Watch jury’s verdict at Derek Chauvin’s trial

A jury found Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis Police officer who kneeled on George Floyd's neck for over 9 minutes last year, guilty of all charges including second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.

CNN #News


  1. The 17 year old girl who bravely stood there & filmed the horror in front of her deserves the Nobel Peace prize. I should add that her name is Darnella Frazier.

    1. Reality Check is a realist. 112 likes. You R not alone. Only in America can a Felon receive honor.

    2. Had George Floyd been killed by a gang for being in the wrong neighborhood the country would never have known his name.

  2. He had 18 excessive force complaints against him on his record and he STILL had his job smh. He had been doing this for years with no real consequences

  3. Now that the bare minimum has been done it’s time to remove ALL psychopaths from positions of authority. No exceptions.

    1. @Adaze Obazee haha I haven’t. It’s funny how you people care more about criminals than you do cops. It’s because you are the POSs and by justifying criminals you are justifying your own misdeeds. Conservatives will always win in the end

  4. Thank you to the 17 year old who filmed this. She was a child, but that day she was a soldier.

    1. @VJ S yes, but so too are the Fox News watchers. Basically any for-profit mainstream media. Come tf at me

    2. @Tom Dank If you’re 18 you’re a kid too. Stop acting like you’re grown or something😂. You’re a whole teenager.

  5. Hearing that door shut right behind him while in handcuffs was prayers answered. May George Floyd now finally rest in peace.

    1. @FAZE Hamster Cry about what? I think justice was served today, I am sure there is some cognitive dissonance going on here, or maybe you people are just mentally impaired and can’t understand what I wrote.

    2. But, sure he’s the one who should Rest In Peace while the one person who they claim killed him spends life in jail for doing everyone a favor by ridding us of another waste of life.

  6. Damn, his Attorney didn’t even reject the states proposal to reject bail!! He knew it was over!!
    Finally, the bad guy gets it handed to him.

    1. @Charles Buddy, you seem stressed. Today is a beautiful day in the motherland. Please, smoke a joint or a bowl, celebrate 4/20 with us by smoking a Chauvin pack!

    2. Antonio Rivera he does have a point tho, in sense of the jury being in a huge risk if they hadn’t voted otherwise

  7. I am so happy that justice has been served, much more needs to be done. I believe we’re finally headed in the right direction 😭😭

  8. To that 17 year old girl who struggled to sleep at night because you felt like you didn’t do anything to save George Floyd’s life, girl you did everything girl and this shows! You helped get him justice! You’re the absolute GOAT and may God bless you in all your endeavors! RIP GEORGE PERRY FLOYD!

    1. @Total Control Not sinless, never said I am sinless, said that you are a hypocrite if you proclaim that Floyd is in heaven with the angels and not in hell being tormented by demons where all criminals go. You can’t just apply the teachings of Christ how you prefer, a wicked man is still wicked even if killed by another wicked man. Both will go to hell.

    2. @Bald Eagle Yes Chauvin is a murderer and justice was served but Floyd is no saint, he is not in heaven with the angels.

    3. @Thyalwaysseek thanks for you input but clearly this post is not about who’s in heaven and who’s not! The point here is that this is the first step in reforming the justice system, especially in regards to people of color. Thank you 👌🏾

  9. That 17 year old should get an award for the wonderful job that she has done by videotaping the incident…👍👍👍👍

  10. Thank you, young lady with the cell phone.

    It helped to make this world a better place. Take care 🙂

    1. @Jazz Holliday justice is not served until the drug dealer Maurice hall is convicted and sentenced as well

  11. Now we need justice for the rest of the victims of people who should never have had a badge to begin with. Hold ALL accountable for their actions

    1. Chauvin was guilty but most of these people including Floyd are victims of their own stupidity. Wanna reduce your chances of being killed by police? DON’T BREAK THE LAW, If u cant help it, DON’T RESIST ARREST, ASSULT THE POLICE, ATTEMPT TO FLEE, or do anything else that will make a group of armed people nervous or feel like you’re risking their lives. Once you’re in jail, Kamala Harris or BLM has already said they’ll bail you out and pay for your defense, Floyd would be alive if he did any of these things. Not rocket science…

    2. @lou Albino oh? like the 73 year old woman with severe dementia who just had her arm shattered by a cop who laughed and made fun of her as he threw her around like a rag doll?

  12. It took a herculean effort, and a mountain of evidence to FINALLY convict a bad cop. But as Van Jones pointed out, it would take only a smidgen of that evidence to convict anyone not a cop. This justice system is extremely flawed and needs to be fixed.

    1. They don’t care and won’t fix it. They put on a show this time to appease people. Us average citizens would have been forced into a plea deal or face life in prison for something like this. If you are an average person, the system is designed to get convictions regardless of guilt.

  13. I like that he had very little reaction. I guess when you know you’re guilty it’s easy to accept a guilty verdict.

    1. Maybe he knew this trial was nothing more than a formality. He was convicted before it even began. I hope cops everywhere walk out of and let the goons patrol your neighborhoods. Some people aren’t worthy of taxpayer protection. What would have happened to Floyd had he lived? I wonder how long would he have been sent to jail for resisting arrest. Not one day. The next step is to dismantle the police department in all liberal cities and let the chips fall where they may.

    2. @lou Albino “I hope cops everywhere walk out” If they’re as rotten and corrupt as Mr. Chauvin, so do I. We don’t need them.

  14. His lack of emotion in getting the verdict which basically sentences him to life in prison shows what a psychopath he is.

  15. I’m sorry that young lady had to witness this, but I’m happy she was brave and that her phone didn’t die 🙏

    1. @Dan Smith Floyd could talk until he couldn’t. asphyxiation will do that. I repeat, the court did not support the premise that a knee on the neck was appropriate.

    2. @Dan Smith Now you know what Floyd was thinking as well???? Impressive. Trash CNN as much as you like, I watched as much of the hearing as I could. Floyd was murdered, justice was served.You are wrong.

    3. @Dan Smith He was unarmed and handcuffed. The constitution guarantees DUE PROCESS. Not vigilante justice.
      And the young man who called the police about the possible counterfeit bill, testified that he deeply regrets making that phone call.

  16. Honestly I been trying to find the words to express how this makes me feel…but I can’t find them…i don’t think words can convey how momentous this is….we love you George, Trayvon, Freddie, Philando, to many names to name… your impact on this world….was changing it…And bringing your people together….Rest in Paradise- George Floyd Jr

    1. @Y’ChDis Comedy You blacks are being used and you’s can’t even see it lol. I feel sorry for you’s.

    2. @Cody King used….really that’s the best you can come up with…..Log off, think of something intelligent, find evidence to support, come back and try again….your antics don’t work here…

    3. @Y’ChDis Comedy You’s are hyping up Floyd like he was a hero, he held a pregnant woman at gunpoint and spent years in jail.

    1. Hes looking for cues. This was all scripted he will be going into a witness protection program. This is just to make all the terrorist calm down🍿

    2. @SCABCRAWLER That witness protection you’re talking about must be prison…he’s not even sentenced yet and u r spewing conspiracies. Lol

  17. “The law can’t make a man love me, religion and education must do that. But, the law can prevent him from lynching me.” MLK

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