At the House Financial Services Committee hearing on GameStop, lawmakers aimed some of their harshest questions at Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev.
#Gamestop #CNNBusiness #QuestMeansBusiness
Watch lawmakers grill Robinhood’s CEO at GameStop hearing

At the House Financial Services Committee hearing on GameStop, lawmakers aimed some of their harshest questions at Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev.
#Gamestop #CNNBusiness #QuestMeansBusiness
Its rigged like a casino putting a cap on your bet.
At least casinos already has bet limits before you start playing. This is more like doubling down on 11, and then the dealer removing all of the face cards from the deck, and forcing you to finish the hand.
@Brianna Johnson
@toptenguy1 they a lucrative money go getter
Is he from the 1970’s, that hair is gross
@Uneica Garrett I was just going to give you a thumb up, but noticed your avatar. Is that really a picture of you? If so, you’re gorgeous.
COVID is CCP’s BioWeapon, search risk-life-flee-china virologist @DrLiMengYAN1(twitter )’s gene evidence reports, get a Gene guy you TRUST(not the famous ones on TV) to verify her reports, she has waken the right(she had to talk with the right 1st since the right was in power), help her waken the left!!
PS:why CCP didn’t allow wuhan people go anywhere in china, but allowed them to go overseas?
Ewwwww, do you think he plays with Stelters tiny stub?
So.. Now that you’ve sided with the democratic serpent left antichrist network which is the devils legion who orchestrated all the mass shootings and terrorism gutting the nation for the past 30 yrs you’re a played out schmuck
In the words of Bill Duke “You know you f***ed up right???”😂😂😂 This dude is a crook flat out
Robinhood’s CEO looks like Keanu Reeves if you ordered him on wish…….
@papi boy hey Shaniqua boy, you triggered?
@Kris or your momma Leshiqueka calls you Saquisha boy ?
KeanEWWW Reeves!😁
@kaiss-K -Ci Even with editing that comment made no fucking sense
He appreciates the questions 😂 but he won’t give direct answers
You are not allowed to explain. House rules.
“Busy Teacher/Mom, have you quit kicking your dog?”
Busy Teacher/Mom answers “No”.
See the problem?
The guy should have responded by saying “That question, as stated, cannot be answered by yes or no” and let Waters deal with why.
@zztzgza If he’s smart he certainly spent time with a good attorney in order to understand how to deal with the committee.
I’ve spent a bit of time digging into this event. I’ve not been involved in any way, have never used Robinhood or shorted a stock.
At this point in time my impression is that Robinhood did not do enough stress testing and when activity blew up didn’t know how to handle the problem. In their operations manual there should be a page that says “If this happens here’s what we do”.
There was probably a better solution but it didn’t come to them at the spur of the moment.
We need to remember, none of the Robinhood users lost invested money. They were simply prevented from investing more money, hoping to earn money.
@Bob Wallace agreed
Maxine Waters wouldn’t let him answer……..
HAHAHA, so right! “35 billion means nothing to me, what is the Rate of Return”???
Why is everyone so busy at this hearing?
They only have 5 minutes to ask him questions, so this idiot is thanking them and answering slowly , he is Jenkins them around and only making them.mad
this guy will be great in the ‘bill and ted’ reboot
He’s already got the skills of a seasoned Congressman or Senator! Hell fit right in in a couple of years!
Hello there can we have a few conversation please ?
I will love to discuss on how you can actually earn up to $5000 weekly. If you’re interested dm
Ttis that
oh yes
He sounds like he’s hiding something 🤔
@radio man 2020 did you learn that in detective school?
I mean I totally agree with you, but jeez.
@Oracle Of Delphi just trying to understand how to make more residuals and capture #access
@Oracle Of Delphi I appreciate you agreeing with me
@radio man 2020 welcome you made a #impact I don’t really get much feedback
Did he name the company RobinHood, because he’s the only man to have that hair style since Robin Hood was alive?
@Chuck Muffly that depends… is he going as Ken Burns for Halloween? Or auditioning to be the 5th Beatle?
@Luke Oliver Who Cares? Being a Inclusive Progressive you should be above the Hate, Labeling, name calling and Hair do Phobia!
@Chuck Muffly is Chuck short for Chuckles? You seem like a total barrel of laughs.
Perhaps we should just be grateful he’s not wearing green tights.
You sorry and apologize, give me my money I lost because of your stupidity.
@DarthSailorMoon Oh, I know. I spent time looking into what happened. I understand the difference between the loss of money and the loss of opportunity.
What I also know is that I’m posting facts that don’t support what you wish to believe
Put him to jail
@Bob Wallace You just used a completely off topic situation as an argument, lol. You’re making a complete fool out of yourself, and it’s quite sad instead of funny.
@Mohammad Ali What law was broken?
@DarthSailorMoon How did Robinhood cause you to lose money?
If you owned any shares you could have sold them at any time. Selling was not blocked.
This “Robinhood” is a fraud
not for someone that knows what they’re doing when they choose to play in the stock market.
Ttis that
oh yes
“I appreciate the question. Allow me to answer that question with nonsense.”
@Dëtox Nixon I’m sorry but if I read one part of your paragraph correctly. Did you just suggest that 9/11 was a lie? If so, explain because that’s bc what confused me. If not then forget I said anything.
The worst part is this is just more taxpayer money being wasted because neither the crooked businesses nor the crooked politicians will pay for their crimes. However, the taxpayers already did pay for it all and is now being charged for this debacle.
@Dëtox Nixon It hits closer to home when the average man’s money in directly involved. That’s why.
@Ant Clerfont If you can actually find footage of the 9/11 event, you’ll see the building squibs detonating as the towers fell. I noticed this while watching it live back then. Building squibs are utilized to control the direction of a tall building’s falling path. In this case, despite the high winds and the slow burn of jet fuel, it still fell straight down. I am no demolitionist, but I have learned that they do NOT place those charges in a building while people are actively working in it. Why do you think some of the media tried to push the “skull in the smoke” pictures? It’s called misdirection.
@Ant Clerfont respectfully, I can share this with you but I don’t want to sway your opinion. I’m not sure what generation you are. It’s always hard with the older generations to communicate about the subject.
This link/video/interview will help you.
Why is, either “Yes” or “No” , THE MOST DIFFICULT thing for these people to say?
It’s hard when you’re lying. They are straight crooks. Everyone but God himself, “Roaring Kitty”
@C Thomas tell that to all of us who were locked out of our money while this guy protects the hedge funds.
You dont dictate a persons answer Fool
COVID is CCP’s BioWeapon, search risk-life-flee-china virologist @DrLiMengYAN1(twitter )’s gene evidence reports, get a Gene guy you TRUST(not the famous ones on TV) to verify her reports, she has waken the right(she had to talk with the right 1st since the right was in power), help her waken the left!!
PS:why CCP didn’t allow wuhan people go anywhere in china, but allowed them to go overseas?
@zztzgza it also allows him to avoid answering before his time expires.
best part was Roaring (The Legend) Kitty
““I am not a cat, I am not an institutional investor, nor am I a hedge fund””
“”I like the stock”
“This debacle hit us so hard, I feel like I got punched all the way back to the seventies, which explains my haircut.”
Totally Joanie Loves Chachi. Right?
Every single one of them senators has had hedge funds talking in their ears.
Vlad should be call the matrix because he was avoiding all types of bullets today 😂
It’s NOT nice– to b.s. the Honorable U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters!!
“Vlad the stock impaler” – Elon Musk
Wall Street Billionaire Hedge funds: “Only WE are allowed to manipulate the markets”. 👿 👿 👿