King Charles III, in his first address as King, paid tribute to his mother Queen Elizabeth II, saying her commitment to service and the people never wavered and “defined her whole life.” #CNN #News
Watch King Charles’ first address to the world

King Charles III, in his first address as King, paid tribute to his mother Queen Elizabeth II, saying her commitment to service and the people never wavered and “defined her whole life.” #CNN #News
This was a beautiful first address as King. Long live the King
He’s almost 74.

@Roselande Remember this mocking when and if you reach this years.
@Roselande another 20-25 years maybe
@Roselande he is King and he is already in his 70’s so technically he has already lived long. He will last at least more 20 more years which you, as a poor person no doubt, will not lol
She’s been Queen my whole life. It’s hard to imagine Buckingham Palace without her.
@dogisgreatred They were in love in their youth and he wasn’t allowed to marry her. I’m glad they eventually did get together. His life would have been so different if they had been allowed to marry way back then. I also loved Diana, and that was a whole mess. But Camilla had Charles’ heart long before Diana.
Joe Biden sends his condolences to the British people for the tragic loss of Margaret Thatcher.
Here finally
They’re going to have to redesign all my country’s quarters!
May he carry on her legacy with the same dignity and grace
3 million for Quatar maybe he could pay for the funeral instead of the taxpayers
Such a wonderful speech.
Here finally
Very real and heartfelt speech given. Long Live The King!
Here finally
As an American, I always respected the Queen.. she was a wonderful person and to you all.
@HELRAM Esperanza An ‘eloquently-worded’ rebuttal, devoid of any facts or evidence. What is the _point_ of you?
I say that I send love to those that feel loss..and I respect them and the queen.
If you want to hate, take it somewhere you can get hate back, then you can argue.
@Vatican Cameos what
If you can’t comprehend what I said in a response to what you said, well..check out a understand what words mean.
Almost made it without tearing up… that “thank you” at the end to his “Mama” did it.
Here finally
Made me cry, too, and I’m an American.
My condolences to you King Charles during this time of great sadness for you and your family. A beautiful speech and tribute to your mother, the Queen.
1 Lazlo Mattachine Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
“to my darling Mama” is where I lost it. That was an absolute beautiful tribute to her majesty. May she rest in love and light

Long live the King. 
He loved to call her “Mummy” in public appereances. He calling her Mama reflected that times and I started crying at that point like you have.
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Sentences for eternity: “To my darling mama, as you begin your last, great journey to join my dear late papa, I want simply to say this: Thank you. Thank you for your love and devotion to our family and to the family of nations. You have served so diligently all these years. May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.”
In hell fire after facing judgment for her involvement in 1967 1970 Biafra genocide.
@Voorhees666Drummer Joebama was but a wee lad when that nasty business with Ann Boleyn went down.
@Info Ste Agu-Ben Really? Harold Wilson bears responsibility I thought as head of government.
@Voorhees666Drummer go back to your trailer. Don’t come out
Excellent speech. A wonderful tribute to his amazing mother. I was 8 years old when Queen Elizabeth’s coronation ceremony was broadcast…. for the very first time…… on live TV around the world. I watched …. enthralled…. every minute. May King Charles III continue his mother’s legacy of duty, honor, respect and devotion.
You comment very well for a 78 year old! Kudos to you for leaning technology so well
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Thank you, King Charles. That was a beautiful, moving tribute. Our hearts are with you and the citizens of the UK right now. God save the king!
1 Courage Karnga Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Forget what the past person said. Thank you so much for your sympathy. Our international friends and family are truly making this loss feel isolated. Rather than a friend losing another friend and no one understanding, it truly feels that we have lost a family member. The family of which being the international community, where ever you are, who ever you are; Thank You.
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Great speech King Charles III! Her life and accomplishments are truly immeasurable . Not only a witness to history, but she helped to shape it. Amazing. Rest In Peace Queen Elizabeth II. Long live The King!
1 Wargasm54 Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Beautiful, sincere, comprehensive, and unifying speech. The king might not be as iconic as his mother to us but in due time, through his works, he could prove a different type of leader that we all needed. We better support before we judge.
1 Ricca Shaps Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I love so much that he expressed his love for Harry AND MEGAN. This is a very important message.
A beautiful speech.
Here finally
@Vatican Cameos Andrew’s daughter were automatically princesses at birth as MALE-LINE grandchildren of the monarch. He didn’t want anything. Anne’s children were never going to be prince and princess unless she became Queen or the law was changed.
I went for my morning papers today, to the shop where I work. I stood and looked at the covers of the papers and burst out crying. My queen – gone, no longer there. May you rest in pace ma’am and thank you for your service to our country. To our new King, may you reign long Your Majesty. Long Live The King.
1 David Doran Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
This is one of the most heartfelt and sincere address I’ve ever seen. I haven’t really heard much from him before but it seems his character is ready for the role, the Queen’s guidance through the years has prepared him for his next journey. King Charles III, well done sir, you have my respect.
Here finally
Leider werden Sie die Wahrheit bald erfahren, wer oder was diese ” königliche Familie” ist, oder besser war. Es wird Sie leider schockieren. Dieser Mann ist nicht das Original. Mehr möchte ich nicht dazu sagen. Diana wird dies schon bald tun.
@Sonnenblume please tell me more
@Henrique Wolff Princess Diana was basically forced to marry him. During their marriage, she was treated absolutely horribly by him but she couldn’t escape, and to add insult to injury, he cheated on her with the woman he wanted to marry for the duration of their marriage. She was very well loved by the public, but the royal family including Charles hated her and wanted her gone. Divorce isn’t allowed in the royal family though. She died in a car crash under odd circumstances. People theorize that it wasn’t an accident- the world treats it like an open secret. I can’t say for sure one way or another but is sure makes sense
A grand speech! The world needs this magnitude of eloquence and profound speech that resonates humility and humanity to each and all. A speech that hypnotizes us all, the words he utters, we all can sense the purity, loyalty, gratitude and union. Touching. Long live the King. Well done.
1 Rose N Gold US Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Very moving speech by Charles . Without doubt he was prepared and waiting for this duty. Same time he is mourning his beloved mother and queen of the nation. Deepest condolences for the royal family.
Mama and papa these words comes from every son and daughter from bottom of heart

Long the King