The Akron Police Department is expected to provide details of the shooting, including body camera footage, at the Sunday news conference alongside the city's mayor. The footage will also be released at that time.
The Akron Police Department said Walker refused to stop the vehicle and fled as officers attempted to pull him over early Monday morning. Walker then jumped out of his rolling vehicle and created a "deadly threat," leading officers to use stun guns and then firearms, police said.
Police say Walker fired a shot at officers during the police chase.
Walker died from multiple gunshot wounds, according to the Summit County Medical Examiner's Office, which ruled the death a homicide.
Walker was found lying on his back while in handcuffs when a medical examiner arrived at the scene, according to an investigative worksheet for the case shown to the Beacon Journal at the medical examiner's office. Walked had been shot in the face, abdomen and upper legs, the report said, adding that a weapon was recovered from his vehicle.
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#policeshooting #akronohio
I wonder what would have happened had he not run?
I guess we’ll never know.
I wonder what would have happened if he never broke the law to begin with. Oh wait, I know, he wouldnt have 60 holes in his body.
“I am urging our residents to please reserve judgement…” Says Mayor Horrigan moments after passing judgement…
And his knee jerk 4th cancellation.(
He wants to go down in history as being on the “right” side of liberal history….
“We want you to be outraged and do some rioting for us please.”
He jumped out of the moving car wearing a ski mask?
Maybe the was going to costume ball.
@Olimp Zeus Being super safe from Covid…
@Phil M
Did he have a gun, make any gestures like he had a gun or was going to shoot or use a weapon – the bottom line is the way the law is there has to be a direct threat for the officer to shoot.
@Twisted Puppet Thank you Al Roker.
Funny, they sure got those dashcam and body cam videos out fast. We haven’t seen a single one from Uvalde. Just a single photo of officers in the hallway an hour before the killer was shot, and that was probably leaked by someone.
@DibbleDabble oh thanks, I’ll check that out. Love me some Donut
No dash cams will be released because the reporter asked why no patrol car cams. Ans…none of the cars have cams….really.
Because the cops were wrong in Uvalde. So they are covering it up. Nothing to see here in this case, other than some swift justice and great police work.
Looks like another case of f*ck around and find out.
Bodycam footage starts at 20:33
thank you!!
Looks like all the justice needed in this case, has already been served.
@Cory-O-Cookies bring it cookie doe.
@Mrs Potato I don’t have time for future “victims”

@Grok Effer thank you! This is exactly what it is.
@Grok Effer yeah i think you’re right
Hear! Hear!
He Was on the Ground taking Shots. 30 or 40 Shots While on the Ground.
This is Far from Right.
It was a few seconds, and there were multiple officers.
yeah if there were 200 cops he’d get shot 1000 times, what’s your point?
If I see someone wearing a ski mask in the summer I’m only going to think one thing. He’s going to a job interview.
Especially at 12:30 am
@John palmer If you’re on time you’re late. Show up early. 12:30am early.
At a bank with a gun

Of course they release the tatercam footage lol… A dozen cops and this is the best they can show?
The only thing tragic in this incident is eight officers had to fire their guns and kill somebody it’s something that they’ll have to live with for the rest of their life as for the suspect play stupid games Win stupid prizes
The only tragedy was that Ethan Liming was killed by three demons and this waste of skin gets more attention.
God will have no mercy on the gustapo
The only thing tragic is that you saw someone get shot like he was a video game character in real life and ur response is play stupid games win stupid prizes, that is embarrassing.
Pre-planned suicide by cop? The ski mask, lack of criminal history, the one shot fired at the beginning of the chase, the placement of the gun with the wedding ring, and the fact that his girlfriend was killed in a car accident just weeks ago point towards that conclusion IMO. Sad situation for all involved.
@magic mark “which he wasn’t planning on” for the sake of friendly argument, what if he was?
Kid made a , fatal , mistake. People dont realize. When you run. You have engaged in combat with a highly superior force..
no doubt he also knew that his family would get paid upon his death by the police
Well – that escalated quickly
They happen to stop right where they were all waiting as if it’s a roadblock but they just asked to get in with the only chatter
Routine traffic stop attempt, turns into a speed chase with suspect, 1 shot fired from car, car stops, suspect bounces out with a ski mask on & jets, short foot chase, taser doesn’t work, multiple officers yelling stop orders during chase, ski mask suspect stops, turns & officers unload 90 rounds. In the car pistol, clip & wedding ring found. This is a lot to unpack. Hella sad
@Yo folks Nacho which means he wanted to to die that night. He left all his personal stuff behind. His wife had died in a car accident weeks ago.
The 90 shots let of by the officers when ski mask guy stopped & nobody seen him pulling a gun or found a gun on him is a problem. Officers are supposed to be trained to only use deadly force if their life or a citizens lives are in immediate danger. I’m no cop but cops shouldn’t shoot except for the 2 situations I stated in my previous sentence.
@Yo folks Nacho you don’t think it was in danger? A guy that had shot at them through the window? Also he turned around and stop and went straight at their direction. They can’t tell if he’s armed. Again that’s going all fast! Go sign up and be a cop and see if you would wait to shoot lol. It’s easy for you to say that from your couch.
Police attempted to stop him less than 24 hours prior:
*”That same sedan caught the attention of a New Franklin police officer, who tried to stop the vehicle for having a broken taillight and license plate bulb as it left a Subway sandwich shop at about 2:30 a.m. Sunday.”*
And no one got shot 60 times cus that officer or dept used better judgement
@justgivemethetruth He died because he shot at them and tried to get away; not because of a minor traffic violation. He had a ski mask and gun. Game over.
@Isidro salas no one knows if he shot at them, that information will probably come out soon. Could have been negligent discharge. The gun was also in his car.
The police in Miami are trying to kill me every day.
How many cops and shots does it take….? At one point it looks like cops were just standing still and having Target Practice. They cant bring in a man who was Running away from them…? I dont believe for a moment Walker had a gun or even fired…looks like a casual plant.
Not only did the cops down the man but it also seems they got some missed range time in.
What’s all the fuss about? Police did their job like they are trained & supposed to do. Some are butt hurt, get over it.