In the two years since a violent mob forced its way into the U.S. Capitol, more than 950 people have been charged for their roles in the riot, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation continues to seek hundreds more.
"Our work is far from over," Attorney General Merrick Garland stated Wednesday, regarding the investigation into the deadly attack on Jan. 6, 2021.
Roughly 350 suspects remain on the FBI's wanted list of violent offenders at the Capitol that day, Garland's office stated. More than two-thirds are wanted for violence against the estimated 140 law enforcement officers assaulted that day.
Garland's office reports more than 950 have been charged. Roughly 230 of those were arrested in 2022, records show. But arrests continue, with at least 17 in December.
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Hey Everybody life is precious please take this moment and receive God in your life pray to God everyday for his help in life situations, read the holy bible everyday, believe in God more than you believe in anything else, Trust God more than you trust anyone else, praise God more than you praise anything else, love God more than you love anything else and remember with God help all good things are possible all you have to do is never give up also a great place for you to start in the holy Bible is (Psalms 1) and everyday after that read a chapter in Psalms till you finish all the chapters in Psalms then after that start on (Proverbs 1) then everyday after that read a chapter in Proverbs till you finish all the chapters in Proverbs and after that read every chapter of the Holy Bible until you finish it for it will change your life in the most amazing way
Good ORDERLY direction
Violent mob??? Inventing history again I see.
It wasn’t violent?
@Francisco Gutierrez I see plenty of videos of people walking calmly inside the ropes of the capital, cause zero damage. Not nearly the violence level of a typical BLM rally.
Two years and Joe still hasn’t visited the border. SMH
Hes aware…he. actually reads the daily briefings
Biden and Obama are the two great Potuses of my aduktlife…The Kennedys and Carter of my childhood.
And this right here sums up why the country is screwed. Wake the hell up.
Ей Джо ,Все хотят Мир Во Всём Мире
Вы кричите в пустоту он больной человек и видимо ещё без мозгов. Он марионетка в чьих то руках.от него ничего не зависит в этой .морально- гнилой стране не имеющей культуры и моральных ценностей.
What a miserable excuse for a human being. LET’S GO BRANDON!!!
бедон Тебя заждались Котлы кипят!!!Ждут Со дня на день А ты сопротивляется!!!))
Thank you President Joe Biden for your resolute, principled, and compassionate leadership on behalf of all Americans.

Said no honest person ever.
Good joke
Белый дом с пентагоном филиалы психбольницы
This is sad and fake excuses
I love Joe Biden president American is daddy.
While speaking about the deadly Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol rally, Biden said, July 6th instead and referred arroniously to the death of Capitol Police Officer William Evans, who was killed by Noah Green, an apparent supporter of the Nation of Islam. This incident happened in April of 2021 when Green struck Evans and another officer through a barricade with a vehicle. Noah Green was fatally shot by police after exiting his car with a large knife and lunging at officers, according to the Capitol Police. This had nothing to do with January 6th.
veteran, Ashli Babbitt. After shooting Ashli Babbitt the officer will not face any disciplinary action, as the government will have control of the narrative. That should be the narrative of the facts of this humiliation of a speech.
But Bidden continued to Overlooking that the only person killed on January 6th in regards to shots involved in the Capitol rally was when a US Capitol Police officer shot and killed an unarmed, non-aggessing, innocent of any wrongdoing,