motorcycle guy may have done something prior to that??
Or do you just blindly take the side of the agressor?
diversity monk key
blame the half wit that let them in..
Why do you hate them so much, when your wives love every inch of them.
That’s why I like to take the chopper
What a clown.
Odd how they fail to show the car cutting the motorcyclist off that began the whole thing.
Does that matter?!? Do we damage people’s property now because we got cut off?
@TheBLACKKING25 Not getting much love I see.
What do mean “motorcyclist APPEARS” to punch the mirror off, *HE DID….*
he appeared to be dark too
I’d like to see the 3 to 5 minutes of footage before this biker took off the mirror.
@marty TrueGenaille Look at his shirt at 0:26
@Random |Lfe Extremely doubtful..
I ride, almost every time I go out 1 of these. 4 wheelers cut me off. My philosophy is that if you don’t use your mirrors then you won’t miss it!
@F1 Speedfreak found the guy in the video
@Dazanos7 you’re the k board Karen
for sure the driver cut him off
Criminal belong to deaths!
Road rage is never the answer.
Like are you stupid? he was coming back to do something,,,and punching mirrors is trending,, with guys with anger issues. .
If you don’t use your mirrors when driving, you won’t miss them when you don’t have them anymore!
I would have knocked the back tire of the motorcycle and see what happens.
Murder happens and you go to jail. You can be tough as you want surrounded in your metal box you weak human being.
@ScotianSouthy …***fart***

@ScotianSouthy play stupid games win stupid prizes. You bikers act so tuff with your crouch rockets and then if gets threaten “you’re going to jail for murder”.
This is great!
what did the car driver do to the biker before that cherry pick video
I see these crotch rocket pilots on the roads all the time. You know why they get cut off? They drive at ridiculous speeds. I can cycle through my mirrors and see nothing, signal for a lane change and like a flash, crotch rocket. Most motorcycle accidents are speed related. You wanna drive fast, you’re gonna get cut off from time to time. Bunch of snowflakes on bikes.
Weirdo Vs. Weirdo
Bikers DON’T DO stuff like that Without REASON. $5 says the driver Cut Off the bike moments before in a manner that Threatened the Bikers Safety….but That part ISN’T Shown.
Obviously the person who Posted this is playing the Victim here.