GOP Rep. Liz Cheney laid out the committee’s case that former President Donald Trump was the “central cause” of the January 6 riot during her opening statements at the House select committee’s final public hearing before the midterms. #CNN #News
Watch Liz Cheney’s opening statement at public Jan. 6 hearing

Thank you, Liz ! For your service and other committee members for their service to our country!
She is a real PATRIOT

@Wolfgang Holtzclaw Liz the biggest loss in candidate history . lol
@Zhao Wei I agree, she grew up rich, Daddy took care of her and when Trump made America Great Again, she hated him for it. God Bless you Ms. Wei !!!
In my opinion Liz Cheney is a honest lady with principal, it a complete pity that other politicians don’t follow her example
@David Collins Liz Cheney learned from her father’s dishonesty when he was vice-president, capitalizing on the Iraqi War with his own company (Haliburton).
Agreed let’s make this a lady versus lady deal Ron DeSantis is not ready for president he’s too immature so let’s get Liz Cheney versus Tulsi Gabbard get them in there and make it look good we got the young gorgeous Burnett against the older will aged cougar let’s see what we got
Absolutely BRAVO!!!
Superb committee viewing and summarisation of this shocking, shocking period in American history.
Congratulations to each and every one of and the people who bravely carried their Constitution values and love for their Country to interviews. Superb outcome.
@Sue Moses Sue. Thank you for calling them what I wanted to call them. Those folks that voted her out are special… in not a good way.
@Tallybail 513 achieved so much it will be written into history books.. what have you done?
@music sans notes What did she call out? Liz has accomplished nothing but being voted out of office. She’s to good for those folks? So.. I guess the MAJORITY of Wyoming doesn’t count?
@Sue Moses it has cost millions…and actually Trump is even more popular.
Bless Liz Cheney’s heart……we need more Republicans like her (and this is coming from a Democrat)!!!!
@William Putnam Chumpansee *points and laughs*
Achieved absolutely nothing.
If Trump ever shows up to testify under oath they should have that hearing on prime time tv that way everyone can watch Trump plead the 5th in every single question
Loved every bit of it. So true. Thank you Liz
*Anyone can speak a lie in public, but they sure can’t spew lies under oath without real evidence* .
The lady is class & even though I disagree with her political views she’s honest & a true American patriot.

Lol. Not even Re elected.
@James Purvis I have a feeling she will be elected again. Maybe even as President one day. Mark my words!
When Liz spits truth about Trump, a little chorus of Who-ville’s finest citizens sing the most lovely music in my soul. It’s magic.

I am not an American and I am not a Republican, but if in my country, Italy, a right-wing politician so brilliantly defended democracy and the constitution that he/she is called upon to represent, I would carefully consider giving him/her my unconditional support for the upcoming presidential eletions.
I truly wish Italy the best of luck with their new regime! Take care!
100% well said ,you can have my vote any day and I live in Ireland
I can’t put into words how proud I am of Ms. Liz-Cheney. I strive to be a better person everyday because of her actions. History will remember her kindly .
Yes! Most of us a great full for Liz Cheney.
@ndzi KARL Wyoming has a very high amount of uneducated voters. The educated districts in Wyoming voted for Liz Cheney.
Her parents made a good American. Not Republican or Democrat…just a good honest to God American!
Truly truthful and inspiring. Thank You
God bless Liz Cheney.
Like her politics or loath them, Liz Cheney it a true American Patriot. A woman who put her allegiance to the Constitution above her personal career and said no to a madman. Unlike so many of her Republican colleagues she has been willing to speak the truth and pay the price. History will record her stand against tyranny as well of the actions of those who have tried so hard to end American democracy.
She could have kept her seat and political career easily, but she gave it all up for the truth. Respect.
She is one of the few Republicans willing to go against the Republican lord and savior
Powerful words that need to come to fruition
As a young woman I am so proud of you Liz
I hope to have what you got
Thank you Thank you .
Speaking as a Canadian, I think that Liz Cheney has shown everyone who lives in a democracy what a patriot looks like. She’s put her country and its constitution before the momentary whims of her party and even her own career. In my opinion, the people of Wyoming have disgraced themselves in denying her the nomination.
Mind you own business Canadian. Worry about your own country.
Liz Cheney is an honorable and courageous woman. A true patriot.