Speaking in the US Senate following an objection to the counting of Arizona's electoral votes, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) warned about Congress overruling the voters saying it would "damage our Republic forever."
#McConnell #CNN #News
Watch McConnell side against Trump in Senate speech

McConnell, the guy who started all the Tribalism with Obama’s first term.
Ya i just remembered that him and beoner trump is like his offspring
What’s goes around comes around… mitch your time to move on. Biden is the president of AMERICA
@JSTR the sad thing about Mitch McConnell he did say that remark I have seen the video that shown on television
this is a sad day that i will remember this just like 9/11 that was sad day to I pray for the healing of our democracy and constitution this is not what should’ve happened we need to respect each other not hatred, God told us to respect each other I pray for everyone that has gone thru peace 
@C Kite, The “Hate and intolerance” is coming from Traitor Trump and his cult of delusional Nazi traitors. Now heads are going to roll, comrade.
Trump is gone and he’s going to be prosecuted for sedition and treason. Along with ALL his other crimes. Game over.
@Irene Beltran – Leave God and praying out of this. It doesn’t do a damn thing. Going out and voting does. ‘One Nation Under God’, ‘In God We Trust’? Look where it’s gotten us.
“I am shocked, SHOCKED, to find that gambling is going on in here!”
Claude Rainrs was much cooler then Mitch McConnell
@Mobile Gamers Unite p
Thank You! lmao
This was too good
Sounds like a man that knows he’s no longer in charge.
@Lil Pudge I honestly don’t think he’s been telling Republicans from the beginning not to object because he was vote against their objection and he was one of the first Republicans to address Biden as President-Elect he’s just doing it more freely now
Exactly! Where was this speech before Biden won by a landslide. Before Georgia went Blue?
If Biden is president does that mean Mitch no longer has any say on stimulus ?
@palestine389 Not because Biden is President but because Dem took bad the senate so they have the majority even if Republicans vote against it which some actually voted for the 2k Dems would still be able to get it through
You know shits gone south when THIS guy is asking for calm and reminding people about the law
He’s secretly happy Biden won and had enough of Trump! He knew Trump never wanted to give people $2000!!
@aberas McConnell speaks only half-truths. The Democrats objections in the past were targeted at voter suppression in certain states, not attempts to overturn the election results. In fact, the democratic candidate had already conceded.
Furthermore, he lies when he says people didn’t accept him as president. People didn’t like him. People didn’t like the fact that he lost the popular vote, yet still won. There’s a difference.
Never turn your back on the tide. McConnell’s not done yet.
Where was this speech before Biden won and the whole country went blue!? Thank you Georgia!
@dozierc Who cares?
I agree with you
“Too late Mitch… 4 years too late”*syndrome voice*
36 years too late…
Did you just bash my least favorite person ever while making reference to one of my favorite movies? in one sentence? Oh god I think I’m in love
The rich have too much influence on our elections and it’s about time it stops.
“Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on wats for dinner” -Benjamin Franklin
But the sheep carry guns
@Nikki Racks Democratic Republic my dude
@Nikki Racks It is a democracy – just a constitutional democratic republic version of it, rather than a ‘pure democracy’, which I don’t think has existed since ancient Greece…[EDIT] It looks like Switzerland is the only country in the world that still uses ‘Direct Democracy’, as per the initial Athenian model. However, this form of democracy is still practised in some parts of the US (Vermont, for example).
Toh yes
@Gareth Ogden yes you are really close. US is supposed to be a democratic republic … so a republic w democratic principles
It’s your doing, little Mitchy…GOD sees everything and you aint getting away Bruh
You Trump worshippers will go to hell with him.
Sound like someone knew the Senate was about to flip, when he wrote his speech!
Foh yes
Possibly had two speeches prepared !
What? This was after the Senate race?
@Vi Trinh
@Aussie Irish Honey Badger most probably
Moscow Mitch saying too little too late. He’s as much to blame for these problems as anyone.
Best comment yet
@Scad Hope he followed the trials and Biden has not own yet. He was supposed to officially win today and that’s why McConnell is giving up
As much as I hate to say this; he’s mostly right. Both parties have a right to contest the results. Whether Dem or Rep, it is your right to disagree. But when even your appointed Supreme Court judges dismiss your case, you must concede. 45 has lost.
@David Hynes WTF ? The hell with the Republicans colt party
@Sam Leininger as a right leaning independent I agree. Trump has lost
A day late and a dollar short, as my grandmother used to say. He rammed his judicial nominees through and now he sees the light. What a repulsive lizard person he is.
Well said
Mitch said “if you want to burn this thing down, it won’t be on my watch”. Even I can’t turn a blind eye to the Tom foolery.
“There can be no double standard”, about damn time. Where was that principle when RBG died?
His principles took a 4 year vacation, and got back 2 weeks early…
Toh yes
Trump did nothing wrong. It clearly states in the Constitution a sitting president shall nominate the supreme Court Justice when one becomes available. Trump did not have a three and a half year term he has a four-year term he did nothing wrong
This is by design. Mitch may look like an unassuming turtle, but he’s very calculated and always has something else up his sleeve.
That’s an insult to

This slug has literally built a career on partisanship and prejudice. One good deed is not enough to save a soul after a life of crime.
MX TW if he repents, this won’t be held against his soul.
@Jacob c Yeah, his resignation.
@Jacob c Well that is a upside of it .Keep moving forward learn from mistakes and make it better for all!
The utter hypocrisy of this man. He loses and needs to scramble for a semblance of legitimacy, and suddenly he finds an affection for some aspects of democracy.
What are some examples of Mitch McConnell showing animosity towards Democracy?
Really name one thing worse than what the Democrats want to do to the electorate please enlighten me you politically cultured nonce.
“we cannot keep drifting apart…”
did he seriously just say that? where has he been for the past thirty years?
Getting rich
Invasion of the body snatchers
Exactly! Where was this speech before Biden won and the whole country went Blue? Thank you Georgia!!
Irreconcilable differences are a little more than drifting apart
He grew a spine 14 days before his boss gets fired. Classic.
Well said Jennifer!!
He’s jumping off a sinking ship. He’s trying to save his own skin. He’s trying to salvage his political career.
Suddenly he sounds like a wise statesman. In the dying seconds of the match.
Like hitting a grand slam with 2outs in the ninth losing 20 to 0, or throwing a touchdown with 2 seconds on the clock and you’re losing 42 to 0
Not a statesman…he’s a freaking deep state shape shifter.
He’s having to Choose between the Constitution and the President. It shouldn’t be a choice. How did it get so far, oh yes, the Republican Party support.
Hoping people will forget the rest of his 30 years
I never thought I would see the day where Mitch McConnell actually does his job