Watch Ketanji Brown Jackson become first Black woman on Supreme Court

Ketanji Brown Jackson is sworn in as the 116th justice of the Supreme Court by Chief Justice John Roberts, making history as the first Black woman to serve on the high court. Jackson is filling the seat of retiring Justice Stephen Breyer. #CNN #News


    1. Biden: what are your qualifications?

      KBJ: I’m a women while black and I spent my entire career protecting peedos from hard time. And I don’t know what a women is.

      Biden: You had me at protecting peedos. You’re hired!

    2. Like Ketanji, I can’t define what a WOMAN is. Need help seriously: Should I call her MR, MRS, L, G, B, T, Q, or +??? So confused…and got lost…

    1. Biden: what are your qualifications?

      KBJ: I’m a women while black and I spent my entire career protecting peedos from hard time. And I don’t know what a women is.

      Biden: You had me at protecting peedos. You’re hired!

  1. They should take out the part where they say(paraphrasing) that the rich and poor will be treated equally. Of course someone whose rich can afford to hire the best attorneys so it’s not now and has never been “equal protection under the law” That being said this is a historic moment way overdue

    1. @7X HARDER I don’t feel any irony at all. I’m not defending the rich. Simply stating that were all afforded equal rights, regardlessof financial status. I neither care for the rich, poor, nor anyone outside of my small circle of family and friends. Since you’re such a crusader, I presume you donate your wealth/time to the poor, is this correct?

    2. @Metal Mind Doesn’t happen. If you have the money to pay professionals well, you’re going to get good work done most of the time. My diagnosis was also obvious and not difficult to treat except I didn’t have money at the time. Anger is the proper response, and your outlook is frankly stupid. It’s not so much spite at individuals but at a system that exploits people and creates artificial scarcity for the many and ridiculous and unnecessary excess for the few. Religion and propaganda have attempted to pacify complacence with injustice for centuries. The truth is things have to change and are untenable anyway. The elections of radical right-wing politicians and facists recently is a reaction against the status quo, and those right-wingers only hurt everyone instead of a selection.

    3. @Metal Mind It is not “disparaging” to point out the obvious and measurable advantages of wealth in our society.

  2. An historic moment that need not be diminished by recent reversals and disappointments….i.e. by other justices going back on their word.

    1. @Yvonne Plant But not before putting 3 conservative Justices on the Supreme Court.
      President Trump’s legacy will continue to shape the US for decades.

  3. Not sure how he can show his face after what all we’ve learned about his “court.” What a disgrace!

    1. @Audit Amplifier The man is allowed to vote how he pleases. Stop making it seem like his vote was wrong. Everyone have their own opinion and thats his

    2. @Thomas Lium are u kidding me? He’s not just a man with an opinion, his opinion affects American people and now all women.

    1. Like Ketanji, I can’t define what a WOMAN is. Need help seriously: Should I call her MR, MRS, L, G, B, T, Q, or +??? So confused…and got lost…

    1. @bryan bui too much faux in your shrimp’s brain , bro . Too many conspiracy theories . Sorry can’t fix sì túp bịp

  4. As a black woman, I find this to be a bittersweet moment. It’s wonderful to finally see a woman who looks like me sitting on the highest court who can bring newer and fresher perspectives to their worldview. However, given some of the ghouls she be working alongside, I kind of hate that she’s joining the court at a moment when the majority there has delegitimized it so much. She seems so much better than all of that, though I’m still glad that she’s there. It’s all very happy and sort of confusing, angry, and depressing all at the same time…if that makes any sense.

  5. This is the first news development in quite some time that made me feel good & hopeful (as opposed to feeling nauseous & depressed).

  6. Phenomenal – this is such a bright moment in the midst of all our troubles. Rooting for Justice Jackson! Kudos to Biden for such a wonderful selection.

  7. Great stuff. Ketanji Brown Jackson is finally an official member of the SCOTUS. And although it took 233 years before America was ready to welcome the first black woman to the SCOTUS, let’s just say “it’s better late than never”!

  8. Beautiful! I dream of the day when over half of the SCOTUS looks and and more importantly thinks like Justice Jackson. We got a ways to go, but America must get there if we have any hopes of progressing ethically for all people, race, gender and creed ❤️

  9. 🙏This is an Amazing moment in History! Im glad to see this happen in my generation. Congratulations Judge Jackson now Supreme Court Justice

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