President Joe Biden called for raising the age to buy high capacity guns to 21, restoring the assault weapons ban and toughening 'red flag' laws during a national address on gun violence in the US.
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Watch Joe Biden’s gun violence national address

The irony is there was a mass shooting at a funeral while he was making this speech
@M Hall I respect him and millions of others respect him
@M Hall People typing fast is a thing u know
The midia and the president are giving the attention they are looking for… this is why there are consecutives incidents…
How right was President John Adams !
“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.”
President John Adams . —
Last fight
God bless you
@Will Dwyer ok, so at least make it a mandatory 1 year jail sentence or more, if your caught with one.
That will make some difference Will.
@Will Dwyer which also only shows the country’s unnatural lust to kill multiple people at once
How right was President John Adams !
“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.”
President John Adams . —
Could be happening, I’d be fine with it.
Sick of all the big city pukes.
@armed farm You don’t probably actually know any. People can be both good & bad – all pretty much the same anywhere. Be careful what you wish for. Civil war in this country would be our end. Too many people not thinking and speaking honestly!
@mwcviolin56 SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! Anything else?
Last fight
The vote on these proposals should be televised for every American to watch.
@Myles Platt So you’re ok with more deaths so that you can pick which gun you use to keep yourself safe. You think there might be a circumstance where you need a 30 round clip or an 18 year old to be able to legally buy a semi-automatic weapon so those extra deaths can’t be avoided? I know that’s not what you’re trying to say but that’s what you’re supporting.
@Luke Venables Let me say this clearly. No number of dead children justifies stripping innocent people of their right to self preservation.
It is…
@Myles Platt Just so we are clear. You treasure your right to bear arms over the right of a child to live.
Gerrymandering, electoral college, senate, and the filibuster. Imagine if America had a real democracy.
Our Founders imagined it and it horrified them and that’s why we’re Republic instead.
@Cameron Gunn Your founders would be horrified by the partisan nonsense you’ve become and the corruption of money in politics you’ve allowed. They never could have imagined granting personhood to a corporation.
All online sales require firearms to be shipped to a FFL dealer and background check completed before you can take it
Dont confuse the issue with facts man….just yell a lot about your feelings…….
@David Michels I know. I do kind of hope that some at least might open their eyes just a little bit, most especially when facts are laid down and they are unable to provide anything like a convincing rebuttal. It’s really tragic how often I’ve asked for a someone from the right to quote something resembling an impartial source to support their point of view and how often they’ve failed to do so. It’s actually been 100% so far. But, you know, “faith” based reasoning. I may as well be yelling into the storm it seems.
@Secret Squirrel amendment noun
amend·ment | ə-ˈmen(d)-mənt
Definition of amendment
1a: the process of altering or amending a law or document (such as a constitution) by parliamentary or constitutional procedure rights that were granted by amendment of the Constitution
b: an alteration proposed or effected by this process
a constitutional amendment
2: the act of amending something : CORRECTION
So the 2nd amendment wasn’t even in the original constitution as it stood, which means it was changed, so it can be changed again. Sometimes I really think some Americans don’t even know what amendment means. Plus, no one is talking about stripping away your 2nd amendment right, just changing it (again). Nothing in the 2nd says what specific arms can be owned. It also says ‘Well regulated’ and back when it was written militia meant the army, not civilians.
smart guy, once upon a time
@HalloweenJack 😆
I hope that Maryland can provide the far-left paragon for how to manage firearms and that Texas can provide the far-right paragon. Let us see.
You said it, now DO Something! That’s why you’re there!
“Corn Pop was a bad dude and he had a bad boy AR 15 with a ten thousand round magazine”
I like the: ‘let’s make sure it doesn’t happen again by not doing anything” attitude
There are discussions in congress about passing some sort of gun legalization so they are trying to do something about it
@tallboy7521 and I’ve got a bridge to sell you
Last fight
He reads from an impromptu screen. It’s what they want you to hear. Lol. What y’all really gunna do though?
Some oaths of office are statements of allegiance and loyalty to a constitution or other legal text or to a person or office-holder (e.g., an oath to support the constitution of the state, or of loyalty to the king or queen) (see Oath of allegiance). Under the laws of a state, it may be considered treason or a high crime to betray a oath of office
His actually right at 9:26 I hear some gun owners well 18 joins the army and can have a gun yeah but that person gets training and average Joe doesn’t get trained
They can join the army at 18 in most western countries but that doesnt mean they can own these weapons as teenage civilians. The US has lost respect for weapons and lost respect for human life.
Last fight
When politicians become busybody in Europe. Loser on both fronts
If you to blame somebody for Texas I point my finger at the people who recently changed the litigation in that state who ever they are they should be held accountable and charged accordingly what’s good for the goose is good for the gander
Who ever said the thing on litigation in here I agree 100 % sorry not tryin to take your shine or anything like that just giving credit where it’s do that’s all
Please America do something, I own guns and like hunting. I can enjoy the experience in this activity in Australia. But it is so sad seeing what happens in your country because of the accessibility of such weapons that are designed to kill on mass. Hope common-sense comes through soon.