Watch live: Johnny Depp, Amber Heard libel trial | USA TODAY

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's legal battle continues as the divorced movie stars face off in a $50 million (or more) libel trial.

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The trial began April 11 in Fairfax County, Virginia, outside Washington, D.C., with a panel of 11 – seven jurors and four alternates – picked, according to Court TV, which is broadcasting the trial.

Depp, 58, is suing Heard, 35, for $50 million, alleging she defamed him in an opinion column she published in The Washington Post (which is printed in Fairfax County) in December 2018. In the column, she claimed to be a victim of domestic abuse, a claim she first raised during their corrosive divorce proceeding in 2016 in Los Angeles.

On Tuesday, Depp is expected to take the stand in the tense trial.

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Watch live: Johnny Depp, Amber Heard libel trial | USA TODAY


  1. When he mentioned her smeark… I know narcissistic abuse when I see it, that’s why his so apologetic. Amber is wicked by nature.

  2. She is a monster to have shared such intimate moments at that last audio. To tape while he was at his lowest and sharing from his troubled heart. Luckily, most human beings have empathy which is something she does not possess and because of this it will be her downfall.

  3. She tapes him and then tells him not to hurt himself , knowing that she is taping him. It sounds like he is cooking because she says that knife is dull and won’t cut meat. Not falling for it. It’s clear what she’s trying to make it sound like. She setting him up, she’s obviously not afraid. I am a survivor of DMV so I know what I’m seeing here. His past additions are not in question of which he doesn’t deny.

    1. @Jackson Rumpf It was the very last before they ended for today but for some reason it’s not on this channel.

    2. @EHeart I don’t trust this channel let’s find another one that has seven plus hours of what the the trial was in court today cuz if it doesn’t have the last part, that ending that we are familiar with what we listen to with Amber’s attorney the dude asking Johnny if he ever would cut his self and then listening to that video talkin about the dull knife and you could hear Johnny and Amber’s voice in the background let’s find another channel to listen to y’all.

  4. Thank you Johnny Depp for your courage. You know too damn well the defense team will exploit your most private and vulnerable moments for the media and public consumption. And yet you took the stand. The truth speaks through you.

    “Life is a birdsong” – what a relief

    Peace and love

  5. Remember God loves you♥️..
    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
    Please repent, change your life around and live for Him.
    He is coming back soon 🤗🎊……

  6. Why is amber heard tape missing from this video where she clearly record johnny at his lowest point for evidence … when he is crying and begging for help….as a loving ‘wife’?

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