Live coverage on MSNBC of the final 2020 presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Set a reminder to tune in Thursday, October 22 at 9 p.m. ET.
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#PresidentialDebate #Trump #Biden
Live: Final Presidential Debate of the 2020 Election | MSNBC
Trump: I took full responsibility – It’s not my fault…
@rvtrcr The Republican congress didn’t seem stop them when they wanted to impose Obamacare on the nation. What a weak excuse.
@rvtrcr – yeah, it sure was horrible when they turned the 2009 recession, passed on from Bush, into a growing economy – that they passed onto Trump. Look at us now. 223,000 dead with a thousand more every day, millions and millions of jobs and businesses gone, record budget and trade deficits from Trump’s overspending up to $3.1 Trillion, etc., the list goes on and on. Trump Admin criminal indictments = 215, Obama Admin = 0.
@Black Sheep Comic Collector
Its China’s

Watch the difference as the wives come on stage — The Trumps – No Eye Contact or any affection. The Bidens, the total opposite. Trump looks so defeated.
A house divided shall fall. America must have leadership that understands this. I am weary of the “other” we are all American’s! If Mississippi is hurting we are feeling it in New Mexico. We are bound together in unity as the United States.
Trump has not destroyed America you might not like his way of speaking but he has been the best president in history he’s stood up to china Iran made piece in the middle east
Biden should just retire. He’s been in politics too long. Trump actually outclassed him. I mean… really, Trump is right. Biden is all talk and no action. It’s looking like he’s corrupt too.
@Shellie Wolske If Trumps destroyed America, then why are the majority of problems in dem ran cities? It’s no coincidence the 10 most violent cities in America are all democratically ran, just saying
@Shellie Wolske Trump has done more in 4 years than Biden has done in 5 decades, that’s an easily verifiable and irrefutable fact.
I am from N.M to! And you took the words right of my mouth!! Go Biden
Who already watched the debate?
Both Trump and Biden has improved performances, but Biden’s improvements totally eclipse that of Trump’s progress. He hit a home run tonight, with just a few mistakes.
@Tommy Liu lol.
Watch the difference as the wives come on stage — The Trumps – No Eye Contact or any affection. The Bidens, the total opposite. Trump looks so defeated.
Watch the difference as the wives come on stage — The Trumps – No Eye Contact or any affection. The Bidens, the total opposite. Trump looks so defeated.
Already voted, by now most have voted or know who’s their candidate. It’s just a couple weeks till we know the outcome.
Who’s yours?
Please don’t specify who you voted for or you’ll be lambasted in the comments. Don’t respond if they ask who
More civil this time that’s all I’m gonna say
They made it by gagging Trump when it’s not his turn.
Mute button
As a foreigner, I’m very surprised it went so well. Much less interruptions, the mediator got both of them on different things, both spat some facts and both bsed a bit, but overall it was great.
Watch the difference as the wives come on stage — The Trumps – No Eye Contact or any affection. The Bidens, the total opposite. Trump looks so defeated.
Good Debate
Kriten Welker won the debate. She really elevated the network to where it hasn’t been in 12 years.
Looks familiar like 2016
Hopefully familiar outcomes
JB: There is no Blue State or Red State only United Stated
Trump 2020 as an independent trump won
He doesn’t want his children growing up in a racial jungle
Joe: I Don’t look at the U.S as blue and red states i look at the states as the united states.
Joe: Look at all of the states that spiked with coronavirus “The Red States”
he said coronavirus spikes were in red states. LOL
They act like a state only has either red or blue people. He thinks New York doesn’t have any Republicans in it.
Biden: “500 of those kids can not find their parents”
The man propping the Bible:” Good”
He said “go ahead”. Clean those ears
Obama built cages…
Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens cross our southern Border every year. They all are smuggled across by coyotes, many are unaccompanied children. Why do you have a hard time believing that DHS can’t find their parents? Do you think they want these children in their custody?
That’s what I thought he said!!!!
My God… Get him OUT of The People’s Whitehouse!
@Atrévete a lo Nuevo Really? I also thought I heard “good”. I’ll check the replay and if your right I will definitely check my ears. Cheers.
Shoulda asked Trump about the Russian Connection!
I’m glad Trump brought up the Biden connection to Russia and the millions the Biden crime family made there
Trump: Who built the cages Joe?
Joe: Who filled the cages Trump?
Obama built them for a reason
Why build the cages if they aren’t to be filled?
You realize Obama’s record is far worse on the boarder but I’d argue it’s also because Trump has more preventative measures in place.
The only cage I care about is Johnny Cage.
MSNBC shows them full in 2015
“I am the least racist person in this room” LMFAO
Certainly Joe Biden is the most racist, but you wouldn’t recognize that fact.
Biden is the most racist in the room by far… Joe there blundering Baffoon also hurt the most minorities of anyone in the room by putting them in prison
I’m so thankful for what Trump has done for minorities that joe and Obama never did
@Daniel Roig your statement is astoundingly idiotic, second only to Trump’s .
@Daniel Roig in the debate Biden literally said that all black people are on food stamps
He means that because he has given a lot of money and funding to all black schools who have not been able to get anything from the government for years. Democratic Party enjoys division and “the projects” and gang violence because it creates division and fear. This is why they haven’t funded these schools. Trump wants to see minorities succeed and has given them the funding to become more established. He doesn’t want to see ghettos and projects
Trump was faded. They gave him oxycotin. Anyone whos been around enough oxy knows that pace of speech, and slightly warm demeanor. About the hour mark Trump started coming down, getting angry debased red faced per usual. The warm and fuzzy wore off. Remember, Biden wants to take away your windows hahahahahahahahaha
Ya right, he starts with toilets then goes to showers and now windows. Really? How did we get here
You sound like a junky. You are quite the expert on this stuff.
I’m an architect
It’s called sustainable design
Drumpty should learn to talk like an adult.
It’s common sense different building types for different environments. Less dependent on building systems, more dependent on using nature to our advantage ya know like they did all throughout history before the invention of heating and cooling.
Simple realy.
Case and point suddenly we all want building w operable windows…..turns out fresh air is the bomb!!!
Biden is the one who takes drugs to help him focus. He gets very flustered and unable to concentrate unless he does. Towards the end of the debate you see and hear Biden beginning to slur a few words and stumble
Kristen Welker won the debate. Make her the main headliner and get rid of Rachel Maddow !!!
She’s way better than madCow
Where’s the dignity in calling everyone a ” racist ” Joe ?
I mean trump is a racist
Joe knows black
29:22 for actual video you’re welcome friends
40:15 for actual debate start
“I am the least racist person in this room” Really? Hontōni? *That’s a bunch of malarkey!*
C’mon man……I never said super predators.
He keeps saying ‘it’s going away’….Speaking of the virus…another lie. Also said he was the least racist in the room? With a woman of color as the moderator? He never answered the question about ‘ ‘could he tell why a family of color would care about their safety’ (similar to this statement) trump never answered it.
Broadcast the announcement by Tony Bobulinski now, and Biden will lose, so we don’t have to impeach him later. His family’s corruption and crime are 10 times worse than Clinton’s.
Debate starts at 40:20