Watch Morning Joe Highlights: May 18 | MSNBC

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Watch Morning Joe Highlights: May 18 | MSNBC


    1. “We’re back” = that is what the ZOMBIES said in the MICHAEL JACKSON “THRILLER” Video.

    2. NYC NJ and PA government mandated that COVID-19 patients be admitted into nursing homes causing thousands to die… why are there reports of that lawsuit in the works?

  1. let me see him go out and shovel dirt or pick-ups trash or do something like that without a vaccine he stays inside and we don’t have to have a vaccine

    1. @TILT … that where I spend my time … only thing I go upstairs for is a cold one … you think Joe ain’t got his laid out like most of us … C’mon … I lived in Delaware … Joe lives nice , like most of us do

    2. @CaliforniaCheez … I will take this Honor …. to say ” Do You Know What You Are Talking About ? ” , if you do … We Don’t

  2. Sounds like he is selling hemorrhoid cream when he talks about the flare ups and truckers honking in protest. Trump loves truckers and truckers feel like suckers.

  3. I love how Fauci puts his head down when trump starts speaking is nonsense
    That way we can’t see or reporters cant tk his pic and show us how Fauci really feel about trump’s lies

    1. yes and the way he fidgets (also Birxs aura and stance) seem to silently scream; see this, see me! wear a mask do not heed this fool

    2. Ya , Death rate more than 10,000 this last week, which is more than the week before! June 1 is MORE than 2 weeks away, At this rate? Easily 112,000 by June 1

    3. Richard Batchelder i hope it remains but we need 28 days before knowing we are out of the woods. I think it’s great that si many people are being cautious even though things are open

  4. More snake oil from a TABLOID PRESIDENT next scam ahead how can trump put out flare ups without meds

    1. Gary Davidson I have thought all along that he is a con artist selling snake oil at a freak show, but I have never seen or heard someone else use that. Just saying hi to you who has a similar thought to my own.

  5. Anyone else noticed how low the white house put the reporter’s microphone? So trump gets them to bow before him. Again a very soviet like technique.

    1. I have noticed also.
      All it takes is 1 person to stand proud and ask a question. The world will eventually see it and wonder about the Microphone.

    2. At least you called them “reporters”and not journalist… they are more like “gotcha’ hacks” should be on their knees

    1. @Lucius Kiirus -you are a SICK person. Do you have a virus? Your leader said to inject bleach. Have you tried it yet?

    2. I know Dem’s don’t want to hear this…BUT. Despite media hysteria, HHS secretary confirms no WuFlu spike in re-opened states.

    1. @TILT Better a dream… then a nightmare…. Hope you never have any biracial kids or grandkids becaus you would sing a different tune then… Trump is trying to steal the country..
      As a matter of fact I composed a song about this BENEDICT ARNOLD…
      🎼 A Sing-A-Long with MITCH…[not McConnell nostalogically to the tune of YELLOW SUBMARINE].
      La la la… ready???

      WE ALL LIVE IN A….

       We all live in a
      2nd Verse…
      WE ALL LIVE IN A….

        We all live in a

      [Any additional questions?]

    1. Exactly what I said, no he’s just lying! He thinks this will sell it! Unbelievable!!

    2. If people die because of him flogging this drug, he should be sued for practicing medicine WITHOUT a license.

    3. The snake oil salesman has to be “seen” using his fake product to convince others to buy it. What about ingesting disinfectant? That would take only 1 minute to confirm its efficacy.

    1. They were not interviewed because they will tell the truth about wanting them to bust their behind with the same amount of pay. Some truckers got their trucks hi jacked and the tow companies charge them outrageous fees to get their truck back. They need to drop the trailers on the White House lawn and leave them. Let the administration figure out how to get the commodities to the consumers. I bet they will get attention then!

    2. Just off the top of my head…
      Because we don’t have wide angle lenses to take in such stupidity?
      Because we don’t want to watch people sharing the virus live on air?
      Because we’re busy caring for the elderly?
      Because we’re busy helping at homeless shelters?

    1. You better find at least one person that’s never voted in their life… To take with you,,,. !!! Because there’s a little over two hundred million that’s never voted in their lives,,,. !!! And the Republicans has suppressed about 10 million Democratic voters that cannot vote anymore,,,. !!! So if ten million Republicans doesn’t vote for Trump he will still win….

    2. This is probably going to be a close election. His followers are sticking with him. Even with all of his lies and missteps. His followers received a $1200 payoff. They do not believe he has spent more time and money in three years golfing than Obama did in 8 years. I’ve seen some of his followers walking around in stores with their small kids not wearing a mask and proclaiming the virus a hoax. They have no desire for him to show his taxes, which have indicia of decades of money laundering transactions hidden within. His followers truly believe Trump inherited a bad economy and that the military had no bullets until he fixed the situation. They overlook the fact that Trump and his family still have products made in China while telling everybody else to buy American. They also believe that the U.S. has been treated very badly by every government in the world. They cannot seem to understand that Trump has refused to pay multiple cities for the rallies he holds and has left them holding the tab, much in the same way he stiffed hundreds of contractors doing business with him in the past. His followers have overlooked the fact that he sent his mail in ballot back to Florida several months ago, but is strongly against the rest of America voting by mail because they might cheat and vote against him. None of his followers recognized the fact that when he said he loved the under educated, that was an insult leveled at them for not being intellectually curious and believing anything they are told. Months ago, a follower was interviewed on tv and stated that Trump has never told a lie. So unfortunately, the vagina grabbing, money laundering imbecile has an excellent chance of being re-elected.

    3. Please don’t jinx the election ~ remember what happened the last time? Everyone was over confident. This time, hopefully, the outcome will be better.

    1. @Raider Girl … the Oral Arguments somewhat seems to be the Justices may be leaning to trump taxes being granted to One of Two plaintiffs : Congress or the Esteemed Southern District of New Congress is having it’s Oversight Responsibilities front and center … SDNY is in Conjunction with active State and Federal cases

    2. CHINA: If you’re listening, time to release Trump’s tax returns.
      Trump wants desperately to start a war with someone to stay in power.
      So China, you’ve had them for 3.5 years I bet – now’s time to release the hounds!

    1. So they look like the lowly “dogs” he believes them to be. They all must bow to the master almighty! Now there’s some sarcasm!!

    2. That is a CLASSIC arsehole move. How freaking rude. A mic stand costs 24.99 on Amazon. Maybe we should just order one and get it sent to the White House? HA HA HA.

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