Watch live: Uvalde, Texas authorities hold news conference on mass school shooting

The horrific scope of an elementary school shooting that killed 19 children and two teachers was coming into agonizing focus Thursday amid revelations about the attack, including that the gunman barricaded himself in a fourth grade classroom where most victims died.

Some community members outside Robb Elementary School as the drama unfolded had urged police officers to charge in. “Go in there! Go in there!” women shouted at officers soon after the attack began, said Juan Carranza, 24, who saw the scene from outside his house. The officers did not immediately enter the building, he said.

Javier Cazares, whose daughter, Jacklyn, was killed in the attack, said he arrived while police were still outside the building. Upset that they weren't moving in, he suggested to several other bystanders that they charge into the school.

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Uvalde, Texas authorities hold news conference on mass school shooting


  1. Parents need to spend time with their children and have them understanding different situations and problems that they may face. Video games I’m not saying that they are the problem cuz I played games when I was younger. But if you are letting your children stay in their rooms and play games or whatever alone and not be part of their life. This is bound to keep happening

  2. I’m a firm believer in the 2nd amendment but we as a nation need to put childrens lives ahead of even that. There has to be fundamental changes this can’t go on. As a parent my heart is broken. Our Nation cannot fail our children.Cannot stop thinking about these innocent souls.What can we do to stop school shootings? As Americans, we should start the process to remove every single senator-all 100 of them. Immediately. We need to do something drastic.

  3. Very odd press conference. It took an hour to take the shooter out. What good is an armed officer in the school, if they and local police are going take cover and wait 40 minutes+ for a team to take out one shooter? Something doesn’t smell right here.

    1. Do you think they wanted to wait that long? These are children. When you’re law enforcement in a situation like this you have to be smart and plan your actions. It’s not that easy. There could be more than one suspect, home made bombs planted etc.

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